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How is your homeschool room organized?

How is your room organized  

  1. 1. How is your room organized

    • Kids around table - it works well!
    • Kids around table - doesn't work well at all!
    • Kids with individual workspaces (such as along a wall) - love it!
    • Kids with individual workspaces - doesn't work well.
    • The ubiquitous other!

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We have a table, but sometimes the kids just need to be in their own space so we have a couple desks as well. The desks aren't even in the same room though. We also have a chaise lounge chair in the classroom and the kids tend to do most of their reading there.

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With five kids working in different places on different days I just chose "other." We have a large table that is made of four desks (you can see it in a picture album if you click my name). Sometimes the kids work there, sometimes they need a quieter area so we have a study (converted bedroom) and the girls have a desk in their room. We also work in the kitchen counter (on stools) or at the dining room table. The living room gets used for school too. :tongue_smilie:

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My kids all sit around the table for things they're learning together that require seat work. When they're doing their independent work they scatter to their own workspaces (desk, sofa, etc). We don't have a very big table and they tend to get in each other's ways if they're all sitting together. I wish that I had a huge room with one big table in the centre and individual desks along the walls.

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We don't actually have a school room, we have a routine of moving around the house for various things at various times, such as the sitting room or bedroom for reading. The main areas we use are the kitchen and dining room. I've found that DS11 needs to be away from any distractions, so he often sits in a different room when he's working. DS5 and DS7 probably do most of their work together at the kitchen table.

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I'm only schooling two and we have a long table set against one wall in the schoolroom. This is where they do most of their "seatwork". When we are reading, they are usually on the floor listening or sitting beside me. Math is TT so done on the laptop usually in the kitchen. It works well for us.

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In our previous house we used a table and I had a separate computer desk. It worked great.


In this house we have two desks butted together. It's like a table but our individual spaces are clearly defined. Ds tends to keep his desk neater than me. I also have a computer desk.


I like having the individual space defined, especially as he gets older and more picky about his space.

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I did individual work spaces at first and it wasn't working so I switched us to around a table together. We learn too many classes as a group and my 11 year old needs way too much supervision to keep on task.

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We don't have an official room but use the dining room. I have a cabinet w/ school supplies by the table and then a shelf on the otherside of the room w/ books. We sit at the table for that which needs to be done while sitting ie the 3rs, anything else we do could be anywhere.

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We center everything around the table, and the kids do the majority of their work there, but sometimes they want their own spaces, so one will go off to the sunroom, and one will go off to the coffee table in the living room.


For the most part, one table works well, but since my kids are so close in age, and there are only two of them, we do pretty much everything together. If I had more kids with a wider age range, I might give them separate work areas.

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We're redoing our homeschool room and I can't decide whether I want the kids in workspaces along the wall, or around a table. We're around a table now, which is fine, but completely a mess. Do I want to change?


We outgrew our table. I didn't realize it until this past year, but it was pretty cramped one I had 3 boys doing regular school work. We switched to desks this year, and it's worked pretty well.

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We were doing table, but my oldest has realized she is very distractable and needs the isolation of facing a wall, so I'm currently redoing our school room to create individual work spaces for each of the girls. The will have a wall of bookshelves between them.

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We are everywhere!


The youngest works at a table in the school room or on the floor. The others work the floor, at the kitchen table, in thier rooms, etc. when we do group work we are either on the floor or at the kitchen table.

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I voted other: we have two large tables (dining & schoolroom) which we use half the time but it's crucial to be able to split up to other smaller tables around the house when the kids need more physical/psychological space from each other.

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We have had it set up both ways in the past, but right now we have a table. The kids usually only use the table when we're doing stuff together. Most of the time they grab whatever they're working on and take it to the living room. Sometimes they take work to the library for quiet and use my desk. They are older now and tend to spread out around the house.

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I had to say other only because I fit into several categories. We start around the table for Bible, sometimes History, and sometimes Science, although that too will be individualized next year.


We break off into 3 different areas for Math, ind. Reading, Scouts, and now Science.


They like to read in their own areas. Oldest in his bed it his room, middle in the La-Z-Boy in the master BR and the youngest in the LR with me.

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we don't have a homeschool room, but we use both the kids around a table and individual workspaces depending on the day and subject. Some days they just can't stop annoying each other and some days they get along great. Some subjects need individual space like math for my older and reading for my younger.

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Only one kid here.


Our classroom is what used to be my shared office with dh.

Dh got his own office, I took his desk, and ds took my old desk.


But we have a small lap table that we use on the day bed (same room),

and the bench I use at my desk is long and can also be used as a desk for us to work side by side with small chairs.


So we have lots of options in a very small room and change around a lot throughout the morning. They are all very simple and cheap pieces of furniture and allow us a lot of moving and changing around.


I remember hating about school the always sitting at the same desk, same view, same position...

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