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It's gets better, right? I know it does, I just need to hear it today.

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My son's fish died today.


The toilet overflowed.


It's 105 degrees outside and will be 109 for the next two days.


The toddler wants to YELL EVERYTHING. And not nap. I REALLY need her to nap.


The toddler also wants to spill everything. Like chocolate milk all over the kitchen and a full cup of milk spit on the carpet.


The baby keeps getting woken up by the toddler. He's gotten a five minute nap this afternoon. Five. Minutes.


The eldest broke a big rule and then lied about it and the (pre-known) consequence kept the rest of us from going to a fun outing.


I am out of liquor.


ETA: I misspelled the title of this thread. Which is annoying. And now both baby and toddler are crying.



I know the day will get better. But I could really use someone else telling me that today! :glare:

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It's 105 degrees outside and will be 109 for the next two days.


I think we live in the same area. It's supposed to be 108-110 for the rest of the week.


We had no air conditioning until a couple of days ago. Our AC (basically exploded) stopped working. It smelled like it was burning and then (no kidding) it started spraying water out of the ceiling vent in the hallway. It was the weirdest AC blow-out I've ever seen. It took almost a week to get it fixed. I was hysterical one morning, because NO ONE woke up until I did (and it was daylight outside). My husband was several hours late for work. It was scary.


Good luck with your day. :D

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The good news is you can put them to bed at any time. Sounds like an early bed time day.


:iagree: and you can even set the clock ahead a bit if you need too ;) It's the only way I survived "one of those days" last week!



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My son's fish died today.


The toilet overflowed.


It's 105 degrees outside and will be 109 for the next two days.


The toddler wants to YELL EVERYTHING. And not nap. I REALLY need her to nap.


The toddler also wants to spill everything. Like chocolate milk all over the kitchen and a full cup of milk spit on the carpet.


The baby keeps getting woken up by the toddler. He's gotten a five minute nap this afternoon. Five. Minutes.


The eldest broke a big rule and then lied about it and the (pre-known) consequence kept the rest of us from going to a fun outing.


I am out of liquor.


ETA: I misspelled the title of this thread. Which is annoying. And now both baby and toddler are crying.



I know the day will get better. But I could really use someone else telling me that today! :glare:

I'm sorry. That's a bad day!

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Okay. Deep breath.



I got all the kids on the couch and told them that the cartoons and popcorn would flow free as long as they didn't talk.


So far it's working.


Wooossaaahhhhh...... ;)


:iagree: this is the only time my children are not bickering and fighting with each other. It's really tempting to use this method more often, but then again, if used too much it might lose its effectiveness.


I'm sorry you're having a bad day. It will get better.

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ETA: I misspelled the title of this thread. Which is annoying.

Yes, but it made my day. I love a good typo.



Reminds me of this spring when we had a dozen tornadoes skipping over our heads and I was drawn into a family crisis 600 miles away that I could do nothing about.

I didn't get a shower until very late in the day. I told DS, "I'm going to go shower now. If Dad calls to say he is on his way home from work, tell him I want wine and Mexican food brought home." :lol:

I was just stepping out of the shower when I heard DS talking to his dad on the phone, "Um... Mom says she wants... alcohol." :tongue_smilie:

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Okay. I made it.


4/4 children have been bathed or showered.


2/4 children are in bed.


1/1 Mom has had chocolate, diet dr pepper, and a husband who supervised bedroom cleaning.



And I am now off to clean the kitchen in peace and quiet (via headphones and a good lecture) while the big kids watch the Olympics.



Thank you Hive!!

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Okay. I made it.


4/4 children have been bathed or showered.


2/4 children are in bed.


1/1 Mom has had chocolate, diet dr pepper, and a husband who supervised bedroom cleaning.



And I am now off to clean the kitchen in peace and quiet (via headphones and a good lecture) while the big kids watch the Olympics.



Thank you Hive!!


Glad you survived. I had no doubt. It's what good moms do;).

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