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Ewww!!!! My daughter cracked open an egg and..........

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I don't know a scientific explanation of why, but it does happen, and I don't think it's really all that uncommon. It's happened at my house before. When I was in home ec 3000 years ago, we were supposed to crack eggs into a separate dish before adding to whatever we were cooking, just in case there was a blood spot. I think Martha Stewart has said something like that, too.

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This wasn't a spot, all of the white was blood. I have seen blood spots, this was really gross!! I think it may be a while before I eat any eggs!!!


We have our own hens and this has happened to us. It is a bit of a surprise! I'm not exactly sure why it happens. I'm a little surprised that a store bought egg would have it. I thought most places used computers and lights to screen all the eggs. I suppose one makes it through occasionally.

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My guess is that the hen some type of internal bleed as the shell was forming around the yolk. It happens, especially when you are an egg laying machine. My guess is most of these are caught before they make it to the store.

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We've had the partially sat on egg thing happen before and dh is freaked out that he will open an egg and an eye will fix on him....:D


Oh my that is one creepy thought!! :D


I have found a bloody egg as well a few different times. It is really gross but I love eggs way too much to give them up!

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We have homegrown, We always crack eggs into a cup first. We have had things like this before.

I remember when I was a child, we went out somewhere ( to the snow I think). My mum boiled a dozen eggs for us to have for lunch. I remember cracking my egg, peeling the shell off and finding a fully formed duckling. It turned me off eggs for a couple of years.

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We have homegrown, We always crack eggs into a cup first. We have had things like this before.

I remember when I was a child, we went out somewhere ( to the snow I think). My mum boiled a dozen eggs for us to have for lunch. I remember cracking my egg, peeling the shell off and finding a fully formed duckling. It turned me off eggs for a couple of years.


I might vomit. I have never had any of these things happen to me. Thank God, because I would never touch an egg again! Is there any way to find out before you crack them? Like shine a flashlight in it?

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It has never happened to me, but I remember my home ec. teacher WAAAAAY back when telling us about it, and saying that's why you should always crack eggs into a seperate dish and THEN add them to your cake mix, cookies, etc.

I have always done that since....just in case!

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It has never happened to me, but I remember my home ec. teacher WAAAAAY back when telling us about it, and saying that's why you should always crack eggs into a seperate dish and THEN add them to your cake mix, cookies, etc.

I have always done that since....just in case!


And when you get lazy about doing that is about the time you're mixing up a triple batch of cookie dough and you're cracking the 9th of 9 eggs into the batter and it happens to be rotten. :ack2: Lesson. Learned.

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Okay I think my wanting to have my own chickens for eggs has just been postpone for a bit and as well as the other with store bought, from now on we are going to put in a bowl first. Never had any issues thank goodness but now that I read this, I will.

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Ok, the chick thing shouldn't happen as long as I gather up all the eggs daily, correct? The hen has to set on a fertile egg for a chick to develop.


I have seen an occasional small spot of blood and that doesn't bother me. If all the liquid was blood-yuck. I probably wouldn't eat eggs for a while. Eggs are a mainstay in my diet, but that would be traumatic.

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Ok, the chick thing shouldn't happen as long as I gather up all the eggs daily, correct? The hen has to set on a fertile egg for a chick to develop.


I have seen an occasional small spot of blood and that doesn't bother me. If all the liquid was blood-yuck. I probably wouldn't eat eggs for a while. Eggs are a mainstay in my diet, but that would be traumatic.

yes, broody hens are what make the fertile egg develop. If you have no roosters. then you get no chicks.


Blood spots are simply bits of ovarian tissue.

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yes, broody hens are what make the fertile egg develop. If you have no roosters. then you get no chicks.


Blood spots are simply bits of ovarian tissue.


We do have roosters, but I always gather all the eggs in daily. When a hen gets broody, I choose several eggs for her to try to hatch. I use a marker and mark an X on them. Then I take all the others each day.

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