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Fall Colors

When are fall colors at their peak in your area?  

  1. 1. When are fall colors at their peak in your area?

    • Early September
    • Mid September
    • Late September
    • Early October
    • Mid October
    • Late October
    • Early November
    • No changes here
    • I hate fall

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I voted early November, but it's really more towards Thanksgiving. I like having fall colors at that time of year. They're not as bright as up north, but they're festive and it feels like nature is decorating for the holiday.


Since the colors change so early here I didn't even consider leaves would be at their peak anytime past early November. Are you in TX? I didn't know leaves changed colors in TX. Please excuse my ignorance :auto:

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What do you consider peak? Do you like the bright reds with some green? Or do you prefer to have no green leaves, which means most of the reds are gone, too, and you have orange and yellow mixed in with bare branches?


And to some extent it varies year-to-year.


I usually think the leaves are at their peak during the week that bridges Sept and Oct, but DH doesn't always agree with me. :lol:

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Usually, we don't get very much fall color as it requires cold overnight temps. It's just brown going to blah and dropping to the ground. my city has planted alot of trees that give dependable fall color. usually if you want to see natural "fall color" you have to go to the mountains. I do remember one winter when we had good fall color. we had lots of snow that winter.

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I voted early October but usually our first frost is mid September and it takes a couple weeks for the leave to fully turn color. By mid October the leaves are all gone. Our first frost is forecasted to hit this year about September 15.

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I grew up in Alberta and THOUGHT we had pretty fall colours. Then I moved to the Ottawa area, and with all the maples and variety of trees I now know what fall colours truly can be. Unbelieveable!! And lots of leaves to jump in. I never got to do that growing up in Edmonton, because as soon as the leaves dropped the snow fell on top of them.


Late Sepember is the peak of the colours, I've found, though they linger into mid-October. By the end of October most of the leaves are done, and the snow is still not here until mid to late November. Fall is now my favourite season.

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Since the colors change so early here I didn't even consider leaves would be at their peak anytime past early November. Are you in TX? I didn't know leaves changed colors in TX. Please excuse my ignorance :auto:


You really have to be paying attention, and don't blink! But we do get a bit of color change. Not the massive amounts that states north of us get, but some. And it's more toward the end of November.

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I grew up in Alberta and THOUGHT we had pretty fall colours. Then I moved to the Ottawa area, and with all the maples and variety of trees I now know what fall colours truly can be. Unbelieveable!! And lots of leaves to jump in. I never got to do that growing up in Edmonton, because as soon as the leaves dropped the snow fell on top of them.


Late Sepember is the peak of the colours, I've found, though they linger into mid-October. By the end of October most of the leaves are done, and the snow is still not here until mid to late November. Fall is now my favourite season.


Ain't that the truth :lol: I agree about the colours too. Alberta especially Edmonton and this region east does not have much variety of types of trees so generally we have tons of yellows and a few orange or red. But when I see pics of areas like Ontario or the east coast with those gorgeous vibrant colours I get a little jealous.

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I grew up in Alberta and THOUGHT we had pretty fall colours. Then I moved to the Ottawa area, and with all the maples and variety of trees I now know what fall colours truly can be. Unbelieveable!! And lots of leaves to jump in. I never got to do that growing up in Edmonton, because as soon as the leaves dropped the snow fell on top of them.


Late Sepember is the peak of the colours, I've found, though they linger into mid-October. By the end of October most of the leaves are done, and the snow is still not here until mid to late November. Fall is now my favourite season.


I love the color that you guys have over there! Hard for us to have color when all we have for trees is poplar and willow. I've planted a lot of apple and maple trees in hopes of getting some of the eastern Canada fall color here.

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Late Oct/Early Nov here. Although, we have noticed the poison ivy/oak vines seem to go red in September. LOL!


My kids thought fall was coming early because leaves are changing and falling. The truth is, they are just dying because we've had no rain. A drought will prevent good colors. If the summer and early fall have been wet, that is usually when you will see vibrant colors.


I think we are going to get a good bit of soaking rain from Isaac. Wonder if it will be *enough* for a decent fall? :lol:

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Here in middle TN. it could be anywhere from the end of Sept to the end of Oct. The reason this stands out so clearly in my mind is that the whole family still goes T-or-T together. Some years it is still fairly warm with lots of leaves on the trees and other years it is freezing cold and the trees are striped bare. I would say that if you wanted to take a ride down the Natchez Trace to see the leaves mid-October is probably the best time and we really do get a colorful explosion.

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I said mid-October, but it varies and I'm never sure until I actually witness it.


One of my favorite vistas is driving south on 81 in Virginia, through the Shenandoah area while the leaves are peak. That will knock your eyes out. :auto:

Edited by Quill
Because I stupidly forgot something
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