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PSA: JAWM warning, effective until further notice

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:lol: and sorry you have a bad burn. Burns suck. Maybe put an ice pack on your foot and another sock to hold the ice pack in place?



It stopped hurting after about 3 hours. Now I'm just guarding that blister.



And for my own PSA: Never carry a pan with 7+ lbs. of hot ribs from the stove to a kitchen island. You might just tip the pan a bit and pour hot fat and meat juices on yourself. I've never done that before, but I didn't want to spill juice on the stove. I spilled it on my foot and the floor instead. (And it's not like the stove was all that clean anyway. :o)

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Two things to keep on hand as often as you can: Ben & Jerry's ice cream (read label for gf flavors) and Betty Crocker gf chocolate chip cookies/cake mix/brownie mix. Great for emergencies.


Making a note, thank you.


It stopped hurting after about 3 hours. Now I'm just guarding that blister.



And for my own PSA: Never carry a pan with 7+ lbs. of hot ribs from the stove to a kitchen island. You might just tip the pan a bit and pour hot fat and meat juices on yourself. I've never done that before, but I didn't want to spill juice on the stove. I spilled it on my foot and the floor instead. (And it's not like the stove was all that clean anyway. :o)


Ouch! I wondered how you burned your foot. I generally can declare dinner is done if I burn my hand or arm, but I've never contemplated the foot. Hope it feels better soon.


eta: the cupcake won and now I'm trying to explain to ds that he can't waste the printer paper by printting the same thing 5 times without checking the formatting. :headbang:

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It stopped hurting after about 3 hours. Now I'm just guarding that blister.



And for my own PSA: Never carry a pan with 7+ lbs. of hot ribs from the stove to a kitchen island. You might just tip the pan a bit and pour hot fat and meat juices on yourself. I've never done that before, but I didn't want to spill juice on the stove. I spilled it on my foot and the floor instead. (And it's not like the stove was all that clean anyway. :o)



:grouphug: for your foot. Burns suck, and so do socks at night. I always sleep with a foot hanging outside the covers to stay cool.


I once managed to cut my big toe on the tub faucet spout. Never did figure out exactly how that happened.


I'm in for JAWM.


After fussing at DS18 ALL SUMMER LONG to find out what supplies he needed for his welding classes and repeatedly being told "the school covers it", last night he comes home and tells us he needs ALL HIS SUPPLIES by next Tuesday. But oh, he'll contribute most of his paycheck to help cover his supplies. Dang skippy you will! :glare:


I've tasked him with price shopping and finding the lowest possible prices on everything since this is NOT budgeted and welding equipment is NOT cheap. At this point though, I seriously feel like telling him that maybe it would be better if he dropped his classes and worked his bum off to buy his equipment over the next few months, then re-enrolled in January. But with my luck, the classes he needs now won't be available then.



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After fussing at DS18 ALL SUMMER LONG to find out what supplies he needed for his welding classes and repeatedly being told "the school covers it", last night he comes home and tells us he needs ALL HIS SUPPLIES by next Tuesday. But oh, he'll contribute most of his paycheck to help cover his supplies. Dang skippy you will! :glare:


I've tasked him with price shopping and finding the lowest possible prices on everything since this is NOT budgeted and welding equipment is NOT cheap. At this point though, I seriously feel like telling him that maybe it would be better if he dropped his classes and worked his bum off to buy his equipment over the next few months, then re-enrolled in January. But with my luck, the classes he needs now won't be available then.




Bummer! Hope he gets it worked out. Unplanned for big expenses are no fun.


I'm glad all my son needed for class this fall was books.


Oh, and the morning of his first college chemistry class he did inform me he needed goggles. I happened to have two pair (still new in package) and I even knew where they were. That was a miracle...


I told him I hoped he realized how lucky he is that we homeschool! Most people just do not have stuff like chemical goggles lying around.

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I'm not going to be my usual sweet, politically correct, supportive, honey-coated, neutral self for a bit.


I'm here to request a governors pardon in advance.


I might be more like Nickki Minaj at 4 a.m. and all tuckered out, so if you could please..JAWM or humor me somehow.


Rough waters everywhere I turn right now...so....


I'm probably not the only one. What you guys say we start a gigantic JAWM thread for the stressed for a week? Misery loves company and all that...:lol:


I won't reiterate all my stuff right now, but lets just say health, job and car issues abound not to mention family(extended and kids). I am all for a JAWM thread, and I will try to cut you some slack if you cut me some too :D

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Hey, IIRC, you were the one who already had all of the ingredients for that cake-vodka-whipped cream thing on the c-u-p-c-a-k-e thread, were you not? :D Maybe I'll round up the ingredients for that little item this Friday, and join you in some stream of consciousness posting!

Unfortunately no, that was not me. Sounds delicious, is the recipe still here? Wonder if I could make it low-carb.:D



I'll join the party...


I'm sending my kids to school this year and I HATE it. Today was day number three and I woke up with a pit in my stomach as I realized that I have to do this for a WHOLE NINE MONTHS!!! I knew I would miss homeschooling, but sadly, that's not even my problem! It's all of the stuff - you know the packing lunches, signing forms, getting backpacks ready, etc. I know that millions of other mothers do this every day and don't think it's a big deal, but I find it exhausting!!! My mother can't believe that I find packing lunch boxes to be challenging. It is sad, but true. :tongue_smilie:

:grouphug: I KNOW that if my kids went to school, that is the kind of stuff that would stress me out too. I would be a disaster at getting stuff signed and sent back.


I was looking at those "mommy capri sun" at the store the other day. Sadly, they had too many carbs for me.:glare: They sure looked delicious.


Here is my JAWM post.


I was speaking to my neighbor and the conversation just left me annoyed. Should I let it annoy me? No. But it did.


She mentioned getting cupcakes (yes, cupcakes) from the bakery, and went into great detail on how they were decorated and tasted. I told her I remember the frosting she was talking about, and I hope to find a recipe to copy it. Let me add here that she knows I'm celiac so therefore cannot eat from the bakery any more. Anyway, I went on to say that a few months ago I bought a container of Betty Crocker frosting and my kids didn't like it. My point was that the store bought frosting is just not as good as freshly made frosting like from the bakery or home. She said, "You are turning your babies into little spoiled things that will expect nothing but home cooked meals all the time. You need to feed them packaged food every now and then." Okay....


I ignored the comment. She mentioned that she had gone to Taco Bell the other day and asked if I can eat tacos. I said yes. She asked if I buy the tacos. I told her sometimes but that I made flat bread for pitas the other night and it was really good. She sighed and said, "Oh, it must be so nice to have time to do that. I just don't have that luxury."


At that point I gave up and told the kids it was time to go home. Why did it annoy me so much?


Here's why:


#1 I cook and bake so much from scratch because I *have* to. Not because I want to. I'm not some hippie crunchy wanna be. (This is my non-PC talk) She obviously has no clue how gluten is in so many things. Then factor in the cross contamination risk. So, I *have* to *make* the time to cook and bake from scratch.


#2 The time I take to cook is not a luxury. It's work cooking every single day all day. It's work mixing up the dough, rolling it out, cutting it out, and frying the flat bread. It's a lot easier to buy a package. Not an option.


#3 I cannot afford to buy a lot of packaged food. Gluten free packaged food is expensive. While her kid is munching on pretzels that she bought for $1.79 my kids don't get pretzels because a bag (half the size of normal bag) costs over $7. So again, when I'm cooking something like flat bread or bagels it's because I cannot buy the "regular" ones and the gf ones are 3,4,5,6x the price of what she pays.....and the gf package will have less items in it.


#4 I work hard all day teaching and raising my kids. By the time I have to cook dinner I am tired. Yet, I have to cook. I don't come home from work at 4 o'clock and dinner is done and waiting for me and my family like my neighbor. Yes, her mom lives right next door, watches her 3 yr old during the day (and many evenings/weekends), and cooks dinner every day so that when my neighbor comes home they all sit and eat.


So, at 5 when she is in the yard playing with her kid, I'm still cooking dinner. That's all I'm saying.


And let me add that I am very proud of myself for having made flat bread from scratch. It was good. My whole family loved them. I rock.

:grouphug: We are eating GF (possible intolerance in DD, no meltdowns when she is GF).

We eat tacos about 4 times/week, just had them again tonight. I don't know what I would do without corn tortillas.:001_huh:

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All of mine are minor issues, but they add up to a high stress level and a constantly annoyed state of mind.


I like the Mommy Capri Suns. I think I have a couple of those in the freezer.


I also found a new delicious drink. Trader Joe's Pomegranate Limeade, with a dash (or four) of Parrot Bay Key Lime Rum (made by Captain Morgan). It's darn tasty.


Maybe we need just a favorite mommy drink thread...

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I was looking at those "mommy capri sun" at the store the other day. Sadly, they had too many carbs for me.:glare: They sure looked delicious.



Yeah, I have conveniently failed to look at the nutrition info on the Mommy Capri Suns. I need to get back to low carb. But then no homemade chocolate chip cookies (which I just ate). Hmmmm....decisions decisions..:tongue_smilie:

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I'm sick. Stupid allergies are being exacerbated by the drought. I feel like someone hit me in the face with a bat.


I'm tired. I was up until an unholy hour last night. My baby sister is locked into her dorm in New Orleans without power. I was entertaining/updating her all night. I feel like it is my job to mother her because...


My mother is having a manic episode right now. She is lying on Facebook. She is not allowing my dad to finish his meds for severe arthritis because they make him loopy and she is tired of taking care of people. It's just a hot mess.


I didn't get to work out today. My head feels like it is going to fall off. It was a choice between jiggly thighs or not passing out. Stupid me chose not passing out. I am missing my endorphin rush.


I had a mini breakdown Sunday night. I am trying to be more organized about school because I have a 7th grader. Then I realized "Omg!!!! I have to teach middle school!!!" Throw a 4th grader and a kindy kid into the mix, along with a dh who will be working tons of overtime on the night shift soon, and you have a half-empty bottle of Captain Morgan.


My middle sister is not taking care of her baby. Her breast-fed baby only eats 4 times a day. She was only 9 lbs at her 3 month check-up. Sister is too dumb to listen to anyone. She thinks she knows everything about everything. Bless her dumb ghetto heart.


I am consoling myself with Honey Boo Boo episodes and a cheap Pinot Noir. But if anyone says anything stupid to me right now, I may get all ghetto on them.

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I took enough extra magnesium to help with my muscle cramping. Now I have the runs. :gnorsi:


I'm sorry, I really am. But that made me :lol:


Here is my JAWM post.


And let me add that I am very proud of myself for having made flat bread from scratch. It was good. My whole family loved them. I rock.


Yes you do!


Unfortunately no, that was not me. Sounds delicious, is the recipe still here? Wonder if I could make it low-carb.:D


Vodka-cake-whipped cream.. I don't think there's anything BUT carbs in there!


As for us, we got new "insurance" a few months ago. Over the past week I've gotten the bills for one trip to the pediatrician, two nights in the hospital for ds2 who had croup, and one trip to the OB for me. Grand total... $6000!!!!!


It's even worse seeing it written down. Too bad it's only 8:30 in the morning.

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after 6 months of turning down narcotic pain meds for my knee, my broken toe is pushing me over the edge. it was starting to get better until my neurotic dog jumped on it when dh was coming home from buying more gas for the mower because our neighbors called the county on us for long grass for the second time in two months . . . .i woke up from a dream of asking for pain meds . . .


I have had the potato maggots .. .omg it was so traumatic! i kept potatoes in the fridge for years, until I had to get a smaller fridge and just dont have the space


i also make a fantastic gf flat bread! last time I made it with falafel and hummus and tahini sauce made w coconut milk . . yummmy!!


So, what if I do go to the doc and get narcotics . . can I still drink? so that I stop worrying about the fact that right now is my 2-week between semester break when i'm supposed to clean the entire house and do all the lesson planning but the house is trashed and I CANT STAND UP let alone run around cleaning . ..also cant bend the stupid knee to weed the stupid beds which are overgrown.



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In my case, hate is a little overly strong, but if we had a good opportunity to get rid of a particular one of our dogs, I'd do so in a heartbeat.

We only have 1 dog and he HATES my husband. We've gotten his diet to the point where he rarely has the runs all over the house, but he still snarls and growls at family members frequently and is often glued to me like a shadow.


I sometimes wish we didnt have him, but we had a nice dog, who let dh pet him and was affectionate w my youngest child. but dh wont let us get a second dog, didnt want to send him back to the rescue he'd already been there 5 years when we got him) and he is 10 years old and really, very well trained.


but i keep saying, the MOMENT this dog gets sick - thats it. My old shepherd we kept working with her through so many issues, but this one . . .sorry Charlie (haha his name is Charlie)

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I have a dog and a cat. I was just thinking how much better I like my dog. My cat is old and he's a decent cat, but he has irritable bowel and cannot eat regular cat food. He eats tuna, catfish that dh catches, and potato chips don't upset his stomach. He's also taken to begging at the table, he eats paper if you leave it out, and the litterbox is ....:ack2: I will never own another cat and I've had cats most of my life. He also meows louder and sheds more. When he dies we will sing "So long and thanks for all the fish" and then have a little party. I feel really bad about that, I have pets for life, I still cry about my dogs that died a decade ago. But I will not miss this cat.


eta (added several hours later): I found my cat stretched out on the couch. His position looked almost like an aginal position, one pets can take before dying. I stop in my tracks to make sure he was breathing. I sighed when he woke up and stretched more. He was just sleeping in a weird position. *whew*

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He's going to look for work. When he finds work it will probably be there. The children and I will stay here. He'll come home when he can. We've done this before, but I don't like it. Don't like it.


I'm going into menopause and also have a UTI. I'm feeling (stupidly) humiliated because of our financial situation. Going begging to the school for help with fees was the last straw.


We all have enough to eat. We're mostly healthy. I don't have anything to complain about. But I feel like s*%t.



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He's going to look for work. When he finds work it will probably be there. The children and I will stay here. He'll come home when he can. We've done this before, but I don't like it. Don't like it.


I'm going into menopause and also have a UTI. I'm feeling (stupidly) humiliated because of our financial situation. Going begging to the school for help with fees was the last straw.


We all have enough to eat. We're mostly healthy. I don't have anything to complain about. But I feel like s*%t.




Laura, I'm sorry for how stressed things are for your family. I have always admired you. You are one of the most level-headed, confident, strong women on this board.


Your advice and encouragement to me over the years has been much appreciated.


I wish you brighter days in the future. :grouphug:

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I wish you brighter days in the future. :grouphug:


Poor Husband has just realised that he's forgotten to arrange for the utilities to be turned on. He's been researching (obsessing) about every last detail of the move. Now he finds he forgot one of the key things. He might end up staying at my brother's place for a few days.



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Unfortunately no, that was not me. Sounds delicious, is the recipe still here? Wonder if I could make it low-carb.:D


We eat tacos about 4 times/week, just had them again tonight. I don't know what I would do without corn tortillas.:001_huh:


Just be sure you're using white corn tortillas. Almost all yellow corn products on the market are genetically modified. White, blue, red, and purple corn is not.

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