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If you've dealt with Keratosis Pilaris...

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could you share what products you've had success with?

Both of my daughters (and hubby) have it. My 10yo's arm is out of control right now. :sad: She rolled around in the grass for a while today, is that something that could increase the size and amount of bumps?


They get it on their face and upper arms. I just ordered an extra gentle Buf-Puf. I know it's for the face, but I'm wondering if it's gentle enough for a 10yo?

What kind of cream and soap should I buy?





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Have you ever had your kids testing for allergies? I know everyone says that's the cause of everything, but I used to have KP and some other symptoms (cracks around the ears and lips) and it turned out to be food allergy-related.


Sadly, exfoliation never really seemed to do the trick for me. Good luck!

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My two year old had this..it is mostly gone now. We never ever use soap on her body, and use a gentle shampoo every few days...maybe 2-3 times a week...I mention the shampoo because it does drip down their arms too. We use Burts Bees. That is the only thing i can think of that we do differently than most people, and it mostly went away.

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My youngest has this on her arms. She also had her face and ears turn bright red. The first dermatologist thought it was KP on the face too and gave her various lotions. Only when it started itching and causing breathing difficulties did she and we realize she was allergic to a very common ingredient (citric acid) and that was what caused her face to turn bright red. Once we stopped her consuming the ingredient (or using it in any way at all since lots of soaps and shampoos have it as an ingredient too), she is no longer having any problems on her face. She still has KP on her arms, though.

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I think I've tried everything from prescription creams on down. Nothing has worked until this year. I have almost zero bumps - it's been amazing! Over the past few months I've added in a high quality fish oil to my vitamin regimen, started using all natural soap and shampoo products, and body brushing. I'm not sure which is making the difference, but I'm keeping all three.


I noticed someone mentioned dairy allergies. My friend thought she had KP, but her bumps turned out to be a dairy allergy.

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Mine has lessened with age, so I don't do anything now but scrub the daylights out of it (don't think the gentle Buf-Puf would do the trick, though.) The only thing that ever cleared it up completely was a retin-A prescription, but that was messy & expensive. Mine always gets better in the summer, so maybe the sun exposure helps. I've always thought I was the only one in the world with KP!

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I once heard of a product called KP Duty. I never tried it, though. A dermatologist told me that if I could find a good treatment for KP, I'd be a millionaire.


I did read once that it's a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency. Maybe that's why a pp suggested omega 3's. I take omega 3's but I haven't seen a change. An allergist also checked my dd for it and said it's associated with other allergies. I don't have clear allergies, except for dust mites, but I feel sensitive to grass like the OP's dd's.

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I use a lotion bar on my upper arms after every shower/bath. As long as I do that regularly, my skin is soft and smooth.


Any brand of lotion bar will work, and you might have to order it on-line, although if you happen to visit Pike Place Market in Seattle, there's a vender in there that sells them. :D

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My arms get smooth after a few weeks on the paleo diet (no grains or legumes) but the bumps come back when I start eating grains again. I think it may be related to my carb intake. (I am gluten and dairy free all the times.)


Same here. I don't know exactly what I'm avoiding that makes the difference, but it definitely does.

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My kids both have it. DD significantly and DS only a tiny bit.


It does seem to be food related. Grains and dairy make it worse. Cod liver oil supplements and also mixed with evening primrose oil on their skin helps too. We use all natural skin and hair care products.


I read the GAPS book and it was very interesting. I wonder if the KP would clear up if we tried the GAPS diet for a time? Not sure I'm up to it right now....

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Exfoliation using a salicylic acid (BHA) is the best option! Because keratosis pilaris involves badly blocked pores and inflammation, a product that will get down into them much better than just scrubbing like crazy (which is irritating if you're too rough!) is the first thing to try. BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids like salicylic acid) help reduce inflammation, too.




You can find lotions/gels with salicylic acid at the drugstore (I like Paula's Choice in the liquid/gel form, not the lotion). They are usually smaller tubes because they're marketing them to acne sufferers, but I know there are a few brands that offer a larger size for the whole body.


The KP Duty mentioned here is by DermaDoctor and it contains glycolic acid, another beta-hydroxy acid that works in a similar way. :)

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Going with the Omega 3, fatty acid, coconut oil theme...


I've got KP on my upper arms and rosacea and acne on my face. After some reading, I decided to forgo all other soaps, lotions, etc. and just wash and moisturize my face with olive oil. It's been three years now, and I'm still amazed when I look in the mirror at how much better my complexion is! I can even go out now without make-up!


Anyway, on a whim, I tried moisturizing my upper arms with olive oil, and my skin was so much nicer. I have a tendency to forget to use it regularly, but when I remember, it seriously makes a big difference. I really think moisturizing is a key to keeping it under control. I've stopped using Paula Begoun's BHA on my face ($), but I'd imagine that a combination of that and a good quality moisturizer would go a long way for KP.

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Thank you so much for all the responses! I'm going to start looking up the recommended products.


My kids are vegan, so I know dairy isn't causing any issues, but the gluten has me wondering. My husband (who's also vegan and has KP), seems to swell up in his stomach after eating too much wheat. I've long suspected he is gluten intolerant.


I haven't had my 10yo tested for specific allergies, but she does have them.

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Gotu Kola is what worked for me. I started taking it for varicose veins and noticed within two weeks that my bumps were gone and my skin was incredibly soft and silky. I was taking 6 pills per day, 3 in the morning and 3 at night. They are 450mg per capsule. Now I just take 3 each night and my bumps are still gone.

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My daughter and I have it all over our body, literally covered. we use Dove for soap. It isn't an allergic reaction. My body doesn't know how to get rid of dead skin. Most bumps even has a hair inside. there is a steroid cream you can get from the doctor that can help. we are unable to use it since it covers us, but I know several people who have had success. someone just suggested that I take this pill called KErneton, that works from the inside out. I guess you take it for 90 days. Hope that helps.

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