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I just bought 2 cans of Nutramigen.

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Update in post #34.



There goes the grocery budget for next week!


If you saw this post, you'll know what I'm talking about.


He woke up from a nap, shrieking in agony. When I picked him up to comfort him, his guts were roiling and he was tooting up a storm. He screamed for about 10 minutes straight.


I woke up my sister (she lives here and works late at night) and told her I was taking him and leaving the other baby and my two boys with her while I went to the drugstore. I couldn't take it any more. The poor kid.


I bought a can to start feeding him here immediately, and a can to send home with them for the weekend. I hope to goodness that they use it.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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My dd who just turned 32 was on nutramigan -- it wasn't even out on the shelves then -- i always had to ask the pharmacist for it.


ds11 was on it as well -- it was a little easier to get 11 years ago.


There is no getting around it -- if that's what they need, that's what they need.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: Poor baby! I hope the Nutrimigen works. Ds1 was bottle fed and it took a couple of different formulas to find the one that worked. He needed a soy-based powder formula but not Nutrimigen. Boy that stuff's expensive, isn't it? He had lactose intolerance and there was something in the liquid formula that caused him to throw up everything he'd just ingested.

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Is there any way you can ask your ped or hospital for samples? As in several cans? My mom used to work for Mead Johnson, and believe me, the reps have samples to give away. Or at least they used to. That was many moons ago and I don't know who our local rep is anymore or I would call them myself.

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Aaaaaaack, BTDT with my oldest. Now that I have another food allergy babe, it's honestly easier for me to cut out a bunch of foods and nurse on a limited diet than to fork over all the $$$$$$$$$$ for that nasty-smelling stuff. So dang much $$$$. We had to use the liquid, too, since she couldn't handle corn. Man. $8 every 1.5 days. For months. (Even after 6 years, that sticker shock doesn't fade.) :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: If this is the best option for him, I hope they are willing to buy it and use it!!! It was the ONLY formula dd could handle. Period. There was no other commercial option that was humane.

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Is there any way you can ask your ped or hospital for samples? As in several cans? My mom used to work for Mead Johnson, and believe me, the reps have samples to give away. Or at least they used to. That was many moons ago and I don't know who our local rep is anymore or I would call them myself.

My nutramigen baby was fed mostly by our dr's office. She was the only patient that took that stuff so they called whenever the rep came by and saved whole cases of it for me. They have earned my eternal loyalty.

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Is there any way you can ask your ped or hospital for samples? As in several cans? My mom used to work for Mead Johnson, and believe me, the reps have samples to give away. Or at least they used to. That was many moons ago and I don't know who our local rep is anymore or I would call them myself.


My nutramigen baby was fed mostly by our dr's office. She was the only patient that took that stuff so they called whenever the rep came by and saved whole cases of it for me. They have earned my eternal loyalty.


I suppose I could try this, but it's not my baby, so I don't know how receptive they would be. The mom doesn't seem to realize how bad it is. I haven't seen the dad since before I started watching the baby, but I'd like to talk to him and get his opinion. I babysit this baby's cousin. The moms are sisters. The sister of crying baby's mom agrees with me that his crying is incessant and unusual. She says the grandma agrees, too. She says that her sister doesn't seem to see it. It's very frustrating.


I just hope the Nutramigen helps and that they will see that and keep buying it if it works. If it doesn't help, I don't think I'll be able to watch him and homeschool. When he's not sleeping, he's fussy and/or screaming 90% of the time. But then, I worry about what will happen to him if they just send him to the daycare center where their older daughter goes. I can't stand the thought of them letting him scream and him being in pain.

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I suppose I could try this, but it's not my baby, so I don't know how receptive they would be. The mom doesn't seem to realize how bad it is. I haven't seen the dad since before I started watching the baby, but I'd like to talk to him and get his opinion. I babysit this baby's cousin. The moms are sisters. The sister of crying baby's mom agrees with me that his crying is incessant and unusual. She says the grandma agrees, too. She says that her sister doesn't seem to see it. It's very frustrating.


I just hope the Nutramigen helps and that they will see that and keep buying it if it works. If it doesn't help, I don't think I'll be able to watch him and homeschool. When he's not sleeping, he's fussy and/or screaming 90% of the time. But then, I worry about what will happen to him if they just send him to the daycare center where their older daughter goes. I can't stand the thought of them letting him scream and him being in pain.



Ahh, I didn't see that part. I am sorry you are in this situation! I hope the parents get it figured out, and bless you for trying to help. Poor little guy. :grouphug:

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I suppose I could try this, but it's not my baby, so I don't know how receptive they would be. The mom doesn't seem to realize how bad it is. I haven't seen the dad since before I started watching the baby, but I'd like to talk to him and get his opinion. I babysit this baby's cousin. The moms are sisters. The sister of crying baby's mom agrees with me that his crying is incessant and unusual. She says the grandma agrees, too. She says that her sister doesn't seem to see it. It's very frustrating.


I just hope the Nutramigen helps and that they will see that and keep buying it if it works. If it doesn't help, I don't think I'll be able to watch him and homeschool. When he's not sleeping, he's fussy and/or screaming 90% of the time. But then, I worry about what will happen to him if they just send him to the daycare center where their older daughter goes. I can't stand the thought of them letting him scream and him being in pain.


If you have a good relationship with your family doctor, I would definitely call and see. Our dr's office said they ended up throwing away expired cans since they had no patients using it. Our dr's office is so understanding that I am sure that they would be happy to help out. Maybe yours will be the same.

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I am 40 years old and I was on it when I was a baby. My mother had to buy it through the pharmacy and she said that it smelled like dirty socks, but it was worth it because it cleared up all my problems within 24 hours of starting it.

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I had three little ones on Nutramagin many years ago. It was prohibitively expensive, and my children (one at a time) were the only ones locally using it, so the pediatrician got all of the samples form the other doctors and clinics and gave them to me. It worked wonders for my boys who could not even handle human milk. Is it still stinky?

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My oldest was on nutramagin. Oh, the cost! MIL kept telling me to use goats milk and I ignored her. Until baby 3 was fussy too. I immediately put him on goats milk. It helped greatly and was cheaper. Just thought I'd throw out another suggestion you could pass along.



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Since you mentioned typical daycare...


I don't think a regular daycare would keep him as described without requiring some sort of doctor visit and note. I'd truly be worried with the severity you describe. Our regular ped sent us to a ped gastro b/c S was having such a hard time. I would want a medical opinion in this situation.

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Is it still stinky?


Yes. My dd3 was on it. It smelled like cat food.


FWIW, just FYI, at some point around the time my dd went on it, or shortly after, the formula for Nutramigen was changed, and parents were complaining. Unfortunately I can't remember what the change was. It was foamy, and I probably put a mylicon drop in each bottle. (It's amazing how much I can't remember from just two years ago...)

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I really hope that it works and that the parents can afford to buy it. I have a friend who does in home child care and I can't imagine how attached you get and how much you want to help those children. I don't see how if the problem continues that you can put all of your time and energy into trying to help this baby over your homeschooling. I hope it does work out for everyone though.

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DD used Nutramigen for awhile as well. We could only use the concentrate or premixed kind - the powder did not work well for her. It is quite stinky stuff for sure.


On a side note: DS did much better on the regular formula if it was premixed as well so there may be other options for her other than having to go to Nutramigen.


The AR version (think it was Similac but not sure) was horrible for us - ds had bad reflux and it continued with the AR formula only all the rice stayed down so he got extremely constipated so I would be very hesitant to ever recommend that to anyone if baby is throwing up at all.

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:grouphug: Poor baby! I hope the Nutrimigen works. Ds1 was bottle fed and it took a couple of different formulas to find the one that worked. He needed a soy-based powder formula but not Nutrimigen. Boy that stuff's expensive, isn't it? He had lactose intolerance and there was something in the liquid formula that caused him to throw up everything he'd just ingested.

The liquid formula was milk-based; that's why he threw up everything. :-)


Both my dds were lactose intolerant; *I* couldn't have any straight cow's milk (as in cold cereal) as I was nursing. Sadly, I didn't know it with first dd, so she spit up gallons of milk all the time. It's a wonder she even gained weight, poor thing.

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To all the nutramigen mama's this thread has been emotionally healing for me. It took us months to figure out DD issue and start the right formula. It has been very healing to read other parent's struggles with the same issues and vomiting.


To OP I hope that the formula works and that you start to see some improvement, even just a decrease in screaming from 90% to 50% of the time is huge.

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Well, I don't think the Nutramigen helped. His mom said they gave it to him all weekend, but that he didn't really eat as much as normal and he hardly slept at all. He arrived cranky on Monday morning. He didn't eat much, puked half of what he ate, and still had fussy moments but no screaming. Yesterday, he wouldn't drink the Nutramigen. He did sleep a little. His mom called me during the day and said she was worried because he didn't eat much at home, either. So, she asked me to feed him the regular formula, and if he didn't drink it, she would call the doctor.


The little stinker gobbled the regular formula right up. :tongue_smilie: I don't know if it was the taste of the formula, or that he was just so starving at that point that he would have eaten anything.


True to form, about 20 minutes after the regular formula, he started fussing, squirming, then screaming. I did get him settled down for a long nap, but I really don't know what to do as the next step.

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Poor thing. Talk to his ped about soy formula. If he is dairy intolerant it can take 2 -3 weeks to clear from his body.


:iagree: Have his parents at least try it. Nutramigen is milk based. My dds couldn't tolerate ANY milk derivitives as infants. We were amazed at the difference.

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My youngest was on alimentum for the first year. We were blessed to receive WIC and only had to purchase a few extra cans a month out of pocket.


Just read the update...soy does sound like a good choice. Poor baby. I do hope the soy helps...it is definitely cheaper!

Edited by shellbelle
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Well, I don't think the Nutramigen helped. His mom said they gave it to him all weekend, but that he didn't really eat as much as normal and he hardly slept at all. He arrived cranky on Monday morning. He didn't eat much, puked half of what he ate, and still had fussy moments but no screaming. Yesterday, he wouldn't drink the Nutramigen. He did sleep a little. His mom called me during the day and said she was worried because he didn't eat much at home, either. So, she asked me to feed him the regular formula, and if he didn't drink it, she would call the doctor.


The little stinker gobbled the regular formula right up. :tongue_smilie: I don't know if it was the taste of the formula, or that he was just so starving at that point that he would have eaten anything.


True to form, about 20 minutes after the regular formula, he started fussing, squirming, then screaming. I did get him settled down for a long nap, but I really don't know what to do as the next step.



Poor little guy.


My best friend recently had a baby and was having a lot of formula issues with him. She tried everything, including soy. Nothing worked. She was giving him soy because it gave the smallest of side effects and someone suggested that she try almond milk and she tried it. It worked like a charm. I don't know how nutritious it is, but if he's puking up everything else then that can't be nutritious either.


ETA: She gets it at Walmart. From what I understand, most regular grocery stores do not carry it.

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