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TLC's newest train wreck....

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I keep wondering the same thing.


And along the same lines, how did we get to a place where everyone thinks they are interesting enough to be on TV?


I guess other people have a lot more self-esteem than I do, because I can't imagine that anyone would care in the slightest about what I do every day.


"Next episode of Aggieamy's Family watch them have dinner, scold their child for having poor table manners, and then they go for a bike ride. Once Little Librarian goes to bed the real fun starts - Amy and DH will work on their budget and try to decide if they have enough money for a weekend trip to Ikea. Then to bed with a his and hers stack of library books! Exciting."


I guess with the checks from TLC I'll be able to afford that trip to Ikea. :D

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See, this is why some people think Southerners are ignorant! We do NOT all act this way! These people live near me. But most people I know do NOT behave like this. >[


If you thought “Toddlers and Tiaras,” the reality series about little girls on the beauty pageant circuit and their horrifying stage mothers, was the lowest that reality programming could possibly get — you would be wrong.


“Toddlers and Tiaras” is so successful that TLC (which formerly stood for The Learning Channel, mind you) gave one of its stars, Honey Boo Boo Child and her family, their own series called, natch, “Here Come Honey Boo Boo.”


If you are unfamiliar, Honey Boo Boo (real name Alana Thompson) is a six-year-old beauty pageant contestant who, when she isn’t dancing on stage in pounds of makeup and fake tanner, drinks “go-go juice,” a blend of Mountain Dew and Red Bull given to her by her mother.


After watching the 30-second “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” trailer, a dose of “Toddlers and Tiaras” might actually serve as a palate cleanser.



Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/23/here-comes-honey-boo-boo-trailer-signifies-end-of-civilization-video/#ixzz22o8HnHre

Edited by ereks mom
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:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


The saddest thing is that the idiot families on these reality shows are too dimwitted to realize that they are not on television because they are exciting, wonderful, beautiful people. They don't have a clue that people are laughing at them, and not with them.


They are absolutely pathetic.


I can't watch any of those shows. I get too irritated with the stupidity and complete and utter lack of common sense.




And seriously!?!?!?! WHAT are people thinking? It makes me embarrassed to live in a country where people have this little self-respect.

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It is just awful in the worst kind of way! I certainly hope they are playing up for the money and don't behave like this normally!


You know what though, you couldn't even PAY me to act that way much less let my KID act that way. ZERO self-respect.

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Yuck! I am very glad we don't have cable!


I have to say this doesn't surprise me, it is like a trip to Wal-Mart around here or some of the people dh works with and they are proud of it. Some people really do act like that, really, and worse. Those people aren't really in my circle, dh thinks I'm sheltered and I am happy to be in my own bubble. I seen a guy in a store last year telling his ~12yo that the shirt she was trying on wasn't sexy enough. I've seen adults who think it is cute to teach their toddlers to cuss, talk about inappropriate things, act like thugs etc. A lot of times in that culture if you don't approve of the behavior then you are a snob.


We must live in the same area! I grew up in a rural farm area where the people were really friendly and helpful and mostly well-behaved. I moved to my current city in 2000 and... I don't even know what to think of these people most of the time. It's pretty unbelievable.

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I proudly live in the Southeast, but cringe whenever I see Southern families portrayed this way on TV.


Makes me afraid the rest of the world perceives all of us "Southerners" as behaving and living this way. Bleah.


I'm sure Honey Boo Boo's family is being paid a tidy sum to let their family be filmed for TLC. Hopefully this income will be used wisely! NO MORE PAGEANTS for Honey Boo Boo! :D

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I proudly live in the Southeast, but cringe whenever I see Southern families portrayed this way on TV.


Makes me afraid the rest of the world perceives all of us "Southerners" as behaving and living this way. Bleah.


I'm sure Honey Boo Boo's family is being paid a tidy sum to let their family be filmed for TLC. Hopefully this income will be used wisely! NO MORE PAGEANTS for Honey Boo Boo! :D


Umm... I don't think Honey Boo Boo is going to have a very long career in pageants if she continues the way she is. She is umm... very much growing like the rest of her family, which, last time I checked, wasn't exactly a pageant-approved size. :leaving:

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Um, did I read that commment correctly that said they are in Kentucky? Kill me now. Please. We just moved to Kentucky a month ago and it was far from my first choice for exactly that reason. Thankfully, Lexington so far appears to have escaped the stereotype for the most part.

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Umm... I don't think Honey Boo Boo is going to have a very long career in pageants if she continues the way she is. She is umm... very much growing like the rest of her family, which, last time I checked, wasn't exactly a pageant-approved size. :leaving:


Pretty much what I was thinking. :tongue_smilie:

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I have to say this doesn't surprise me, it is like a trip to Wal-Mart around here or some of the people dh works with and they are proud of it. Some people really do act like that, really, and worse. Those people aren't really in my circle, dh thinks I'm sheltered and I am happy to be in my own bubble. I seen a guy in a store last year telling his ~12yo that the shirt she was trying on wasn't sexy enough. I've seen adults who think it is cute to teach their toddlers to cuss, talk about inappropriate things, act like thugs etc. A lot of times in that culture if you don't approve of the behavior then you are a snob.

In that case I'm thankful and proud to be a snob. :D

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I have never seen the toddler show...but I will go out on a limb and say that it seems like country bumpkin, uneducated redneck, whatever the term, is popular with reality shows now. While scrolling down the tv menu there are so many--chasing gators, 4 wheeling in the mud, eating strange food with the sole purpose of shocking viewers, etc. It's a contest of stupidity, imo. The only competition comes from the evil killer/ghost shows---I killed my bff, evil kids who murder, I almost was killed, I caught the evil ghost on camera, etc.


Uh oh. See, my whole family (except me) watch Swamp People, love to mud run, etc. All those things you mention. They aren't even in the REALM of that craziness someone posted.

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I have never seen the toddler show...but I will go out on a limb and say that it seems like country bumpkin, uneducated redneck, whatever the term, is popular with reality shows now. While scrolling down the tv menu there are so many--chasing gators, 4 wheeling in the mud, eating strange food with the sole purpose of shocking viewers, etc. It's a contest of stupidity, imo. The only competition comes from the evil killer/ghost shows---I killed my bff, evil kids who murder, I almost was killed, I caught the evil ghost on camera, etc.


I like the ghost shows where they scream and cry.

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Um, did I read that commment correctly that said they are in Kentucky? Kill me now. Please. We just moved to Kentucky a month ago and it was far from my first choice for exactly that reason. Thankfully, Lexington so far appears to have escaped the stereotype for the most part.


Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her family live in McIntyre, Georgia. That's just a stone's throw from where I live. :glare:

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when did TLC go from The Learning Channel to Trashy Low Class?


:iagree::iagree: I don't have cable (and haven't since the 90's), but I always thought it was The Learning Channel. :001_huh: Good grief! Do they have educational programming anymore?

Edited by Ibbygirl
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To me it seems a lot like making fun of those less fortunate, but, in this case it is hard to articulate what makes them "less fortunate". It's like they don't have the good sense to be embarrassed or something? :001_huh:



Lots of us know crazy folk.


In the old days, we used to call them characters.


I want to see a show about that British family... the one on the Naked Chef show-- yk, those people who didn't know how to cook, so their kids ate bags of fast food on the floor each night. I'd bet they would be interesting to watch. :001_unsure: I need to be informed, yanno? My Big Fat Gyspy Wedding on You Tube was quite educational. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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I disagree that the family thinks people are not laughing at them. I never heard of the kid, or the family before, and it's clear they are characters. They are going to make money, and they know it.


I don't think they say anything about me, or even about the US. I don't even care if it is fodder for more giggles towards the US. That has no bearing on my life. I don't care if someone in France or Croatia thinks that's how all Americans are. I really don't. The show is about this particular family, and their family culture, and maybe the some of those around them.


They are not buying girls from Thailand to use as sex slaves, they are not running a crack house. They are jumping in mud, buying discount cookies, and they have a funny kid. FWIW, they do have all of their teeth.


What others think? Don't care. We're all a little bit nuts in our own way.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Umm... I don't think Honey Boo Boo is going to have a very long career in pageants if she continues the way she is. She is umm... very much growing like the rest of her family, which, last time I checked, wasn't exactly a pageant-approved size. :leaving:


This is part of what makes me so, so sad for this little girl. She's being raised around this very specific idea of pageant beauty but doesn't have the genes or the dietary upbringing to maintain it. She's going to hit a stage where it's no longer "cute" to be a little chubby, a lot obnoxious, and I predict that it's going be very difficult for her to reconcile it all. I foresee avoidable body issues in this girl's future, if her parents took steps now to help her. It won't happen, which makes it all the sadder.


(I grew up as a chubby kid in a town known for beautiful beach bodies, and I was painfully aware that I was not like the others. I think adolescence is hard enough without that expectation living in your real life, not just magazines. Fortunately, my mom wasn't hopping me up on "go-go juice" to make me obnoxious on top of already being physically less than perfect.)

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I disagree that the family thinks people are not laughing at them. I never heard of the kid, or the family before, and it's clear they are characters. They are going to make money, and they know it.


I don't think they say anything about me, or even about the US. I don't even care if it is fodder for more giggles towards the US. That has no bearing on my life. I don't care if someone in France or Croatia thinks that's how all Americans are. I really don't. The show is about this particular family, and their family culture, and maybe the some of those around them.


They are not buying girls from Thailand to use as sex slaves, they are not running a crack house. They are jumping in mud, buying discount cookies, and they have a funny kid. FWIW, they do have all of their teeth.


What others think? Don't care. We're all a little bit nuts in our own way.


I love you!!! I have also never heard of this girl. But, I agree. This family isn't doing anything illegal. And, the daughter sure is precocious. I wouldn't want this for my family, but good for them for finding a way to make some extra money!

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"Next episode of Aggieamy's Family watch them have dinner, scold their child for having poor table manners, and then they go for a bike ride. Once Little Librarian goes to bed the real fun starts - Amy and DH will work on their budget and try to decide if they have enough money for a weekend trip to Ikea. Then to bed with a his and hers stack of library books! Exciting."


I guess with the checks from TLC I'll be able to afford that trip to Ikea. :D


:D :D :D :D


If the kid with the bad table manners doesn't use the f-word, TLC will probably add it in for you later. :tongue_smilie:

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