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I have failed. My family of geeks wants me to like Star Trek. I am doomed!

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I've tried the originals and I just can't do it, they are soooooo cheesy to me. I know they aren't cheesy to other people, but I just can.not.be.entertained. by these things.


So, in an effort to make a fresh start, to appease the longing on their faces as they want me to love their sci-fi preferences, I went out to Netflix and clicked "Next Generation". I didn't pay attention to what episode it was and it was "the child". Some weird woman gets pregnant by plasma or something, the pregnancy lasts two days, the kid is born sort of just falling out with no real effort, and then an hour later is speaking paragraphs.


A. yeah...now there is every woman's fantasy


B. Not certain that a robot makes for a great doula, but then again, who needs one when the kid just falls out on its own


C. Sure, I can take some plexiglass and a hot glue gun, make a cube, and call it a self-contained quarantine unit!!! Yep, that's one seriously sciency prop you've got there guy with the band over your eyes


D. I didn't think I could keep watching


E. I watched anyway and well, it got worse. The plasma kid died, but didn't actually all so that some bacteria life form thingy wouldn't take over the ship :001_huh:


F. Meanwhile there was some sort of drama going on between the captain and some kid who wasn't old enough to shave but was navigating the Enterprise anyway while everyone decided whose job it was to continue raising him. :confused: Seriously, way back here in 2012, if you aren't old enough to be away from your mommy, we don't put you in charge of the International Space Station. :tongue_smilie:


G. Elsewhere, the mother of the plasma, a woman who can only be characterized as 1. unable to act and 2. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG HAIR, feels things apparently that no one else can feel - though frankly, I think that if everyone thinks they are going to die of rabid bacteria, it isn't a long shot to assume the inhabitants of the ship are feeling a tad stressed - and talks to the plasma which makes her feel better about it dying after playing with some very adorable golden retriever puppies in the "nursery", the puppies being the highlight of the entire show.


H. Whoopi Goldberg really had nothing better to do than wait tables in the bar on this show???????? How bad must the career tanking be to accept that contract????? :willy_nilly:


WHO WROTE THIS????? WAS CRACK COCAINE INVOLVED???? I realize that the trekie fans here might think I am being a smidge judgmental, but seriously....can we have a discussion about this?


Oh, and after TORTURING MYSELF TO COMPLETE THIS EPISODE in an effort to relate to the nerds I have birthed - and no it was not as pain free and effortless as giving birth to the plasma kid - I am informed by the head nerd that "We don't really like Next Generation either. It's kind of lame."


REALLY???? THANKS! Ya know....that's kind of need to know information here. I swear, I am not going to survive their teen years. I'm pretty certain this was planned behind closed doors, all day, tucked away in their little war-room, hatching up attack plans, "how can we get mom to lose her mind so bad we'll never have to study formal logic again" or something to that effect. I wonder if they have voodoo dolls of me and stick it with pins all day long. That would explain the twinges in my back recently! :glare:


That's okay. On pain of very unpleasant chores tomorrow, I am returning the favor by making them watch "Enchanted". Yep, a girl making clothes out of rugs and drapes, running all over NYC singing broadway tunes while the wicked queen and her fool break out the poison apples. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.


You may feel free to bash my post. I just needed to get this off my chest. Dh is in Huntsville until late Sunday night. He normally entertains the troops. This is going to be a very loooooooooooooooooooooong four more days.



Edited by FaithManor
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Whoopi was on the show during the height of her career.


You should start at the beginning of one of the series and thy to watch about 4 or 5 in order to really give it a chance.


All the star trek shows have a few whacky episodes. Time travel. Funky aliens. Etc.


(or just do to that geeky website and buy yourself a star trek night gown. Let your DH pick - dress up and play Star Trek or just watch it on TV. You won't do both. His choice.) whoops I read your post again and it looks like it is your kids and not your DH who are the fans ... so scrap that strategy.

Edited by OrganicAnn
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Do they have any other faves you can try? I can't bear Star Trek - the dialogue, it burns - but I like The Lost Room, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Lois & Clark, Dr. Who, Torchwood, and of course Firefly.


Star Trek is not a geek thing, it is a nerd thing, lol.

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The kid not old enough to shave has a mom on the ship. She's the ship Doctor.



The doctor that delivered the plasma? Because he never referred to her as mom and the captain said he'd have to contact his mother and find out if it was okay to stay with the ship?


Is there another doctor?



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The doctor that delivered the plasma? Because he never referred to her as mom and the captain said he'd have to contact his mother and find out if it was okay to stay with the ship?


Is there another doctor?






Did she have red hair or blonde hair?


You should start with the first season and first episode.


You are watching season 2

Edited by Sis
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The doctor that delivered the plasma? Because he never referred to her as mom and the captain said he'd have to contact his mother and find out if it was okay to stay with the ship?


Is there another doctor?




Did the doctor have red hair?

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Did she have red hair or blonde hair?


You should start with the first season and first episode.



Blond, short, curly hair.


I probably should. But since they've acknowledged that they think Next Generation is lame, I think I should move on...they love Star Wars too....sigh, the ewoks are kind of cute and cuddly, does that count? :lol:


Don't start me on Battlestar Gallactica. I've tried that and with a hot toddy, chocolate, and a good magazine, I can feign a little tolerance.


I am beginning to think these kids were switched around in the hospital. I feel that these are human beings that I did not successfully contribute DNA to! :D



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WHO WROTE THIS????? WAS CRACK COCAINE INVOLVED???? I realize that the trekie fans here might think I am being a smidge judgmental, but seriously....can we have a discussion about this?






oh ..... that's just 2nd season. it sucked for everyone. and that was opener of 2nd season. some cast changes... stuff like that.. not to mention that was the year of the 1988 screen writer's strike wasn't it?


but it was when Riker got his beard! yes! (Q's line: you weren't like this before the beard.)


let's go all Deanna Troi on you here. (she was the mom who gave birth to the alien)


"I repeat stupid lines. I repeat stupid lines." It was the 80's of course she had big hair.. I repeat stupid lines....


and Wesley.... the idiot boy on the bridge. (season 2 was when his mom wasn't on the show... but her character is the doctor for all other TNG.)


season 2..... debatable among fans in my house if it or season 1 was worse. But yeah... I totally understand why you feel this way from that episode.


Whoopi's character gets better. It was her first appearance in that episode and intro to "Ten Forward" it's not just about being a bar tender... ooh...



Babylon 5!



Edited by cbollin
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I know you are a well-educated woman looking to understand this bizarre phenomena, so check out Ursula K Le Guin's The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. A writer and scholar's view of the meaning and value of your "wayward" children's beloved otherworlds. You might be surprised!





(there are other editions)

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I still think you should start with the first one, you can't start with plasma babies.


Yep, that was one of the touchy-feely episodes. Bleah! Now if you're talking episodes with the Borg . . . well then, Resistance is Futile!!!

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At the risk of flaming tomatos here....


Star Trek stinks. Watch Doctor Who instead!


Sonic Screwdriver, anyone?


On the other hand, while I love most of the Trek from TNG forward, I cannot sit through an episode of Doctor Who.


My daughter loves the Doctor and is always trying to get me interested, but blech.

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We cued up another random one...I'll save Enchanted for tomorrow.


Wesley (the whiney boy) said, "We've only charted 19% of our galaxy and look how much we've discovered."


My eldest nerd responded, "yeah, 8 bit color?"


I'm not much of a computer guru but I did get that joke and nearly spit milk all over the computer screen.



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See, I actually disagree that anyone who is skeptical of Next Generation should start with the first one (Farpoint). I also think Doctor Who skeptics shouldn't start with Rose. I think if you're a skeptic, you should start with the BEST episodes and see if they hook you. Especially on a show like Next Generation, it's mostly episodic, so while knowing the characters and some of the ongoing plots can help, most of the stories are self-contained. If you watch a couple and like it, then go back and try it from the start.


For TNG, I would say, the best episode is The Inner Light - season 5, episode 25. Yesterday's Enterprise is another good one - season 3, episode 15. Or maybe The Measure of a Man - season 2, episode 9. My favorite is Family, where Picard goes back to France, but I think that one really should maybe be watched only after getting to know the series.


Of course, if a non-Trek person really wants to appreciate Trek, then the new movie is probably the way to go. It's streaming on Netflix, or at least it used to be before Netflix lost so much of its content. It's new, flashy, well-acted, decently written, and generally fun.


Of course, not every sci-fi show is for everyone. ;) You may just be a Trek-hater. It's okay. To endear yourself to your geek family, pick a different avenue - Firefly, Buffy, Doctor Who, Stargate, etc. etc... take your pick. :D

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I still think you should start with the first one, you can't start with plasma babies.


I'm a huge Star Trek fan, but honestly, the first two seasons of TNG stank. I only watched them because as a Trekkie, I just kept hoping it would get better. It did, seasons 3-7. I try not to even watch the repeats of seasons 1-2. Stupid uniforms, stupid haircuts, stupid plots, and the characters weren't even sure who they were yet. (Exception: the one where Data plays Holmes on the holodeck - that was fun).


I'd just start with season 3, watch a few episodes to give it a try, you'll get to know the characters soon enough. If you start with season 1, you'll have to sit through to much schlock to ever get to the good stuff...

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Oh, and I've totally seen that Troi gets pregnant by a blob of goo and delivers a kid who grows up in a matter of a couple of days episode. Bleh. Not one of the show's best. But with so many episodes, it's not the worst by far either. There are many, many to choose from for that honor.

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Sorry, I had to let Geek Kid also read your post. We were laughing till there were almost tears in our eyes. We knew EXACTLY who and what you were referring to, but you made it so funny! We need you to watch the entire series and post a running commentary. You need to do a Non-Geek View of Star Trek Blog!


btw, I also liked Enchanted...Geek Kid felt truly tortured by it. I think DH also felt tortured by it and he's NOT a Geek.


Star Trek Voyager is cool. Captain Janeway could kick the tails of every captain before her.

Edited by mommaduck
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See, I actually disagree that anyone who is skeptical of Next Generation should start with the first one (Farpoint). I also think Doctor Who skeptics shouldn't start with Rose. I think if you're a skeptic, you should start with the BEST episodes and see if they hook you. Especially on a show like Next Generation, it's mostly episodic, so while knowing the characters and some of the ongoing plots can help, most of the stories are self-contained. If you watch a couple and like it, then go back and try it from the start.


For TNG, I would say, the best episode is The Inner Light - season 5, episode 25. Yesterday's Enterprise is another good one - season 3, episode 15. Or maybe The Measure of a Man - season 2, episode 9. My favorite is Family, where Picard goes back to France, but I think that one really should maybe be watched only after getting to know the series.


Of course, if a non-Trek person really wants to appreciate Trek, then the new movie is probably the way to go. It's streaming on Netflix, or at least it used to be before Netflix lost so much of its content. It's new, flashy, well-acted, decently written, and generally fun.


Of course, not every sci-fi show is for everyone. ;) You may just be a Trek-hater. It's okay. To endear yourself to your geek family, pick a different avenue - Firefly, Buffy, Doctor Who, Stargate, etc. etc... take your pick. :D


I like Farpoint!

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Sci-fi shows must be watched in order. The characters will not make sense otherwise.


I like sci-fi because I can just turn off my brain and watch them. I can let go of any expectations of 'the world as we know it' and just accept that they have the technology to do whatever they are showing on the screen.


I dislike most CSI shows (except the early days of the original) because they always get the bad guy and if not, they get a full confession of the suspect just with a head turn and glasses tilt. I can sit and pick them apart just like you did with Star Trek. LOL

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Whoopi wanted to be in Star Trek. She watched the original when she was a little girl and love that Uhura was a black smart woman. Actually I think it was the first roll a black woman had that was not a maid. Star Trek (I think) is what inspired her to become an actress.


Here is Whoopi's quote from wiki:

Whoopi Goldberg, who later played Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation, described Uhura as a role model for her, recalling that she told her family, "I just saw a black woman on television; and she ain't no maid!"

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Whoopi wanted to be in Star Trek. She watched the original when she was a little girl and love that Uhura was a black smart woman. Actually I think it was the first roll a black woman had that was not a maid. Star Trek (I think) is what inspired her to become an actress.


Here is Whoopi's quote from wiki:

Whoopi Goldberg, who later played Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation, described Uhura as a role model for her, recalling that she told her family, "I just saw a black woman on television; and she ain't no maid!"

Also, I believe Uhura and Captain Kirk had the first inter-racial kiss on a television series.

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On the other hand, while I love most of the Trek from TNG forward, I cannot sit through an episode of Doctor Who.

My daughter loves the Doctor and is always trying to get me interested, but blech.


I knew I liked you!


Faith, I still like you, but Whoopi was awesome in TNG, and Will Wheaton (the obnoxious kid running the space station) is hilarious! Sigh, Try Deep Space Nine.

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I knew I liked you!


Faith, I still like you, but Whoopi was awesome in TNG, and Will Wheaton (the obnoxious kid running the space station) is hilarious! Sigh, Try Deep Space Nine.


And Wil Wheaton is awesome when he is on The Big Bang Theory.

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Sorry, I had to let Geek Kid also read your post. We were laughing till there were almost tears in our eyes. We knew EXACTLY who and what you were referring to, but you made it so funny! We need you to watch the entire series and post a running commentary. You need to do a Non-Geek View of Star Trek Blog!


My husband & I had a ball reading your post as well. I agree with mommaduck - you need to watch them all and write a blog!

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I watched Star Trek when I was a kid and the original series was the only series. When I tried to watch it as an adult I just couldn't.


I watched TNG with dh early in our marriage because, well, we sometimes do strange things when love is new. :lol:


For the most part, I'm pretty geeky. I cannot bear to watch any of the Star Trek series.

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I watched TNG with dh early in our marriage because, well, we sometimes do strange things when love is new. :lol:



I watched it when we were dating and newly married. Yes, we sometimes do strange things when love it new. However, I find that I can make cultural references around other geeky engineers since I did watch it. So I guess it helped me professionally?

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"Oh goodness! I didn't realise that was him!"


He plays himself on the Big Bang, but he is a lot nicer than portrayed. My DH has followed his blog for several years.

Geek Kid watches BB. I only pop in for it occasionally. So I may have missed the whole background.

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I've tried the originals and I just can't do it, they are soooooo cheesy to me. I know they aren't cheesy to other people, but I just can.not.be.entertained. by these things.


So, in an effort to make a fresh start, to appease the longing on their faces as they want me to love their sci-fi preferences, I went out to Netflix and clicked "Next Generation". I didn't pay attention to what episode it was and it was "the child". Some weird woman gets pregnant by plasma or something, the pregnancy lasts two days, the kid is born sort of just falling out with no real effort, and then an hour later is speaking paragraphs.


A. yeah...now there is every woman's fantasy


B. Not certain that a robot makes for a great doula, but then again, who needs one when the kid just falls out on its own


C. Sure, I can take some plexiglass and a hot glue gun, make a cube, and call it a self-contained quarantine unit!!! Yep, that's one seriously sciency prop you've got there guy with the band over your eyes


D. I didn't think I could keep watching


E. I watched anyway and well, it got worse. The plasma kid died, but didn't actually all so that some bacteria life form thingy wouldn't take over the ship :001_huh:


F. Meanwhile there was some sort of drama going on between the captain and some kid who wasn't old enough to shave but was navigating the Enterprise anyway while everyone decided whose job it was to continue raising him. :confused: Seriously, way back here in 2012, if you aren't old enough to be away from your mommy, we don't put you in charge of the International Space Station. :tongue_smilie:


G. Elsewhere, the mother of the plasma, a woman who can only be characterized as 1. unable to act and 2. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG HAIR, feels things apparently that no one else can feel - though frankly, I think that if everyone thinks they are going to die of rabid bacteria, it isn't a long shot to assume the inhabitants of the ship are feeling a tad stressed - and talks to the plasma which makes her feel better about it dying after playing with some very adorable golden retriever puppies in the "nursery", the puppies being the highlight of the entire show.


H. Whoopi Goldberg really had nothing better to do than wait tables in the bar on this show???????? How bad must the career tanking be to accept that contract????? :willy_nilly:


WHO WROTE THIS????? WAS CRACK COCAINE INVOLVED???? I realize that the trekie fans here might think I am being a smidge judgmental, but seriously....can we have a discussion about this?


Oh, and after TORTURING MYSELF TO COMPLETE THIS EPISODE in an effort to relate to the nerds I have birthed - and no it was not as pain free and effortless as giving birth to the plasma kid - I am informed by the head nerd that "We don't really like Next Generation either. It's kind of lame."


REALLY???? THANKS! Ya know....that's kind of need to know information here. I swear, I am not going to survive their teen years. I'm pretty certain this was planned behind closed doors, all day, tucked away in their little war-room, hatching up attack plans, "how can we get mom to lose her mind so bad we'll never have to study formal logic again" or something to that effect. I wonder if they have voodoo dolls of me and stick it with pins all day long. That would explain the twinges in my back recently! :glare:


That's okay. On pain of very unpleasant chores tomorrow, I am returning the favor by making them watch "Enchanted". Yep, a girl making clothes out of rugs and drapes, running all over NYC singing broadway tunes while the wicked queen and her fool break out the poison apples. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.


You may feel free to bash my post. I just needed to get this off my chest. Dh is in Huntsville until late Sunday night. He normally entertains the troops. This is going to be a very loooooooooooooooooooooong four more days.




I have been a MAJOR Star Trek fan since I was a kid. Yes, that was when the original Star Trek was prime time. ;) That said, I actually like Star Trek: TNG better than the original. And the episode you describe is one of my least favorites. Most of them are really, really good! Some of my very favorites are Darmok, Clues, Parallels, Timescape, The Inner Light, Chain of Command...

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"Oh goodness! I didn't realise that was him!"


He plays himself on the Big Bang, but he is a lot nicer than portrayed. My DH has followed his blog for several years.



He's in other geeky shows too (The Guild, and a tabletop roleplaying demo show where he plays himself). He's fun. :)

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On the other hand, while I love most of the Trek from TNG forward, I cannot sit through an episode of Doctor Who.


My daughter loves the Doctor and is always trying to get me interested, but blech.


I tend to agree. I just can't get into Doctor Who, but I'm trying. :glare: Give me Star Trek any day, especially TNG.

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Episode Who knows what:




Something creepy, and I mean CREEPY, is the body guard to something cute and not too bright that looks human and makes googly eyes at whiney boy who falls instantly in love whereby the beard and Whoopi try to teach him the art of whooing by staring into each other's eyes and saying incredible sappy pick-up lines that no woman in her right mind would fall for but since there are no women in their right minds on board Buzz Lightyear's ship - oh wait, did I mix up my sci-fi flix? - this works out well for whiney boy, but after plying his trade on the feeble minded girl, Mrs. Creepy turns into Chewbaca and makes Wookie noises and tries to eat the vulcan/romulan/martian security guy until Captain Woody, oops I mean Picard, says stop, whereupon creepy goes back to her quarters and gets seriously ticked off which makes her attempt to eat whiney boy so googly eye girl turns into a wookie and she and creepy make wookie noises at each other and then they make up and love each other, and since everything turns into plasma in this ship, googly girl turns into plasma and is beamed to the surface of what looks like Venus because as we know every International Space Station commander is perfectly okay beaming humanoids in the shape of plasma into an atmosphere so dense that their twelve-mile walkie talkies can't pick up a signal and everyone lives happily ever after because the big talking hair didn't actually talk and could have been, for all intensive purposes, a mannequin. I'm really shocked that she did not have a line such as, "I feel that the old lady wookie looks creepy". NO DUH!


There were no golden retriever puppies. This saddened me greatly.


I think that if they'd have spent a little more on props, Sprint cell phones instead of Coleman walkie-talkies, they might have made contact with the planet in order to ascertain whether or not the plasma wookie was being beamed into the Hunger Games. But, that's just me. I can't profess to being a technology expert.


Onward and upward. Apparently I'm in a masochistic mood and will continue the self-mutilation by watching another random episode.


Oh, and on a personal note to the wardrobe department...the uniforms are ....uhm....interesting. Out of curiosity, how much did you pay the male actors to have their bits duct-taped so that their very tight uniforms looked so, well, non-gender revealing???? Do they yelp when the duct-tape comes off or do they just wear it season after season and hope that by the time the show is not renewed, the glue will have worn off? In this instance, Gorilla tape would be unusually cruel, but could account for some of the acting such as Warf's perpetually angry expression. (Palm to the head) Goo Gone - you used Goo Gone, that explains it!



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Seriously laughing out loud. You must watch more and post more.


I dislike the ones where Troi is all victimized and waxing emotional.


My favorites are the ones that feature Picard the most. Patrick Stewart is an incredible actor. I adore Q and I love the Borg episodes.


Speaking of Patrick Stewart, he also did a one-man reading of A Christmas Carol that is rather well done.

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Episode Who knows what:




Something creepy, and I mean CREEPY, is the body guard to something cute and not too bright that looks human and makes googly eyes at whiney boy who falls instantly in love whereby the beard and Whoopi try to teach him the art of whooing by staring into each other's eyes and saying incredible sappy pick-up lines that no woman in her right mind would fall for but since there are no women in their right minds on board Buzz Lightyear's ship - oh wait, did I mix up my sci-fi flix? - this works out well for whiney boy, but after plying his trade on the feeble minded girl, Mrs. Creepy turns into Chewbaca and makes Wookie noises and tries to eat the vulcan/romulan/martian security guy until Captain Woody, oops I mean Picard, says stop, whereupon creepy goes back to her quarters and gets seriously ticked off which makes her attempt to eat whiney boy so googly eye girl turns into a wookie and she and creepy make wookie noises at each other and then they make up and love each other, and since everything turns into plasma in this ship, googly girl turns into plasma and is beamed to the surface of what looks like Venus because as we know every International Space Station commander is perfectly okay beaming humanoids in the shape of plasma into an atmosphere so dense that their twelve-mile walkie talkies can't pick up a signal and everyone lives happily ever after because the big talking hair didn't actually talk and could have been, for all intensive purposes, a mannequin. I'm really shocked that she did not have a line such as, "I feel that the old lady wookie looks creepy". NO DUH!


There were no golden retriever puppies. This saddened me greatly.


I think that if they'd have spent a little more on props, Sprint cell phones instead of Coleman walkie-talkies, they might have made contact with the planet in order to ascertain whether or not the plasma wookie was being beamed into the Hunger Games. But, that's just me. I can't profess to being a technology expert.


Onward and upward. Apparently I'm in a masochistic mood and will continue the self-mutilation by watching another random episode.


Oh, and on a personal note to the wardrobe department...the uniforms are ....uhm....interesting. Out of curiosity, how much did you pay the male actors to have their bits duct-taped so that their very tight uniforms looked so, well, non-gender revealing???? Do they yelp when the duct-tape comes off or do they just wear it season after season and hope that by the time the show is not renewed, the glue will have worn off? In this instance, Gorilla tape would be unusually cruel, but could account for some of the acting such as Warf's perpetually angry expression. (Palm to the head) Goo Gone - you used Goo Gone, that explains it!




:lol::lol: You must really get past Season 2! You're write-ups are hilarious, though! :lol::lol:


And yes, it's sad that I (and probably many others) know exactly to which episode you here refer. :tongue_smilie:

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And Wil Wheaton is awesome when he is on The Big Bang Theory.


I recently found him on Eureka, which we've been watching on Netflix. I totally didn't recognize him until his character had a snit - then I was like, OMG - it's Wesley! It was just like he was whining about something at Beverly... :lol:

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:lol::lol: You must really get past Season 2! You're write-ups are hilarious, though! :lol::lol:


And yes, it's sad that I (and probably many others) know exactly to which episode you here refer. :tongue_smilie:

Yup! I was a young teen and loved that cheesy episode.

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