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did your DD have regular periods right away?

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When your DD started having periods were they regular from the start? My DD has only had her first period but none since then, and that was about 4 months ago. She is 13 1/2.


I asked if she could be pregnant :eek: and she looked horrified/ mortified and said no. I know that might have been a bad thing to ask but I had to rule it out. She doesn't have a BF or any interest in boys. I've tried googling if this can be normal but just get stuff about post partum periods resuming.


I don't normally ask her about her periods but she's going on a trip, and I inquired if she needed any feminine supplies, she said no b/c her period never came back after that one time.


Any similar experiences? :confused: I feel really bad for asking her about pregnancy, but from the stuff I saw at her age, I know it's not impossible.

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My period was never, ever regular as a teenager. Even as an adult I can go 6 months without a period when I'm not on birth control.


If she is really active with sports or has a low body fat, that can contribute to irregular periods. There are many girls/women in sports/gymnastics/etc, that have infrequent periods.

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I was never regular and ended up being diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) at age 27. Looking back, I probably always had PCOS, but it is usually not diagnosed until later when you usually have trouble getting pregnant, among other symptoms. This may or may not be your daughter's future since she's so young and just started and that could have something to do with it, but as time goes on and the irregularity persists for years, you might keep that in mind. I was athletic all through jr. high and high school playing volleyball, so I just accepted the fact that being athletic can make you irregular. However, in my case, it was actually something else.

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My daughter is too young, but is about at that stage in life (oh I dread this.) However, I had one period at 13, then didn't have another one again for several months. Then I started having them *fairly* regularly by 14, nearly 15. It took me until after my oldest was born to have the standard cycle. I wouldn't worry about it.

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I wouldn't worry about it BUT I WOULD send along some supplies "just in case". Depending on the trip she might not be able to go get some or be worried about telling someone she needed them.


I ALWAYS take along a few supplies with me even as an adult when I travel.

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When your DD started having periods were they regular from the start? My DD has only had her first period but none since then, and that was about 4 months ago. She is 13 1/2.


I asked if she could be pregnant :eek: and she looked horrified/ mortified and said no. I know that might have been a bad thing to ask but I had to rule it out. She doesn't have a BF or any interest in boys. I've tried googling if this can be normal but just get stuff about post partum periods resuming.


I don't normally ask her about her periods but she's going on a trip, and I inquired if she needed any feminine supplies, she said no b/c her period never came back after that one time.


Any similar experiences? :confused: I feel really bad for asking her about pregnancy, but from the stuff I saw at her age, I know it's not impossible.


My periods nowhere near regular as a teen or as an adult. At one point, there was about 1 1/2 years between periods. And then there were the heavy periods where I would soak two super Tampax plus my Kotex pad within 45 minutes ... the marathon period of perimenopause where I practically bled lightly all summer long. In short, throughout my life, I had anywhere from 2 to 6 periods a year with norm being about 3. I long ago stopped worrying about variation in menses timing and flow as long as I felt well.


Once she becomes sexually active, her flow may be closer to regular intervals.


P. S. I would have been terribly upset if my mother had inquired about possible pregnancy at that age. Maybe you could smooth it over by saying something like a doctor would have expected you to rule it out.

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My oldest only had two periods her first year and it was a full two years before they came even close to being regular.


My middle dd had regular periods right from the very start. Her cycle wouldn't dare vary.


My youngest still has irregular periods. They have varied from 4 weeks to as much as 4 months. She skipped all of last summer. I never had a period during the summer until after high school and my periods were never regular until after I went on the pill. When I went off the pill, they stayed pretty regular. Now my cycle is 24-26 days.

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My oldest DD started when she was 12. She is 16, and they are just now getting regular. She used to go months in between. My middle DD just started this year (13), she is the exact opposite. She will have her flow for over two weeks, have a week or so off, and then start again. She has been doing this for about three months now. I am starting to wonder if it is time to take her to the doctor.

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I'm not absolutely certain, since my daughter is very shy about her periods. (She knows where the supplies are, and just sneaks them out quietly and uses them. Since I have almost exclusively cloth pads, she has also been known to ball them up and hide them under the sink.) However, she doesn't appear to be very regular yet, either. [she will be 12 at the beginning of August.]

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My daughter started at 10 1/2 (not surprising since I started at 9). She had one at Christmas, another around Easter, another sometime in the summer, then they started getting a bit more regular. They are pretty regular now, though it appears we are finally close to syncing up (we're about a week apart).


Definitely send plenty of supplies. We talked a lot about puberty early on and the fact that I started so early meant she might as well. When she hit 9, I offered to let her have some pads to keep in her purse, her backpack, etc, just in case and she was happy about that. It gave her more confidence. I kept a couple of the Utween ones (by Kotex) in my purse for her as well, along with my "just in case" pads. As it happened, her first time started while we were shopping, so that worked out well. Even though she's fairly regular now, I always send supplies with her whenever she is away overnight, just in case. It's something that she then doesn't have to worry about.

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When I started I was 12 1/2 and didn't have another period for 6 months. It took years to become regular. My daughters have both been like that. One has been plagued with horrible ovarian cysts. We discovered the first one when the doctor thought she had an appendicitis. Her appendix was fine but she had a grapefruit sized cyst on her ovary. She had several more and now she is on the pill. She suffered so much.


Anyway your dd sounds totally normal.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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It's not very uncommon for it to take a couple of years for a girl's cycle to regulate into a regular pattern. I was very surprised when my dd settled right away into an every 4-5 week pattern right from the beginning (she's only had 3 cycles, but started her first on April Fools day ... she was not amused).


Definitely send supplies. I remember being very irregular at 13 and being caught without at camp ... and the canteen had run out, so I had to deal with toilet paper all week ... not fun.

Edited by higginszoo
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My daughters were/are pretty regular, but mine were not regular until after my 3rd child was born, when I was 31. And when I say irregular, I mean super irregular. Sometimes only one/year. No other symptoms, and I've always been very healthy! (My first three children were conceived while on Clomid, a fertility drug.)

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When your DD started having periods were they regular from the start? My DD has only had her first period but none since then, and that was about 4 months ago. She is 13 1/2.


I asked if she could be pregnant :eek: and she looked horrified/ mortified and said no. I know that might have been a bad thing to ask but I had to rule it out. She doesn't have a BF or any interest in boys. I've tried googling if this can be normal but just get stuff about post partum periods resuming.


I don't normally ask her about her periods but she's going on a trip, and I inquired if she needed any feminine supplies, she said no b/c her period never came back after that one time.


Any similar experiences? :confused: I feel really bad for asking her about pregnancy, but from the stuff I saw at her age, I know it's not impossible.


My daughter's wasn't regular the first couple of years, though it is now at 15.


I can't imagine her face when you asked if she was pregnant.:tongue_smilie:


She should totally be prepared at all times until she becomes regular.

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