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Those of you were here in the early days...

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I'm a bit jealous of some of your amazing powers of recall! I started homeschooling in 2001, but I don't remember when I found these boards. I used to be Valerie in MD, but after a long break I came back and my old UN and password didn't seem to work and everything looked different.


I remember when Vegsource was super active. There was some issue where they banned EVERYONE based on something sufficiently broad (like Internet provider?) Participation trickled down to the twelve people who still had access. The ban went on for so long that people found new boards and it never did seem to recover.


I remember the old Babycenter boards before they changed them and there were board titles like "Working Moms vs. SAHM"

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Was this the Brenda who had a genius son doing calculus at age 5, and a 6 month old baby who spoke in complete sentences? Does anyone remember something like that?


I think that was Reya.


I thought so, too. She is registered here, and posts every so often.


Where oh where is PariSarah? I miss her posts.


I read her blog every so often. She has three children now. I loved her posts, too.


I started reading the old boards around 2005, I think. So, in earlier days people debated Harry Potter with fury? Were the earlier posters a lot more conservative? I always thought there was more variety of views (but probably because I joined later?).

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Like Pam "SFSOM" in TN? Flaming Sword is part of her name. It came from the Unitarian Jihad name generator. Now who else remembers that?


Pam was the greatest. She was so sweet and kind to me. She gave real help to multiple people on the boards.


I was here too, on the old boards, once upon a time, under another name. I was on the fringes, not really part of the pack, but it was a fun time.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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I still think about Butch a lot. I read her blog, and admired her. I was physically I'll when I read what someone posted using her name.


They did the same thing to Colleen, posting under her name.


Even though I miss the old format, I'm glad this one lessens the chance of anyone pulling that stunt again.


It was so hateful.

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I started reading the old boards around 2005, I think. So, in earlier days people debated Harry Potter with fury? Were the earlier posters a lot more conservative? I always thought there was more variety of views (but probably because I joined later?).


Probably depended on the lunar phase. I think that some of the most controversial threads (removing shoes when visiting and crockpots) have occurred on the new boards. But there have always been spirited defenses of curricular and philosophical choices. I for one feel that the tone is more pleasant since politics is banned.


Because the old board flipped, some issues were put to bed. With the new format, it seems that some issues just never go away.


What I truly don't know is if some of the provocateurs are who they say they are. That is to be expected by the nature of the Internet. On the old boards it was easy to check to see if posters had assumed more than one identity and were just playing with the rest of us. Eventually trolls seem to out themselves though.

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I remember almost all of this, I've been reading several years longer than I thought. I didn't post often on the other board though.


There was another troll outing from Ga. Maybe on this board though?


:iagree:I think I must have started reading the old board around 2005, but I never posted. I have a few recipes I printed off the old board from 2006 :lol:.

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I still think about Butch a lot. I read her blog, and admired her. I was physically I'll when I read what someone posted using her name.


They did the same thing to Colleen, posting under her name.


Even though I miss the old format, I'm glad this one lessens the chance of anyone pulling that stunt again.


It was so hateful.


:) I am so happy to be able to read her blog again, I had forgotten... Is Colleen still around? I remember when she started running and when her dairy farm went organic. Awesome. I learned so much.

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Because the old board flipped, some issues were put to bed. With the new format, it seems that some issues just never go away.


Plus the new board format, with its You Might Also Like These Threads (or whatever the exact wording is), allows one to resurrect threads that are years old.


I've been on the boards since before Y2K but I was a major lurker and I think I only posted 2 or 3 times. I think I changed my name every time I posted because my posting was so infrequent and I'd forget the name I used before. I rarely ventured onto the General Forum. I was never first, second, third or even fourth on the old boards. :D

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Out of curiosity, what "happened" to vegsource. It is still there but I've never really looked.


You know, I don't remember why everyone left. They had a mechanism that interacted with pop up blockers that people disliked. I do remember that when people got here, they kept posting about MEAT because they could. :lol:


I think Vegsource changed a policy posters considered major, and most left - but people had shifted away somewhat before that. I think the topic of abortion had been banned, and the topic of spanking was minimized (although I got an email from Vegsource owners thanking me for my posts on the topic.)


I was on the breastfeeding board for a while there. It was, um, overwhelming even for *this* outspoken, strident, personality. :001_huh:


No, lol, that is not Brenda. Brenda had one son, I think. I remember that b/c she would go, "Your kids are younger than mine, you amateur!" and I would go, "You only have one, you amateur!" :lol:


((not really, but it was in our subtext))


Let's just say, yes, I remember Brenda. ;) She moved to Hawaii?

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I have had many names on the board- Chris or Christina in NM, Belgium, Space Coast, and then I changed it to TransientChris when I moved to Northern VA. Now I am in Northern AL and hopefully here for the long term so my name is not really relevant anymore. But my dh is still AD USAF so plans can still change. In fact, I am getting our newly adopted kitten microchipped at the base so if we do ever move to England, we will be fine.

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Well, if people were like me, they ended up leaving Vegsource because they were frustrated for being banned for no apparent reason.


I only peeked at Vegsource a few times. I remember others posting here mentioned the same issue.

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Is Colleen still around? I remember when she started running and when her dairy farm went organic. Awesome. I learned so much.


She's here. She posted a lot for awhile, then tapered off. But I saw some posts by her within the past month or so. Just do a member's list search for her username.

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I still think about Butch a lot. I read her blog, and admired her. I was physically I'll when I read what someone posted using her name.


They did the same thing to Colleen, posting under her name.


Even though I miss the old format, I'm glad this one lessens the chance of anyone pulling that stunt again.


It was so hateful.


I remember the old board - i wasn't ever first. I do remember many of the names I've read here --


I came here in 2005 or 06 I think and I left for about 18 mos when someone posted using Colleen's name (I do remember that it was the night before Thanksgiving or something like that).


The poster I remember most is Toni (gothycGrl, I think?) -- she could get everyone in a frenzy in an instant.

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I just remembered Kay in Cal! Remember her anyone? Does anyone know what happened to her? She was awesome and crazy busy, she was a pastor of a church in California somewhere, I think she was Presbyterian or Methodist.


I am pretty sure she moved back to the east coast (Carolinas, maybe?) and has popped back in here some time in the last year with a different screen name. Someone please tell me I am not just imagining this!

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I am pretty sure she moved back to the east coast (Carolinas, maybe?) and has popped back in here some time in the last year with a different screen name. Someone please tell me I am not just imagining this!


I saw a post of hers a few weeks ago, I think, with her new screen name. But I can't remember what it is.

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I am pretty sure she moved back to the east coast (Carolinas, maybe?) and has popped back in here some time in the last year with a different screen name. Someone please tell me I am not just imagining this!


I thought it was Virginia, but I am probably wrong. But yes, she did move back East.

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. When I came back I couldn't remember my old username. QUOTE]


Yep, the old board. I had about 2500 posts on it under my old board name, had to take a break while we were doing this project and I was without internet and then when I came back, couldn't remember my password or anything. Took a while to get used to the new format.


I never had a post that flipped the new board nor was ever first when it flipped. Sniff, sniff, sniff....




Hmmph, I can't remember a lot of things, but I sure remember PatoftheManor, or something pretty darn close. I think....

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