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What is the guy equivalent to getting flowers?

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I need ideas for mine and dh's dads for father's day. We got a Groupon type deal and sent flowers to our moms for Mother's Day. I have no idea what to do for the dads. They don't need anything and don't collect anything. We just gave each set of grandparents a nice book of pictures of the kids for Christmas. I looked at other photo things, but the only things that they might like are too expensive. I am totally stumped. Help!

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It's too late for this year, but in the past for birthdays, father's day, etc. for men in my family, I have purchased American flags that have been flown over the US capitol. I found the contact info on my state government site. Fill out a form, the flag is flown for a day or so, and mailed to you (or the receipient).


It comes with a nice certificate from the state representative that handles this service, with receipient's name. I would assume all states offer this service. This gift has gone over really well. Inexpensive too, around $20 or so.


(please excuse any typos, its early and I'm still half asleep!)

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For my husband, it is good chocolate and his favorite candy. If I make up a gift bag of this stuff, he's over the moon.


But, this is also Mr. science geek so he gets all misty eyed if I give him the components to make model rocket fuel, chemicals or samples of elements for his collection, or rare earth magnets! :D


My brother likes golf and always appreciates certificates for that.


My dad, the avid gardener, just got all GEEKED UP because for their 50th wedding anniversary, my mom bought him one of those hand crank compost bins. I swear he'll spend the whole summer out there during his spare time just cranking away. :lol:


What about gift cards to favorite restaurants or to the movies?



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Drill bits. My dh swears he can't have too many. One year for Christmas I told everyone to get drill bits for his stocking. He loved it.




But he's weird that way.


Oh yes, tools. My dh is a carpenter, has every tool under the sun, but loves new drill bits. My dad, understanding this concept, usually buys him tools for Christmas.


Steak. :D


This too.


I think mine will get the day to go fishing. We bought him a fishing t-shirt.

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We don't do gifts for Mother's/Father's Day for our parents anymore, just cards and a phone call. But things that my dad would like, just little stuff that said we were thinking of him: replacement ball cap for his favorite team (since he wears them a lot now that he's retired, and they get icky after a bit), his favorite snack, books of his favorite types of puzzles, an interesting book or movie. FIL is harder, but in the past, we've gotten him things to listen to in the car, like old radio shows on CD/mp3, and he's said he really enjoys those.


As for DHs, that should be fairly obvious -- food/dessert and teA. From the kids, probably cards, and it just occurred to me that he could probably use a new ball cap too.

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Something that he can just relax and have fun doing. In the past this has been family outings, a nice date, a video game, a good book... I'm kind of stumped for this year. All of the stuff I want to get him hasn't been released yet. I'm thinking a nice evening for the both of us if one of the sitters I trust is available.

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I just did my usual order with Amazon to have my Dad get yet another well-written book on WWII sent to him (along with a gag bag of little army men). Most guys like military stuff.


Hubby likes getting odd bottles of beer to try - the local beer shop has single bottles and I put together six-packs of random oddments for him to try.


Beef jerky is good - but also look for places that can send an assortment of various jerky made from other animals, too. Now that is interesting (alligator jerky? antelope? bison?)

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