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Do you like exercise videos?

If you work out at home, do like to workout to a workout DVD?  

  1. 1. If you work out at home, do like to workout to a workout DVD?

    • I prefer it as it helps me know what to do
    • I do DVDs some but it isn't my preference
    • I don't like them and prefer my own workout
    • I don't workout at home
    • Other

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Just curious. I have had many through the years and quite honestly, they bore me. The same words and views over and over just don't do it for me.


I prefer to get on the treadmill while listening to my own music, an audiobook, or even the TV going while I walk. Or doing any exercise to the aforementioned is more interesting to me than a DVD.

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I am doing the 30 Day Shred right now and I am on the lookout for something that I can use in place of a nice 2 mile walk outside. That being said, I really don't like exercise videos. I tend to get bored with them. But in my current season of life, it is really my only way of exercising regularly, so that's what I'm doing!

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I would like exercise videos if they were different. Number one- good production-it really irritates me to see grainy video or hear poor sound. Number two- music I like. Number three- maybe a series of videos starting from I am just starting to much more advanced. I can't stand finding videos that are too advanced right frim the get go.

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I feel a greater accountability and less boredom with DVDs than on a machine like a treadmill. I get sick of the machine pretty quickly and want to stop; even if I'm reading or listening, the repetition just gets to me. I need the variety of the DVD, and I am more apt to push myself to the end of the tape than to finish a set # of minutes on a machine. True, hearing the same instructions over and over each time I do the same tape can be boring; that's why I listen to podcasts at the same time. I turn the TV down so I can still barely hear the instructions if I need them, and exercise my brain listening to NPR in the meantime.


It's true there can be a little more incentive to push oneself in a class at a gym, in front of the other participants, but that only works if you can get yourself there ;).

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I have a number of yoga DVD's. some I like, some I want to sell as they just sit there.


I also do an old nordic track ski machine (before they were bought out) that I really like and I have a set of bungee cords for strength training. they came with a book of exercises for specific areas.

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I voted other. I do like them but they are easier to quit vs being in a class setting and not wanting to walk out. However, I am more tempted to never go back to a class while a video doesn't hurt to do it again. No one to watch me and make me feel embarrassed with my lack of physical fitness.


However, I will say my preferable workout is something that I am doing with end results. For example, I love cutting the grass. I know it takes me two hours. I know I can not leave it uncut. I also like that I can look at what I have accomplished and what is yet to accomplish. I suppose I am very hands on and visual. I wish there was something else like cutting grass with a push mower that burns as much calories and is productive at the same time :)

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I've done different things at different times. I loved exercises classes for the longest times but once kids came I found it more stress than benefit. I did workouts at home to supplement classes as well, especially for things I couldn't find locally. My whole view and belief system about fitness, working out, being healthy and priorities changed in the last few years though so neither the gym nor workout videos fit into that. I'm much more into family fitness and incorporating more activity into daily living. Which for our family is family hikes/walks, biking and other such things. Just living life more fully, doing more things for ourselves, more things by hand, etc. I wanted to try and get the most out of my time and those things didn't do that for *me*.

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I've never done well with videos... I've bought a few, but only used them once or twice (some are still unopened).


I prefer to go to the gym or do my own workout at home (usually while watching the news).


I've never enjoyed exercise classes either, so I guess a video feels too much like being in an exercise class to me... :)

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I do like the gym - but it is often easier to just work out at home. A machine would bore me and I'd be too often tempted not to finish. DVDs change things up a bit, and often have someone motivating (though usually a bit quirky) helping me along.


The best part of DVDs lately is that dh is doing them with me! He's never done that before. We recently started p90x together, and having dh for a workout buddy makes it really enjoyable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I need variety. I love DVDs, but I also love swimming, rebounding, and walking outdoors. Too much of anything, even the things I love the most, bore me. Plus, variety is better for overall health and challenging the muscles.

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