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A Sunday Chat

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Hi everyone. It is really hot on the deck so we'll gather inside today. I have Soy Delicious ice cream and Coconut Milk Mini Fudge Bars for those who want it. If you want a dairy dessert you have to bring it yourself!


How was your weekend?


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!

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How was your weekend? Very busy and very social. I was afraid that my body would rebel but it didn't.:001_smile:


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? I'm starting out by taking the car in for an oil change. I think we'll eat breakfast out while we wait for it to get done. After that I have no clue but I have such a long to-do list that I can't even read it without a paper bag handy.;)


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! Cranium!

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:seeya: Hey everyone! Been a while since I've played, but here goes:


How was your weekend?

In a word, bleh. Sick with a nasty cough. So, spent in bed!


Plans for tomorrow:

Welllllll, was planning our first day of school! Depending on how I feel in the morning, may or may not go with it. Probably will, b/c the kids are antsy and ready to start. They're older now, so it's not such a big deal. We'll do what we can do, y'know?


If I wake up feeling worse or not a lot better, may head to the doc-in-a-box and get a check.


Favorite Group Game:

Apples to apples is awesome! But we do also love The Story Game - I don't think it's available any more, but you basically pick a card, and tell the group a story. Very neat, great to play with older family members.


Happy Monday, everyone!

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How was your weekend? Bittersweet.....it's the last weekend before my 2 college kids head back to school. In the morning we slaughtered 25 chickens. In the afternoon I napped. In the evening,we hosted a youth/singles event for church with about 50 people. It was a great time with beautiful weather, volleyball, food, guitars, and singing.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

Taking dd shopping for a few essential before she goes back to college on Tuesday.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! We are currently addicted to Settlers of Catan. My ds14 & 13 and I could play it every day. Even my 8yo is now competitive enough to play with us. We seriously need to get this under control before school starts next week.

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How was your weekend? Quiet and hot. Spent it planning 7th grade and watching Gamera movies with my son.

Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? We are meeting with our counselor/teacher who will be supervising 7th grade. We signed up for our public school home school charterso they get to pay for it all. *grin*How do you sum up 6 years of homeschooling and hoping he agrees to all our curriculum choices. Lessons start on August 22 and just ordering curriculum. Eek!

Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! It's been a while but have to say Yahtzee or pictionary.


Joining you on the deck with a bowl of chocolate fudge ice cream. Yum!

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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Hi everyone. It is really hot on the deck so we'll gather inside today. I have Soy Delicious ice cream and Coconut Milk Mini Fudge Bars for those who want it. If you want a dairy dessert you have to bring it yourself!


How was your weekend?


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!


How was your weekend? Weekend was pretty good! Got some great bargains at a used book sale; enjoyed a vintage car and truck display with dh; did some grocery shopping; got some little household projects done (that makes some of the bigger stuff just a tad less overwhelming to accomplish...); attended church services; finished my book and started another . . .


Plans for tomorrow? Yes, I could tell you what I have planned for tomorrow; however, I prefer to keep the rest of today pleasant :) and give you Scarlett O'Hara's take on it: I'll think about it tomorrow!


Favorite group game? Hmmm. Not sure I have a favorite, but we sure do enjoy some mighty good games of Scrabble!

Edited by eaglei
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How was your weekend? It was very nice. The three oldest boys and I went and toured the frigate USS De Wert down at Navy Week, and watched the dress rehearsal of the Air Show. The jets were so impressive!


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? I'll try ... we're starting half of our school subjects! :eek: I'm almost done planning, so of course I came over here as a reward. :D


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? Pictionary! We discovered last year that this is super fun when extended family is over & all ages can join in.

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Oh yay! A Sunday night chat with Jean :) I loved the last one.


We just had a couples game night I really enjoy Adversity and we also played Munchkin, I hadn't played it before and I really liked it. Because of the game night, my weekend was awesome.


Tomorrow is a fun day. We're doing Bio poem Wordles. Making cupcakes for breakfast. Going to the Library. And whatever else I can squeeze in there.

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How was your weekend?


Pretty good. Relaxing. Got my Notice of Intent submitted yesterday (woo-hoo! Early!) Watched some Olympics. Finished the Summer Letterboxing Adventure through our local parks and submitted our completion - maybe we'll win a prize this year!

Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?


Circle Time, Bible, some sort of Art project, we'll read some history, science, and geography.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!


Euchre! Lots of tables of Euchre! :)

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In 2 days, our family is leaving on a 23 day trip to Hawaii. Tomorrow is my youngest's birthday. This is me :willy_nilly:


I'm walking through some mild panic about making sure we have everything for ds12. This trip is such a total dream that I am struggling to believe that it's actually going to happen. I am incredibly grateful.


So, with that:

Weekend: see above

Tomorrow: see above

Game: I love Guestures

Edited by Shannon831
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Weekend: Good. Great girls' night with my friends Friday night. Spent Saturday giving DH a good birthday.


Tomorrow: School starts! Internally hyperventilating here, but looking forward to trying out a new schedule and some other new things.


Game: My sister just got a new game called Pandemic that is pretty interesting.


Currently eating left over birthday ice cream cake.

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Do you mind if I bring an apple cobbler? I'm feeling the need for comfort food tonight!


How was your weekend?

Bittersweet-we just dropped youngest dd off at Purdue to start her freshman year. She's nervous but seems to be handling it alright. She has a nice roommate and a really cool room so we're keeping our fingers crossed.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

Sleeping late then getting oldest dd ready to go back to RH. Oldest flew in two weeks ago after five months in Germany. DH had last week off so we could all be together-just an emotional two weeks!


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!

I'm not a game player-but could I refill your drink and get you a piece of cobbler with ice cream, of course! I'd like to just take care of all you wonderful ladies and listen in on the laughter.

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Hi everyone. It is really hot on the deck so we'll gather inside today. I have Soy Delicious ice cream and Coconut Milk Mini Fudge Bars for those who want it. If you want a dairy dessert you have to bring it yourself!


Okay, I'm going to bring some of the slightly off ginger cookies Dd messed up that we are all pretending turned out okay....I'll share.:D


How was your weekend?

I know I should be able to answer this, but it has me :confused:. I guess it was just okay. I had to go to the Apple store twice and I'm beginning to think one-to-one isn't as great as it sounds. Ds and I did have a good time eating at the food court. I took Dd's dog to the breeder yesterday so he could examine my work, and I am officially getting much better at grooming, so that's a :thumbup:

Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

I can, I think. Dropping Ds at his County Park Naturalist Club summer finale, Walking & training dogs, Packing for vacation, grocery shopping for vacation, mailing some books I sold today. Oh, forgot to mention picking Ds up when his program is done (too bad he can't stay longer and talk off the ranger's ear instead of mine---but he does need to mow the lawn).


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!

Okay it's not exactly a group game, but it kinda is....I love when we dance "Nine Pins" at the local barn dances we attend. Basically there are 4 couples with the ninth person in the center and that center person visits each couple selecting one person from each couple to dance with. The remaining person from each couple goes to the middle of the circle. When the music stops, the people in the middle have to find a partner fast. Whoever is left without a partner is the 'nine pin'. Music starts and the whole thing starts over again.


In case anyone followed all of that.......Virtual Nine Pins is about the only version I have the energy for tonight, though!

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How was your weekend? Busy!, We had VBS on friday, had to get my son on Saturday, girl scout outing on Saturday, church today, then take my son home


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? Need to apply for some housing and school


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? Monopoly

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How was your weekend?

It was fantabulous. Kids were at Grandma's so I had DH all to myself. Then, of course, there was that cupcake thread...


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

My littles are back home tonight and we have invited a neighbor friend over for a sleepover. They will be up all night. So tomorrow I will be doing some damage control.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!

Hmmm. Spin the bottle? No? Okay then... Monopoly. I kick major Monopoly butt.

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Bringing my own Graeter's Mocha Chip ice cream. Thanks for the invite!


How was your weekend? Surprisingly relaxing. My dh had open heart surgery on July 31. We came home from the hospital Friday, August 3. This weekend seemed almost normal. At least more normal than anything else that's happened in the last seventeen days.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? I'll be taking DS10 to an appointment for his football physical. DH is up to two 14 minute walks a day. I'll be walking with him. The rest is normal farm and life stuff. No school for us yet.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! Our favorite game right now is Headbandz. Silly fun!

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Too many monopoly players. I'll watch. Monopoly has been ruined for me by Dh who plays ruthlessly....he forecloses, cuts deals, etc. even with the kids. I had no idea how scary Monopoly can be until I met Dh. I don't play anymore.

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How was your weekend? Yesterday stunk. Today was better. I survived is about all I can say to sum it all up.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? Tomorrow we will continue or unit on Space, this week is the sun. I'll be teaching them fractions again (still?) We are studying Ancient Egypt and will study a god for mythology and build a sun dial to coordinate with our study of the sun. The two oldest are on their second vocabulary and spelling lists. The youngest will be working on phonics. We'll read something aloud. Oh dear, now I have to find a read aloud tonight.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! We like Spades for a card game. We also play Monopoly occasionally and enjoy it. Our most recent favorite was Minotaur from Lego.

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Probably Cranium. With the little kids, I like to play Whonu? (I think that's how you spell it!)


I've always wanted to join these chats, and don't think I ever got brave enough to! And Jean, I've always wondered if Soy ice cream is good. What do you think? We're going off all dairy.


Have a great week, everyone!


I'm glad that you joined us! I think Soy ice cream is good. My absolute favorite are "Marry Me" bars by Tofutti. It's a silly name, in my opinion, for chocolate covered ice cream bars, but they are delicious! The coconut milk bars are good too but do have a coconut taste. My dd doesn't like them because of that. I've tried Rice Dream rice milk ice cream and that is gross! It has a really weird after taste.

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Hi everyone. It is really hot on the deck so we'll gather inside today. I have Soy Delicious ice cream and Coconut Milk Mini Fudge Bars for those who want it...
Wow, Jean! You're my kind of company in the dessert-department! What a rare treat! :lol:


How was your weekend?
Very good. We attended a baptismal service for some young people at our church on Saturday. Today was spent in worship and fellowship at church till the evening. Had a nice late evening chat with my kids who just went to bed.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?
Yeah, totally! I really should be hyperventilating about trying to get on the ball and plan the new school year, but I'm looking forward to the time I'll spend doing it tomorrow.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!
Apples to Apples (at least it's been the only group game I've been successful in getting a group to play)


How was your weekend? Very busy and very social. I was afraid that my body would rebel but it didn't.:001_smile:


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? I'm starting out by taking the car in for an oil change. I think we'll eat breakfast out while we wait for it to get done.

Breakfast-out! That's the perfect "door prize" while waiting for auto repairs. Oh, I'd love to hear what you actually had. I was addicted to IHOP's steak omelet for a little while. ;)


... After that I have no clue but I have such a long to-do list that I can't even read it without a paper bag handy.;)


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes! Cranium!

I love Cranium too, but so far I've only been able to get my kids to play (I'm such a desperately lonely board game lover!) :blush:
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Hi everyone. It is really hot on the deck so we'll gather inside today. I have Soy Delicious ice cream and Coconut Milk Mini Fudge Bars for those who want it. If you want a dairy dessert you have to bring it yourself!


How was your weekend?


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!


It was a good weekend. Spent some time with my son and took him to lunch at the French bakery I won the gc for. I let him get a couple of loaves of bread to take home and I got a fruit tart, a chocolate croissant and a blueberry croissant. YUUUUUUM! Then I watched movies the rest of the afternoon. Very good Saturday. Today was a regular Sunday, just church, lunch and church.


Tomorrow DD is cleaning her pigsty, er, room and I'll go to work in the afternoon.


Favorite group game...I can't think of any by name, but I like games where you get to know the other people better.

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How was your weekend?

Bittersweet-we just dropped youngest dd off at Purdue to start her freshman year. She's nervous but seems to be handling it alright. She has a nice roommate and a really cool room so we're keeping our fingers crossed.


Hey, that's where I went, as did my dh, and the majority of my family. As a matter of fact, a cousin just posted pictures on Facebook of dropping of his son for his freshman year. Is she in a dorm? Which one? I was in Earhart, Windsor and Grad West (which now has another name I can't recall).


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

Sleeping late then getting oldest dd ready to go back to RH.


Aaaand, that's another one we're talking about with dd ....




As for me:



How was your weekend? Fairly relaxing. The weather was relatively cool, and we took lots of naps. Except now there's a spontaneous slumber party going on in the basement.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? No. I'm pretending tomorrow doesn't exist, which is why I'm here.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!


Hmmm... Cranium is good, but so is Scrabble. And Quelf is just sort of weird, which appeals to me at the moment. It depends on the day and the crowd.

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I'll join you tonight. I already had my 2 huge scoops of tin roof sundae along with a side of moose tracks though. So sorry I didn't share!


How was your weekend? Spent the last night at the lake for our vacation on Friday night. Packed up and headed 1/2 way home yesterday and then got up and drove the rest of the way home today. Caught up with some neighbors and did lots of laundry.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating? Possibly. Tomorrow I start watching the 4 other kids I take care of before and after school again. I need to be up around 6 a.m. It's almost 11:30 now and I have no intentions of getting in bed any time soon. We will need to finish all of the laundry and get the house in order. My oldest 3 will start some minimal "pre work" for this school year.


What is your favorite group game? I love games! It really all depends on who I'm playing with. This past week on vacation I played some Hand & Foot and some Rummicube.


Thanks for asking!

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Evening, Jean!

What a weird weekend! I've been battling migraines. We've been having crazy summer thunder storms in the desert.

Exciting news today. My friend helped me pick out my very own, spiffy new laptop! I've never had one and I'm loving it!

I've also gotten a huge chunk of science and history planned. I feel so productive.

Tomorrow I'm working on making posters for our school area, finishing science, and cleaning my mom's house. I hope to swing by Kohls to get some tees for my ever-growing 12yo.

I'll skip dessert because I went out to eat with my friend tonight. But, I'll be pouring a glass of wine in a bit.

My favorite group game right now is Apples to Apples.

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How was your weekend?

It was nice and relaxing, but my big fun event was canceled for rain so it wasn't supposed to be this relaxing. I refuse to complain about it because we did all go swimming which was nice.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

Maybe. Want me to try? Ready, Inhale. Go.. Get up at 6am, make coffee, make two loaves of banana bread, rotate laundry and go for a walk. Get in a little work and have breakfast with older dd then take her orientation for her new classical charter school. Drop off a loaf of banana bread to the neighbors who just lost a parent. Younger dd needs breakfast and a school supply shopping trip with her brother. After my meetings and a little work, I'll swing by the post-office to mail a book I sold on Amazon, get gas then pick up older dd from orientation which brings us to Noon. I won't go on, but that is the first 6 hours of my day. It gets easier after noon: lunch, work, another meeting, dinner, after dinner walk, more laundry, etc.


Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game?

We've started enjoying Pandemic, but I really like Boggle and Hearts.

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How was your weekend?


Yesterday was good. Got together with some other homeschoolers, had a great time, and none of my kids begged me to go home. (The oldest often does.)


Today was crazy. Went to church where we had a "Berry Blast" and I had a reaction (mild throat issues) to something I ate. I've never reacted to food like that before, and I have no idea what the ingredients were in the things I ate. So, I went to do the childcare DH and I volunteered to do whole doped up on Benedryl. DH stated home because he was coughing. The other two volunteers weren't there for some reason. That left me the only adult with two toddlers, a 3yo, four boys ages 5-6, a 7yo, a 9yo, an 11 yo, and a 12yo. It was crazy! Then we came home and DS begged to play with the little boy we just met down the street. Then dinner.


Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?


Nothing planned so probably some playing, some cleaning, some planning. DD12 as a sleepover.


What is your favorite group game?


Apples to Apples

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