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How is your summer/summer schooling going?

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Here were the original plans:


At a bare minimum, the kids do math and read every day. DS(10yo) is going to take an AoPS class, so we will have to see how much time that takes up. DD(12yo) will work through the Key to..... math workbooks. I hope to work through Ceaser's English and read at least one classic to the kids. DD is going to a creative writing camp for 3 weeks and DS is going to a computer programming camp for a week.


What is actually happening:

DD (12yo) - DD is studying hard for her Bat Mitzvah in September. She is also working daily on her Silver Award project for girl scouts. Combine those two activities with day camp, and I am lucky she is still reading every night. Math is not happening, and I expect we will pay for this come September. Creative writing camp starts next week and is 3 weeks long. When dd comes home, it will be crunch time for her Bat Mitzvah. *sigh* no vocab or classics, but my real worry is the lack of math. We just cannot squeeze any more time out of the day.


DS(10yo) - Computer camp was a huge success! Now we are back to regular general day camp. AOPS Pre-algebra part 1 is also going well. The trick was to enroll him in the online class. It gives him deadlines and keeps him on schedule. Plus, he just loves the class! DS is quickly reading through the Alex Rider series. I am hoping to add in vocabulary, but we will see.... My concern for DS is the complete and total lack of writing.

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We read almost every day, but for my slower reader (rising first grader), I feel we are not doing it as intensely as we probably should. I wanted to go through a bunch of phonics readers and some more meaty storybooks, but all we seem to have time for are very simple storybooks. Hopefully that will change, but anything is better than nothing. In August, I plan to bring out the sight word flash cards to reinforce words she is getting rusty on.


I've switched to mostly math storybooks for read-alouds with them. Along with an occasional side discussion of money and time. I still plan on getting a little more formal with math in August. I also want to start regularly playing board / card games that use math concepts. They also have written assignments for piano theory, which can be challenging from a math perspective.


I also want to go through some very easy science readers, with the intent of revisiting basic science concepts and vocabulary that are supposed to be covered in KG (I don't think they really talked about the concepts in school). I also plan to get a little more hands on with outdoor summer activities and looking at them from the scientific perspective. (If it would stop being so darn hot outside!)


My eldest has visual memory issues, so I have her doing some games that are supposed to help with that. She's also doing a little therapy for auditory processing, and working on saying "r" :).


ETA: I should probably add that my kids are in day camp 5 days a week, and it's somewhat academic. They review some really basic academics and get into some cool science stuff, museum visits, etc. I think they have Spanish and French once a week, and my kids have their weekly piano lesson there. They also have informal Spanish and art classes on Saturdays and attend church/Sunday School. We have been to the zoo and museums a couple of times; had to take a few weeks off, but hope to start that again this week.

Edited by SKL
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The italicized text is what I originally posted for our plans. Actually having the list has helped to keep us on track, more or less. DD helped plan the schedule, so she is pretty committed to it so far.


We are trying something a little different this summer. DD and I have just made a bit of a schedule to follow. We plan to spend mornings on our mini-summer school, and have our afternoons free. We are going to do 4 "units" that last 3-4 weeks each. Half the morning will be spent on math or science (generally alternating days), and half the morning will be spent on the following units:


DD decided spend a week out of town with family, and to do a few weeks of half-day tennis camp with friends, so we have a bit less time to devote to summer schooling. Actual math and science lessons are on hold for 2 more weeks, but she got some new logic games that she is enjoying, and we are tinkering with a used bike DH picked up for her, stripping off old paint, replacing various parts, and applying a new coat of paint. (Learning more about technology is part of the summer science plan.)


Unit 1, Irish unit: The last 500 years of Irish history, Gaelic pronounciations, attending a big Irish festival, and taking a few lessons on playing the violin as a fiddle.


We've pretty much wrapped up unit 1. We had already done Irish history from ancients through the 1500's prior to the summer. We went to an Irish art exhibit at a local museum instead of the Irish festival. Fiddling will happen in August.



Unit 2, French unit: French history highlights from Charlemagne to the French Revolution, some French language immersion, and attending a big Bastille Day celebration.


We are in unit 2 at the moment, and we are spending more time on the French language than history. Given that it's July, we've been spending some time on the connection between the American and French Revolutions, especially the role of the French in the the American Revolution.


Unit 3, Latin unit: Continue Minimus, do some Latin lessons with DH, 2 weeks of half-day Latin camp at a local school (with lots of different activities), and a Roman art exhibit.


Unit 3 starts in 2 weeks. This summer, DD has been coloring a series of maps of Europe showing the Celts in Europe, various stages of the Roman Empire, and the emergence of France. She was originally going to do a time line, but putting the maps in chronological order in a binder seems to make more sense to her, and tie it all together.



Unit 4, Chinese unit: The last 500 years of Chinese history, more Mandarin language DVD lessons, Chinese calligraphy, visit Chinatown, and view a Chinese art exhibit.


We still plan to end with this. We spent a good bit of time after-schooling Chinese History and Mandarin last year, but DD would like to revisit it during the summer when we have more time, especially the language lessons.

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So far so good.....

DD8 does EPGY Math/Language for 45 mins each, 3x week. She's also been reading Beast Academy but not doing much of the workbook (maybe 1 page a day)

We've been doing spelling from ILS weekly. We've also been finishing up MCT's grammar/sentence island and WWE.

DD also takes a writing class once a week and a math enrichment class once a week.

Lastly her she's been reading up a storm at night. I expect she'll complete the last book in the Shadow Children Series this week.

Hopefully this pace will continue, but we also have absolutely no problems putting off academics to do something else outdoors.

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We're doing a bare minimum as well over the summer. 2-3 days a week, ds (a rising 6th grader) is easing slowly into Saxon Math 7/6, gets read to and narrates back, and does a bit of a summer bridge workbook, and spends a little time on independent reading (ok, so it's a comic book - at least he's reading). That was pretty much the summer plan anyway. Now that he's not doing day camp anymore, we're also planning lots of field trips and activities in the area.

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We are doing pretty well at keeping math and science going and slowly progressing through our American Revolution study. We accomplished more in June than usual, but July is always very busy and I don't expect to accomplish too much. The August rolls around and we just want to play :) Fortunately, my kids seem to think that math, science, history and Latin are play.


The one thing we aren't getting to as much is reading. Very strange in this household, but since that is not our normal, I'm not worrying about it too much.

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Wow! I'm really impressed by everyone's plans. I wish I could say were doing something with languages or learning Hebrew in preparation for a Bat Mitzvah, but no...

We are doing a multi-age thing that I'm calling A STEM summer. It's taking about 30 minutes a day. I also have my son signed up for Dreambox Math, and jumping through a lot of hoops to play computer through this basket/clothespin system I have rigged up.

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Summer has been one unexpected thing after another. So far, we have loved FIAR. I am skipping around vol. 1-3 to choose books set in different countries. We have made a few simple lapbooks for some of the books, which has been good practice for cutting skills. I wish they were doing more handwriting and math games. My son is actually trying to swim, so we have made an effort to facilitate his interest.

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The summer is winding down pretty fast around here. The school starts Aug. 6th or 8th, so just a few weeks left. I have mixed feelings about this summer. On one hand we have made some great progress, but we also have some failures to report. Incredible progress on piano. We found THE TEACHER :001_smile: and we have been practicing at minimum 45 min. a day (my older boy and 20 min. by little one) with some remarkable results. We have been reading daily and doing math 5 times a week. Now not so good. I was hoping to do much more with French that I managed. We made some progress, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. I was also planning on doing the "explorer themed summer" and lined up books (that's everybody for suggestions), but we failed to deliver. On the flip side, history is chugging alone. Stuck in Rome, still, but I can see us getting to SOTW2 by Oct.

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The summer is winding down pretty fast around here. The school starts Aug. 6th or 8th, so just a few weeks left. I have mixed feelings about this summer. On one hand we have made some great progress, but we also have some failures to report. Incredible progress on piano. We found THE TEACHER :001_smile: and we have been practicing at minimum 45 min. a day (my older boy and 20 min. by little one) with some remarkable results. We have been reading daily and doing math 5 times a week. Now not so good. I was hoping to do much more with French that I managed. We made some progress, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. I was also planning on doing the "explorer themed summer" and lined up books (that's everybody for suggestions), but we failed to deliver. On the flip side, history is chugging alone. Stuck in Rome, still, but I can see us getting to SOTW2 by Oct.



Wow. Your summer is just ending, ours is just starting!

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Really well!


For math, we've read the first Life of Fred book and are into the second; have been playing lots of math games and learning the abacus; and are a bit of the way into Singapore math.


We're listening to Story of the World Vol. 1 in the car, which has led to a lot of discussion, further library reading (especially about mummies and Ancient Egypt) and some creative play. We're going to repeat slowly during the school year with some of the activity guide projects as both kids are really enjoying it.


DS is keeping a summer journal and has written a sentence and drawn an accompanying picture most days. His writing doesn't seem to be improving, but I'm not pushing and it's holding steady. I feel like I'm just keeping him from backsliding in this area.


We decided to wait until the school year starts for 100 Easy Lessons with the (will be) 4 year old. She loves it, but there just isn't enough time.


Plus, we're doing a lot of fun field trips, play dates, and activities. We went berry picking, toured a local nursery, went to the local history museum, the zoo, etc., and a new park every week. Our playgroup has done a bunch of crafts and a few science projects. It's been a busy, fun summer and we're all sleeping great!


DS told me this is his best summer ever, which is really encouraging me to push him even more!


We'll be starting an 8 week prehistory unit next week and I've got lots of fun ideas for related activities. I think the kids, who are fascinated by geology and dinosaurs, will really enjoy it.

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We are off to a slow start in afterschooling after an exciting vacation. We just got back from a two week vacation which included a week in Seattle and a cruise to Alaska. I actually packed pages of SM1 and AAS to do along with some books for my five year old to read (he starts PS kindergarten in August). We did formal schooling three days out of the 14. It was too hard to open a textbook when there is a whale spouting just outside the window. Although he didn't do much formal schooling, on some days he went a for a couple hours a day to the kids club on the ship with his little brother and actually colored. He goes to a play based preschool and never ever chooses to color anything. They did themes everyday and on pirate day he had colored his bandana they gave him and a picture of a pirate. So if he is motivated I was pleasantly surprised that he actually can color and stay in the lines.


My goal this summer is for him to finish AAS 1 before he starts kindergarten in August. He is halfway through it and I am determined to finish it before he starts kindergarten and invented spelling is stressed. So far when he spells with tiles it is easy for him, the challenge is when he writes the word on paper for him to correctly print the letters quickly. His printing is vastly improved in the last few months. We were on track to finish SM1 but have slowed down to explore Japanese math and the first grade math kit and activities.

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We are doing okay. School ended 5/24 and we went on vacation through 6/5. She attended a camp through the end of the week. Summer plans were to cover any pre-algebra gaps and start on Alg 1 so that she is familiar with the various topics when she encounters them in school. She has started Foerster Alg I supplemented with problems from Dolciani Alg 1. Our main focus for math was to improve her ability to do word problems.


1st goal - Math pre-Algebra review/Algebra 1 - daily and reading daily


2nd goal - Spelling improvement - She still struggles with this - so she is doing Phonetic Zoo Level C - mostly independent which she likes better.


3rd goal - Improve typing - She does this on her own pace.


4th goal - Writing Skills/Deductive Reasoning/Analogies - We use Kilgallon, Mind Benders B1 and Analogies, respectively. We do this 1 or 2 times a week depending on my schedule. She really hates this part but needs it the most.


So far we have done well with the math and reading but not as much writing as I would like. She is going to overnight camp all next week.

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I posted that I planned to wrap up Singapore Math 2B materials and start on 3A for my 8 year old. Also tennis camp, family trips, and some reading


We just came back from a 2 week international trip, and are starting 3A. He reads about 30 min everyday. I read to him another 30 minutes. Need to add some writing in there. Tennis camp coming up.

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Not quite as well as I planned. My daughter loves to put off her work, but by the time she's done swimming her head is mush. I know I should make her do it first, and I often do, but sometimes I crumble. So far SOTW has gone very well, because DD loves all the projects and extra books. Math is on track, we raced through some weeks and lagged behind on others, but it's evened out. WWE is a battle. I'm not sure if I'm winning or losing. Reading is going well because DD is involved in so many prize-granting reading programs. She's finally taken on chapter books! Art and bible study have practically ground to a halt.


I'm also behind on all my own summer goals, which I blame entirely on The Game of Thrones books.

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We school year round but it's been too long since we last had a break. I just really wanted to finish certain things up, (some things went at a slow pace due to having a high-needs baby around), and it took longer than I had projected. Just today we finished and now I need a long break, I think at least two weeks but maybe a month before we start our new school year.


I plan to organize my house and organize everything for our new school year, but mostly spend a lot of time on my hobby, and on reading for pleasure. (When the toddler will let me.)


I will require the kids to read and that's all. (Two of them already read for pleasure every day without being told, but one will not read unless I assign him reading time.)

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My plan was to finish SOTW 1 over the summer. We have listened to a few chapters, but we have worksheets amd lap book pages to do....I think we will just pick up where we left off when we start back in August and move to 2 when we are done.


We finished school for the year in mid may, then had recital andbtwo musicals for the studio. Immediately followed by the three week sinus infection I have been suffering! This week, I am better, but we had princess camp!!


Both kids are taking gymnastics and art all summer. DS is taking a jump rope class and Dd is in dance. They will both be In theatre camp for the next two weeks.....then little brother is.due.to arrive!!


DS has been reading everyday and Dd and I have worked through part of 100 ez lessons. They are learning....just not all I had planned ;)

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Not at all going as I planned. First of all I underestimated how much of a toll a sports summer camp can take on a 5 year old's energy level. And then, we have elderly in-laws staying with us for 3 months so that MIL could recuperate from an illness. Though we love them dearly and are glad to have them with us, they are utterly bored and sedentary and our house is very small. So, they interrupt all and every summer schooling activity I do with our son as they think a 5 year old needs to entertain them and there is no need to "force feed" schooling in the summer time for a 5 year old. I bear with it and go on despite their interruptions, loud TV watching and even louder and long phone calls (they are hard of hearing too). My DH jokes that my son will end up with the best concentration levels for a 5 year old in our county if he persevered through all these distractions!

So, this is what is actually happening:

1. Math Plan was to have started SM 1a. We finished Singapore EarlyBird B. We are halfway through Miquon Orange Book. Did not even crack open the Singapore 1A books yet. DreamBox has not been visited for a month due to lack of time.

2. Reading - SOTW 1 a few times. But, made great progress with SOTW audiobooks. I am so glad to have them.

3. Finished the whole series of "Let's Read and Find Out Science 1 & 2" - even the experiments at the back of each of those books. But made no headway on the BFSU book.

4. Piano practice going well as I keep that as a main priority for summer.

5. Korean Martial Arts - suffering as the sports camps make DS too tired to do well in the Martial Arts class. Need to delay his belt testing.

6. Language - FLL 1 going at moderate pace. Gave up on ETC temporarily. Will take it up in the fall again when we will have more time.

7. Kumon workbooks - languishing. Will dust them up in the Fall.

8. Arts and Crafts - a few cutting and pasting activities so far.

One lesson I have learned - never to buy any more curriculum until we use up some of the stockpile I have :)

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I'd originally planned this:

We'll be finishing up the last 8 or so chapters of A Living History of Our World vol. 1. Hopefully that will be done by the end of June. Also doing the last half of the Miquon Red book and daily Calculadder drills for learning addition and subtraction facts. I'm also planning on having her do copywork daily to try to get her in the habit of writing neatly, and I'm still waffling about whether to start her on cursive this summer. She'll start it midway through the school year next year and I think it might be better to get her in the habit of doing that neatly right off rather than having to undo sloppy habits. Hopefully we'll do some nature study, read-alouds (I'm so not good at doing RAs), drawing lessons, and start the piano lessons back up. And listen to some Spanish CDs and read Spanish books for review. Oh and possibly do a relaxed 50 states study. That sounds like a lot doesn't it?


We did finish up history by the end of June though we switched to Elemental History because we were both sick of ALHOOW. Finished the Miquon Red book too. Copywork and math drills are happening pretty much daily (M-F). I scrapped the 50 states study plans. I gave her the My Nature Journal book and she's taken it outside twice so I guess nature study isn't really happening. I got some Draw Write Now books for her to use when she wants. She's practicing the piano most days but I have yet to get around to giving her another lesson. They listen to Spanish CDs in the car occasionally. For read-alouds she has a daily quiet time and listens to Librivox records (Swiss Family Robinson currently).


So I guess it's sort of all getting done, but definitely not as much as I would like. If it requires me to facilitate it getting done like making nature study happen, or I have to sit down and do it like giving her a piano lesson, it's not going to happen. Between trying to feed four people with dozens of food intolerances, trying to keep two crazy monkey little boys from killing each other and themselves, and dealing with morning sickness and fatigue, not much gets done. I just need to find ways to expose her to and help her learn the things I want her to learn without it actually requiring too much of my direct supervison or time.

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In our third year of afterschooling, I find myself falling into a cycle of "when summer starts, we'll really get going on X,Y, Z!" And then by August it changes to "When school starts, we'll really pick up the pace on X, Y, Z!" Meanwhile we are turtle-ing along at all times, but learning all the time. Its starting to crack me up. On the flipside, I am pleasantly surprised when I look ahead and see that we are actually on track with history (minus of few projects in order to continue progress) and a few workbooks are almost finished cover to cover by the workbook loving 6 year old.

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Not at all going as I planned. First of all I underestimated how much of a toll a sports summer camp can take on a 5 year old's energy level. And then, we have elderly in-laws staying with us for 3 months so that MIL could recuperate from an illness. Though we love them dearly and are glad to have them with us, they are utterly bored and sedentary and our house is very small. So, they interrupt all and every summer schooling activity I do with our son as they think a 5 year old needs to entertain them and there is no need to "force feed" schooling in the summer time for a 5 year old. I bear with it and go on despite their interruptions, loud TV watching and even louder and long phone calls (they are hard of hearing too). My DH jokes that my son will end up with the best concentration levels for a 5 year old in our county if he persevered through all these distractions!





Hello Sandwich Generation!

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Well, we never mummified the chicken. Absolutely no extra science or SOTW projects that I had been planning, though there has been a lot of art. We had a too long break from math but are now catching up to the summer goal. Reading also regressed but has bounced back with daily practice. What has thrown me off is that one of my 4 year-olds is racing ahead and both 4 YO's are taking up more time than I expected.

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We are now halfway through the summer break, and we are definitely more than halfway through our summerschooling plan, so that is good. DD especially liked her Latin camp, and learning about Roman history. She came home in a pink toga one day and refused to take it off for hours, even though it was 90 degrees out. She has discovered the "You Wouldn't Want to Be a ...." history series, and is rapidly working her way through all of the books.


On the down side, we are still waiting to hear which school DD will attend in the fall. If we knew, I would have a better idea of what our focus should really be this month.


JenniferLynn-DD wants to do the mummified chicken this summer, but I know DH would say NO WAY.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest gailey

I have not done as much as I would like.


still 2weeks hols left approx due to teacher training days.


we have joined up to maths factor summer camp-online

done 2maths work booklets really need to start on the english.

started project on spain, butterflies and bridges-yes random I agree.

we need to crack on with those and turn them into lap books before hols ends.

completed libary summer reading challenge of 2books per week 1 more book and think we get swim voucher.


we have wrote and illustrated a story book, nearly finished with that just need to laminate.


trips not nearly as many as hoped.


we have done few parks and 2museums

2science experiments.


next aims are start


science journal

start a nature journal.

do a collage of olympics.


starts the olympics project-again convert into lap book.


work out how to construct a lapbook!


look at some poetry and try get dd to write her own poems,


complete least 2english work booklets.


teach dd to play scrabble

teach dd to tell time

teach dd 2, 3, 4 and 5times table-bit ambitous. tried percy parker she hates it.




take her to few more big parks

take her swimming

take her to community farm as that benefits my preschooler.

butterfly farm.


go shop buy more craft stuff.


we done 2museums was hoping to fit in science museum but think we wont have time!


Need everything and complete and looking good so can persuade head to let us part time school!

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I have not done as much as I would like.


still 2weeks hols left approx due to teacher training days.


we have joined up to maths factor summer camp-online

done 2maths work booklets really need to start on the english.

started project on spain, butterflies and bridges-yes random I agree.

we need to crack on with those and turn them into lap books before hols ends.

completed libary summer reading challenge of 2books per week 1 more book and think we get swim voucher.


we have wrote and illustrated a story book, nearly finished with that just need to laminate.


trips not nearly as many as hoped.


we have done few parks and 2museums

2science experiments.


next aims are start


science journal

start a nature journal.

do a collage of olympics.


starts the olympics project-again convert into lap book.


work out how to construct a lapbook!


look at some poetry and try get dd to write her own poems,


complete least 2english work booklets.


teach dd to play scrabble

teach dd to tell time

teach dd 2, 3, 4 and 5times table-bit ambitous. tried percy parker she hates it.




take her to few more big parks

take her swimming

take her to community farm as that benefits my preschooler.

butterfly farm.


go shop buy more craft stuff.


we done 2museums was hoping to fit in science museum but think we wont have time!


Need everything and complete and looking good so can persuade head to let us part time school!


:hurray: This is awesome!

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