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Trying to limp my way until Wednesday

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My health has taken a reversal and is going back to pain and disability levels that I haven't had in years. My feet especially are very swollen and painful. Then my dh had to put my knee back in last night. Lamaze can be very helpful at times. . . I'm going to a new doctor on Wednesday - a pain and inflammation specialist as well as other things. I'm just praying I can get through the days until then. I'm not sleeping very much and the pain in even lying down had me contemplating going back to my trusty armchair last night. I lived in that armchair for two years. I'd do anything to keep from going back to living in it. The pain and struggle to regain muscle and bone after being chair bound is not something I want to repeat. I would take narcotics if I had them. I'm waiting to see what the pain specialist will want to do on Wednesday.


God has been gracious in the midst of all this, though. A good friend will feed me lunch and will take care of my dd on Wed. I got to sleep yesterday afternoon - in my car but actually it was the best sleep I've had in a week! God is helping me to meet my responsibilities. This is really important to me as my kids have suffered a lot during my times of incapacity.

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