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Another grocery prices frustration vent...

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

The package of *toilet paper* that I usually buy is now $2-$3 more than it used to be 2 months ago. They have been raising the prices on each size of the brand I buy, so I've just been looking closely at each price before I pick the size with the lowest unit price. Today was the end of that, It is now officially expensive. I tried to find a more reasonably priced comparable brand, nope. Paper towels are going up too, those I can figure out how to live without, but not tp.


I can understand many of the price increases, but this one has me stumped.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Well, all of the products rely on transportation to get to their destinations. So that might be one factor.


Yes, but a $2 increase? The only thing I can figure out is the store thinks noone's going to stop buying tp, so it is safer to raise that than something else.

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I hear you on this one and I have been mulling the tp thing over :glare: I have decided that it is not yet time to go back to the Roman method of a common sponge on a stick in a bucket of water next to the latrine :eek:........ but (and no pun intended) I am wondering about other ways and means :blushing: of getting around it. I know my grandparents who had an outhouse all of their lives used the old sears catalog but that's out the window for many reasons, the chief being they don't make it any more, not to mention what it would do to modern plumbing, and of course the all important comfort and hygiene level.


Well, I'll just keep mulling for now and see where American ingenuity takes me however I may or may not share where it takes me :blink: just all depends on what I see or not when I get there ;)

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You could just follow Sheryl Crow's suggestion:

I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. When presenting this idea to my younger brother, whose judgment I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I believe his quote was, "how bout just washing the one square out."
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The increase is due to transportation and production costs going up.


I noticed that my kitty litter brand is up $4 per 40-lb. bucket. I don't like the store brand litter as I find I use more of it to get the same kind of clumping plus it's dustier.


I think the higher prices are here to stay.

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I agree that raising the price of toilet paper is totally unconstitutional. I was met with another price hike this week. Our trash company has added a $14 per person gas surcharge to our bills! Now I have to pay an outrageous price to get all those expensive paper towels and things hauled away.:glare:

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I hear you on this one and I have been mulling the tp thing over :glare: I have decided that it is not yet time to go back to the Roman method of a common sponge on a stick in a bucket of water next to the latrine :eek:........ but (and no pun intended) I am wondering about other ways and means :blushing: of getting around it. I know my grandparents who had an outhouse all of their lives used the old sears catalog but that's out the window for many reasons, the chief being they don't make it any more, not to mention what it would do to modern plumbing, and of course the all important comfort and hygiene level.


Well, I'll just keep mulling for now and see where American ingenuity takes me however I may or may not share where it takes me :blink: just all depends on what I see or not when I get there ;)


We get trapped in a system of consumerism don't we? I've thought about that many times. I could easily do without things if my world was set up differently. Very hard to simplify.

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The package of *toilet paper* that I usually buy is now $2-$3 more than it used to be 2 months ago. They have been raising the prices on each size of the brand I buy, so I've just been looking closely at each price before I pick the size with the lowest unit price. Today was the end of that, It is now officially expensive. I tried to find a more reasonably priced comparable brand, nope. Paper towels are going up too, those I can figure out how to live without, but not tp.


I can understand many of the price increases, but this one has me stumped.


Is that price increase at Costco too, I dont do the shopping there, but that is where we buy all our paper products.



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I just got back from doing my weekly grocery trip... :ohmy: I am just in shock over the prices. Every single item went up. Yogurt we love went from 1.98 to 2.12 over the past week. Bread went up .30 a loaf, everything is so outrageous.

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Warning, may be TMI for some people!


Well, I'm not sure if you want to hear this suggestion, but you can use cloth wipes (also known as family wipes). I actually switched to cloth wipes not too long ago, and they're a great improvement over TP. I only use them for #1, not #2, although you could use them for both. Even just using them for #1 cuts way back on the amount of TP you have to buy.


I made them myself out of 4" squares of flannel and fleece sewn together. After using I just wash them with the other laundry in hot water with detergent and Oxy-Clean, and an extra rinse with vinegar. It doesn't really create any extra loads since I just throw them in with my other clothes.


Cloth wipes are much softer than TP and also you can get them wet with a little water first if you like, and they don't disintegrate like TP does.


I've been using cloth pads for years for my periods, and love them - also I figure people use cloth diapers for babies, so why not cloth wipes for the bathroom?


You can google more info - do a search for "family wipes" if you want to find out more.

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Warning, may be TMI for some people!


I've been using cloth pads for years for my periods, and love them - also I figure people use cloth diapers for babies, so why not cloth wipes for the bathroom?


You can google more info - do a search for "family wipes" if you want to find out more.


Well I'll be.......:tongue_smilie: I could deal with it, but dh would flip his lid if I suggested such a thing....:)

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Warning, may be TMI for some people!


Well, I'm not sure if you want to hear this suggestion, but you can use cloth wipes (also known as family wipes). I actually switched to cloth wipes not too long ago, and they're a great improvement over TP. I only use them for #1, not #2, although you could use them for both. Even just using them for #1 cuts way back on the amount of TP you have to buy.


I made them myself out of 4" squares of flannel and fleece sewn together. After using I just wash them with the other laundry in hot water with detergent and Oxy-Clean, and an extra rinse with vinegar. It doesn't really create any extra loads since I just throw them in with my other clothes.


Cloth wipes are much softer than TP and also you can get them wet with a little water first if you like, and they don't disintegrate like TP does.


I've been using cloth pads for years for my periods, and love them - also I figure people use cloth diapers for babies, so why not cloth wipes for the bathroom?


You can Google more info - do a search for "family wipes" if you want to find out more.


This is the line I have been thinking along. Dh has an old terry cloth robe that I have been seriously thinking about cutting up and using thataway since I am probably the only one who will use then, having the plumbing that requires it #1 care :001_huh: I have some old flannel sheets I could use too....... hmmmmm I was wondering on the square size ..... Thanks for being brave and posting! Think I will rep you for that :)

Off to Google.

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Warning, may be TMI for some people!


Well, I'm not sure if you want to hear this suggestion, but you can use cloth wipes (also known as family wipes). I actually switched to cloth wipes not too long ago, and they're a great improvement over TP. I only use them for #1, not #2, although you could use them for both. Even just using them for #1 cuts way back on the amount of TP you have to buy.


I made them myself out of 4" squares of flannel and fleece sewn together. After using I just wash them with the other laundry in hot water with detergent and Oxy-Clean, and an extra rinse with vinegar. It doesn't really create any extra loads since I just throw them in with my other clothes.


Cloth wipes are much softer than TP and also you can get them wet with a little water first if you like, and they don't disintegrate like TP does.


I've been using cloth pads for years for my periods, and love them - also I figure people use cloth diapers for babies, so why not cloth wipes for the bathroom?


You can google more info - do a search for "family wipes" if you want to find out more.


This is what I was going to suggest as well. It would save money on TP, and perhaps that money could offset the raised prices of everything else.

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Okay, I was going to suggest the cloth wipes--as a joke:blushing: I've seen it on a few blogs, but I just can't imagine many people in this country using that method. I don't care if it is a greener method (which I'm not sure it is), it makes me turn green in another way:ack2: Even if I chose to use them personally, I don't want to have to clean everyone else's, and I can't imagine having them out for guests to use. No, I will give up a lot of things before I give up my toilet paper. I could do it if I had to, but I just don't see myself ever getting to the point of it being an absolute need. Come on folks, we're talking about a $2 price increase! What other ways can you think of to save $2? Would you really be saving? I think that would call for more water, soap, and electricity--not to mention plenty of bleach! I just don't see how it would really save that much to make a difference. Go ahead, do the math for me and prove me wrong. Show me the money!

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Well, I'll just post these ideas from olden times, LOL, but I'm not betting you can flush any of these:


pages from various catalogs that are very thin. The only ones I know of nowdays that would probably fit the bill are phone book pages. Perhaps shredded paper would also work, but I'm still not thinking it's gonna flush....


We recently fed the last of our hard corn to the squirrels and I was just marveling at how soft the surface of the cobs really are. They used to be used and I always thought they were rough, but they're extremely soft.....

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Okay, I was going to suggest the cloth wipes--as a joke:blushing: I've seen it on a few blogs, but I just can't imagine many people in this country using that method. I don't care if it is a greener method (which I'm not sure it is), it makes me turn green in another way:ack2: Even if I chose to use them personally, I don't want to have to clean everyone Else's, and I can't imagine having them out for guests to use. No, I will give up a lot of things before I give up my toilet paper. I could do it if I had to, but I just don't see myself ever getting to the point of it being an absolute need. Come on folks, we're talking about a $2 price increase! What other ways can you think of to save $2? Would you really be saving? I think that would call for more water, soap, and electricity--not to mention plenty of bleach! I just don't see how it would really save that much to make a difference. Go ahead, do the math for me and prove me wrong. Show me the money!


Well it is not just this country. I found places is Europe selling these in short amount of time I have been googling this. Plus British blogs on the subject.


If all you throw in the wash are the wipe then yes it is more money, been thinking along those lines too. However if it is just me for #1 and I throw them in with the towles...... There is no way I am sharing these, guests will get the traditional paper. Dh and the boys will get traditional paper but I think I could do this. We have cut the budget every which way, and well, here is another thing to give a try. The only other idea I have to cut the budget back is getting rid of the pets and dh and the boys won't hear of it yet so.....


Two dollars is lot when you are looking at keeping your house, or feeding your kids, or...... That is where we are at. Beats what the Ethiopia women do for #1 (my parents were missionaries in the bush) which is nothing, no undies, long long skirts, just squat stand and then keep on walking. I think I'll give the old flannel sheets a new life and see what happens.

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Okay, I was going to suggest the cloth wipes--as a joke:blushing: I've seen it on a few blogs, but I just can't imagine many people in this country using that method. I don't care if it is a greener method (which I'm not sure it is), it makes me turn green in another way:ack2: Even if I chose to use them personally, I don't want to have to clean everyone else's, and I can't imagine having them out for guests to use. No, I will give up a lot of things before I give up my toilet paper. I could do it if I had to, but I just don't see myself ever getting to the point of it being an absolute need. Come on folks, we're talking about a $2 price increase! What other ways can you think of to save $2? Would you really be saving? I think that would call for more water, soap, and electricity--not to mention plenty of bleach! I just don't see how it would really save that much to make a difference. Go ahead, do the math for me and prove me wrong. Show me the money!


A bidet at Lowe's is like $150. That would give a cost savings of what per year?

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. The only other idea I have to cut the budget back is getting rid of the pets and dh and the boys won't hear of it yet so.....


They don't want new families??!


he he


""I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for medical experiments."

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Hey, I forgot about the European way! But, then again, I never could bring myself to use it when I was in Europe, even if their tp was like sandpaper. You still have a wet bum afterwards.


I'm lol at all the replies. I've got a ways to go before I have to sacrifice my tp, right now the price increases are doable but extremely annoying.

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We've been using family cloth for over 4 years now. Everybody, including dh uses it. After you use it for awhile, you actually hate to use the paper stuff.


I serge two pieces of cute flannel together. Everyone has their own prints. I wash 2 or 3 times a week. It is life, now. And it is actually cleaner than tp. It doesn't shred and you aren't continually using something that has been bleached (think DIOXIN here) on sensitive areas.


We don't use paper towels, either. I have flour sacks and serged kitchen cloths.


I calculate that we save over $2000 a year, just not using these two paper products alone.


We've made lots of changes as to not trash God's Creation.

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Has anyone worked out the cost/benefit of replacing toilet paper with cloth scientifically?


On the one hand you have cutting down trees, the manufacturing process, bleach, etc. On the other hand you have the power it takes to wash and dry these things. I'd never even heard of people doing this before - it's a real eye-opener for me.

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I just got back from doing my weekly grocery trip... :ohmy: I am just in shock over the prices. Every single item went up. Yogurt we love went from 1.98 to 2.12 over the past week. Bread went up .30 a loaf, everything is so outrageous.


Same here, went to Super Walmart and got totally depressed over it. Sausage, milk, cheese, eggs all went up. I'm getting very worried about feeding my family and having gas to get to where we need to go.

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Has anyone worked out the cost/benefit of replacing toilet paper with cloth scientifically?


On the one hand you have cutting down trees, the manufacturing process, bleach, etc. On the other hand you have the power it takes to wash and dry these things. I'd never even heard of people doing this before - it's a real eye-opener for me.



My family would have a fit if I tried this, but if it were just me I'd do it. No different that cloth diapers and feminine products imho.

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Has anyone worked out the cost/benefit of replacing toilet paper with cloth scientifically?


On the one hand you have cutting down trees, the manufacturing process, bleach, etc. On the other hand you have the power it takes to wash and dry these things. I'd never even heard of people doing this before - it's a real eye-opener for me.



The manufacturing process for disposable stuff is huge. The bleach, electricity, trees, etc. Not to mention the trash issues and groundwater issues we have from pollution now.


I've been using some of these wipes for over 4 years. I have a frontloader so I can't tell a difference, even washing 3 times a week, times 3 different loads. We have a well, too. Also, we have a septic tank. We just had it pumped this year for the first time in 3 years. We are a family of 10. The guy takes the cover off the tank and says that it is the cleanest system that he has ever seen in all his 18 years of business. The bacteria level was perfect and whatever I was doing, keep doing it.


So technically, I can't tell a difference in my electric bill as I already do 125 loads of laundry and 75 dishwasher loads per month. But, my savings in tp and paper towels is more per month than my entire electric bill.

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I would just have to see actual numbers before trying it.


I can't imagine the savings in tp and paper towels being more than a month's worth of electricity. Do you mean a month of paper costs the same as a month of electricity or one month of electricity compared to a full year of the paper? I think I'm going to start keeping track of how much I spend on tp in a year! We already don't use many paper towels. Paper towels are mostly for cleaning toilets.


Now a bidet seems like a good solution.


And for #1, I've used the squat and no tp method when backpacking and camping. It's no biggie. I'd like to have my tp for bigger jobs though.


Okay, so who's going to calculate their monthly cost on laundry for these reusable wipes? Anyone? Show me some numbers here. I'm going to start a log and write down every time I buy tp for a month.


For those who use reusable wipes, do you only use a handkerchief to blow your nose? I've never liked hankies.

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I'm thinking all my non-disposable items.


I don't buy TP, paper towels, tissues, napkins,sposies, feminine products. I'm not including that I don't buy paper plates, paper cups, water bottles and other convenience sort of disposable.


Back when I stopped buying TP and paper towels, we were going through 2 Costco packs of TP and at least 2 rolls of paper towels per day. That was when we were a family of 8, not 10.


And I actually have a different print of wipes for tissues. One time use and in the wash bin they go.


My electric bill for my family of 10 is $175, so how much could the extra loads really be?

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We've been using family cloth for over 4 years now. Everybody, including dh uses it. After you use it for awhile, you actually hate to use the paper stuff.


I serge two pieces of cute flannel together. Everyone has their own prints. I wash 2 or 3 times a week. It is life, now. And it is actually cleaner than tp. It doesn't shred and you aren't continually using something that has been bleached (think DIOXIN here) on sensitive areas.


We don't use paper towels, either. I have flour sacks and serged kitchen cloths.


I calculate that we save over $2000 a year, just not using these two paper products alone.


We've made lots of changes as to not trash God's Creation.


I think what you are doing is great. I'm not sure about the savings though. I just figured out that I spend about $625 a year on tp & paper towels. How are you coming up with the figure of $2,000?

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Well, a few years ago I switched from my beloved Charmin to Scott Tissue, and I have to say, it is so worth it! We use one roll in less time than you use several of Charmin or any other brand. It takes a little getting used to the non-fluffy softness-lacking feel, but we also have less overflows (don't we all love those) of children, and we save so much money! It is just the two of us, but a twelve pack lasts us at LEAST two months here, sometimes longer.

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I think what you are doing is great. I'm not sure about the savings though. I just figured out that I spend about $625 a year on tp & paper towels. How are you coming up with the figure of $2,000?



I kind of wondered that too. We use one box of 40 rolls of TP per month, which is now $18/month. Paper towel was a huge waste and we haven't bought it in years, but we used to use 1 roll/day at I am guessing $1 a roll? Thats $684 for TP and paper towel. I guess if you add in diapers & wipes that would really add up, but for just TP, paper towel and feminine products we are talking less than $700 a year for my family of 12.


I would still make the swap, but DH gave me a strange look the time I brought it up. lol

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I kind of wondered that too. We use one box of 40 rolls of TP per month, which is now $18/month. Paper towel was a huge waste and we haven't bought it in years, but we used to use 1 roll/day at I am guessing $1 a roll? Thats $684 for TP and paper towel. I guess if you add in diapers & wipes that would really add up, but for just TP, paper towel and feminine products we are talking less than $700 a year for my family of 12.


I would still make the swap, but DH gave me a strange look the time I brought it up. lol


You have lots of blue in your siggie. If I had a siggie, I would have lots of pink. Pink uses way more TP than blue. :lol:

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