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Am I the only one who gets this way before vacation?

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I look around at all I need to do at home and wish I were staying here to get it done. I also like my bed and my pets and am not happy leaving them. And I absolutely hate packing and the mess it makes all over the house. I'm fine once I get away, but leading up to vacation I just hate the whole idea.

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Nope, I'm the same way. DH thinks it's bizarre and hilarious that I make myself crazy cleaning the house before we leave too, but I cannot STAND to come home to a messy house! After the sadness of ending a vacation and the physical and emotional stress of getting us all home, walking into a mess just makes me want to break down and cry.


And I will never again vacation anywhere that doesn't offer access to a place where I can wash all my clothes before I come home! Coming home with clean laundry is heaven. Yes, I am weird, I know it :blush:

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I look around at all I need to do at home and wish I were staying here to get it done.


We actually did this in the spring. I'm expecting baby #5, and my husband was going to take me away for a couple of days. I realized that it would honestly be more relaxing and helpful for him to take some days off work and work with me here on some organizing projects. So we took some time to work on our basement, which was in really tough shape, and do some other things that had been really getting to me.


I don't regret it! :001_smile:

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Nope, I'm the same way. DH thinks it's bizarre and hilarious that I make myself crazy cleaning the house before we leave too, but I cannot STAND to come home to a messy house! After the sadness of ending a vacation and the physical and emotional stress of getting us all home, walking into a mess just makes me want to break down and cry.


And I will never again vacation anywhere that doesn't offer access to a place where I can wash all my clothes before I come home! Coming home with clean laundry is heaven. Yes, I am weird, I know it :blush:



I thought I was the only one like this!

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I love going on vacations! In fact, one of my hobbies is planning vacations :D But I must have the house clean before we leave. There is nothing more depressing than coming home from a fabulous vacation to messy room, blech.


I've got the kids trained that the day before vacation we do all the laundry, straighten every room, sweep and vacuum, clean the fridge, and take out the trash!

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And I will never again vacation anywhere that doesn't offer access to a place where I can wash all my clothes before I come home! Coming home with clean laundry is heaven. Yes, I am weird, I know it :blush:


:iagree:If I'm going to be gone more than two nights, I must have easy access to a washer/dryer (as in, it is in the condo, not down in some basement of a big building).

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I look around at all I need to do at home and wish I were staying here to get it done. I also like my bed and my pets and am not happy leaving them. And I absolutely hate packing and the mess it makes all over the house. I'm fine once I get away, but leading up to vacation I just hate the whole idea.


Yes, exactly. And I actually do love travel and vacation. Once we're out the door, I'm happy as a clam. Getting to that point is always agonizing though. I always clean the house before we leave. I hate coming home to a mess and we always have someone coming in for the cats anyway.


Same here, exactly. I want to go but it's a hassle and I know it'll be a big hassle when it's over too. Usually the hassle is worth it though. Unless the "vacation" is visiting family. Then, it's not worth it. ;)


:iagree: LOL!

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Vacations majorly stress me out.


:iagree: Me too. DH does *not* understand why I can't just relax and look forward to it. But I'm the one thinking about all the work and planning involved. And I've come to realize... as much as I'd like to fancy myself a jetsetter... I'm really more of a homebody. :)

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I had a sneaking suspicion I wouldn't be the only one. I get accused of being too uptight a lot...but now I know I'm not exactly abnormal....well, okay maybe we are all abnormal:lol:.....but at least I'm not alone. I'm fighting the urge to clean too much and I think I'll be successful b/c I just don't have the time. We did clean out the fridge tonight and finished wash today. At least straightening and vacuuming will get done, but no full scale bathroom cleaning....I'll save that for when I return, full of energy (I hope).

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I thought I was the only one. I'm so exhausted by the time our vacation starts. I've discovered that short vacations aren't nearly as stressful for me. If we're only gone a night or two I'm not so bad...a week out of town takes a month to prepare for. :tongue_smilie:

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Completely with you. Next Monday at 3pm can't get here fast enough!

Until then I might be a little crazy packing, cleaning, finishing a sewing job. Currently I am sitting next to a baby that will only sleep with me near him, yes slightly spoiled, but he will grow much to fast and I intend to enjoy my time with him.

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I'm the same way, I don't even like to leave for the day at all unless the house is cleaned. I like to put everything away as soon as we get home as well. It takes me much longer to prepare for the trip than to actually do the trip, especially with the cooking and such.

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