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I have to brag so enter with caution.

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There have been so many FB posts this past few weeks from friend's and acquaintances bragging about their children who participate in summer/fall sports. Yes, I am happy their children swam the fastest, made the most touchdowns during football camp, were selected cheerleading captain, football captain, first string quarterback, etc and etc.


Since my DS does not play a fall sport, I cannot add to the numerous declarations... so I want to brag here about what he has done.


He rocked the Spring Explore test and placed first in the freshman class; the scores were distributed last week.

He passed Driver's Ed while fighting two facial tics associated with his TS.

He designed his Eagle Scout project and was given the 'go ahead' by the council. His old Scout Master was in the room when DS had to get the final signatures and the SM completely ignored DS. DS held his head high, explained his project and requested the proper signatures.

He volunteered to stay after band practice a couple of days to help the director with some mundane tasks.

He signed up to audition for honor band and honor jazz band.


Worthy of bragging rights? Maybe not to some but for a boy who is introverted and usually on the sidelines these are wonderful accomplishments.


My DD began her freshman year of college. She is working two jobs, taking 4 classes and playing Women's Varsity Tennis, all while taking care of her 10 month old. She is learning how to prioritize and advocate for herself.


Worthy of bragging rights? Maybe not but I am proud of her for following her dreams and at least giving it a try. Will she be able to continue all of her activities? I don't know but I am going to try to support her as much as I can.

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Thank you all so much for your kind words. I am proud of both of them.


Well...all three of them. I should be braggin' on that baby of ours.

She is such a happy baby. She definitely keeps us on our toes.

She can go up and down the stairs, pull the safety covers out of the outlets, open drawers and climb on and off the couch. She will walk between large objects but prefers to crawl the longer distances.

She can say Hi, Mama, Dada and Meme (maymay). Dada is what she calls my husband. We think it is because DS and DD call him Dad so the baby is following their lead.


Being a Meme is different than what I expected. I think it is due in large part to DD and the baby living with us.

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Thank you all so much for your kind words. I am proud of both of them.


Well...all three of them. I should be braggin' on that baby of ours.

She is such a happy baby. She definitely keeps us on our toes.

She can go up and down the stairs, pull the safety covers out of the outlets, open drawers and climb on and off the couch. She will walk between large objects but prefers to crawl the longer distances.

She can say Hi, Mama, Dada and Meme (maymay). Dada is what she calls my husband. We think it is because DS and DD call him Dad so the baby is following their lead.


Being a Meme is different than what I expected. I think it is due in large part to DD and the baby living with us.



Sounds wonderful! Priceless that you and your grand daughter can have this time together. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: And, yes, sounds like she keeps you on your toes. Your daughter is blessed to have you for her mom!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:You, DA, should have someone bragging about you!;)

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You go ahead and brag. Your kids are doing the hard things. Actual achievement, hard work to reach a goal despite obstacles, and character are the things I would like to see more brags about.


:iagree: and congrats!


I started one of the facbook bragging threads and I'm rarely bothered by the brags here. It's the catty women and the one-upping I see on facebook that get to me.


Your brag is wonderful news and just makes me happy for you and your family.

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Sounds wonderful! Priceless that you and your grand daughter can have this time together. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: And, yes, sounds like she keeps you on your toes. Your daughter is blessed to have you for her mom!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:You, DA, should have someone bragging about you!;)


No, no one should brag about me. My kids on the other hand deserve some kind of award for putting up with me for so long. I have to work to make up for years of poor mothering. I just wish someone would have told me about Celiac disease/gluten allergies and the psychological symptoms associated with those years ago. So much could have been avoided. Oh well, I am better now and hopefully can make up for some of it.

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No, no one should brag about me. My kids on the other hand deserve some kind of award for putting up with me for so long. I have to work to make up for years of poor mothering. I just wish someone would have told me about FILL IN THE BLANK and the psychological symptoms associated with those years ago. So much could have been avoided. Oh well, I am better now and hopefully can make up for some of it.


d.a. -- CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK -- see above. There probably aren't many of us who wouldn't be able to say that above statement honestly with our own 'how not to be a parent' words in red.


Me? I yelled for years - not an iota of patience -- took me forever to realize i was doing what my mom did (she truly should not have had kids) and don't even get me started on the other stuff - the sarcasm, and everything else.


You at least have a physiological basis - your kids know that you love them -- that's important.


Be kind to yourself. (((hugs)))

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You go ahead and brag. Your kids are doing the hard things.


:iagree: Absolutely bragworthy stuff going on in your family! Your kids are the kind I love for my kids to hang out with: They are showing wonderful strength of character when faced with challenges.


(And what Mariann said. Cut yourself some slack. Your kids didn't get where they are without your guidance. I admire the job you're doing raising those babies.)


PS Aren't grandchildren awesome? Enjoy!

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