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It's OFFICIAL... I am OLD. (Do you remember these sounds?)

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:) I remember 8 tracks. We had an 8 track player when I was growing up. I used to listen to Bye Bye Miss American Pie on it. :)


Lol.I remember my parents taking us cross country in their Chevy van and listening to Alices restaraunt on the 8 track so mant times I still know it word for word. And Harry Chapin.

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Lol.I remember my parents taking us cross country in their Chevy van and listening to Alices restaraunt on the 8 track so mant times I still know it word for word. And Harry Chapin.


:) Cats in the Cradle ALWAYS made me cry! hehehe

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I miss grape bubble yum.... :-( yes, I know it didn't taste like real grapes, but the flavor was always one of my favorites.


I used to love bubble yum. I remember going to the Little General store and buying a pack for 25 cents. Remember Chunkys and Big League Chew?? :p hehe Or those wax candy rings and whistles that had that flavored syrup inside. Oh and Fun Dip. I used to love Fun Dip and Pixie sticks. :)

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I didn't have dolls. Well, that's not true; my mother had an unnatural need for me to love Holly Hobby. I hated Holly Hobby, but I was up to my neck in the things. :glare:

I never understood the popularity of Holly Hobbie. Was it due to the stationary being so popular that led to the dolls, lunch pails, cake pans, etc? I was about in 3rd-4th grade when Holly Hobbie mania broke out. :confused:

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I never understood the popularity of Holly Hobbie. Was it due to the stationary being so popular that led to the dolls, lunch pails, cake pans, etc? I was about in 3rd-4th grade when Holly Hobbie mania broke out. :confused:


I used to have a Holly Hobbie house when I was a kid. I loved that thing! :p

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I used to love bubble yum. I remember going to the Little General store and buying a pack for 25 cents. Remember Chunkys and Big League Chew?? :p hehe Or those wax candy rings and whistles that had that flavored syrup inside. Oh and Fun Dip. I used to love Fun Dip and Pixie sticks. :)


Yup! Big League was my brother's obsession. :-D


You can still get pixie sticks & fun dip sometimes...Every time I se the giant pixie sticks I buy them. :D

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Yup! Big League was my brother's obsession. :-D


You can still get pixie sticks & fun dip sometimes...Every time I se the giant pixie sticks I buy them. :D


Cool! :) I find a Chunky every once in awhile too and of course have to have it! :p hehehe

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We weren't allowed to have long hair because my father was afraid we'd get in caught in the wringer washer. Does anyone remember the sound the churn would make just as the butter would come? Or the sound of the crank on the cream separator? Or checking the phone when you picked it up to see if the party line was on? I still do that! Or the first car you ever drove and asking the guy at the car dealership where the choke and the throttle were? He thought I was nuts. I'd never driven a vehicle that didn't have those. I got an odd look the other day when I asked a friend if his truck shifted up or like a Model T? I had to remind a hired man to make sure the A was in gear before he cranked it or it would run over him. He didn't know what I meant by cranking a tractor! Anyone know how to split the rear axle into high gear in a two ton? Or how to read a cattle brand? I have a store of useless knowledge...

I grew up in a small rural town and recall the party lines.


As for rotary phones in general, I have to admit I loved to pick up a 2nd receiver (using a finger to depress the "button" activating the phone) while someone was on the main house line talking -- and then silently lifting up my finger to listen in on the conversation. :D heehee...

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Or the first car you ever drove and asking the guy at the car dealership where the choke and the throttle were? He thought I was nuts.


Or the starter on the floor, so there was no solenoid? High beam low beam on the floor (cheap and easy)? The cool breeze of a wing window? Or the vacuum-run wipers that stopped as you climbed a steep hill and went like mad as you flew down one?


I learned to drive on a 53 Chevy pickup. My dad used to go on and on about the joys of a free-wheel. In college I drove a 72 Saab, those turd-shaped cars, and it had a free wheel. Man were they sweet.

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All but the Mac sound----I've had very little experience with Apple products until fairly recently. I have an iphone now----with a rotary dial app that makes the sound and is functional.;)


There were rainbow toe socks in the stores this past year. Vermont Country Store carries a lot of older brands of candy, if anyone's nostalgic. My younger sister used to torture me with grape bubble yum. I can't stand grape juice or grape flavoring, so she would chew it and breathe on me.


I wasn't allowed to buy Tiger Beat, so I would get some of the posters from the girl across the street. My teen idols? The Bay City Rollers and Andy Williams' nephews, David and Andy. How about "B-side songs," the ones on the backs of the 45s?


My first car had no radio, just an 8-track player bolted to the floor. I didn't own any 8-tracks, so the guy who sold it to me gave me one to listen to until I could get a radio installed. It was the soundtrack from "Hair":D (now this was in the early 80's). That was all I listened to for two weeks! It also had a manual choke and stick shift. That was fun the day there was a problem with the intake manifold and I had to drive about 15 miles to the repair shop, shifting gears while holding the choke partway open and steering!


My daughter may have been one of the few 5 year olds around to know who Esther Williams was :). She loved old musicals and swimming at the time, so I got a couple of old EW movies from the library. That summer, we were at a pool party and she jumped into the pool declaring she was Esther Williams! The grandfather of one of the guests almost choked.:D

Edited by KarenNC
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Donny and Marie - check


Toe socks - check


roller ball lip gloss - check


rotary phone - check and we had a partyline! Our neighbors forever tied up the line for hours until my dad complained to the phone company because he had a business and needed to be able to be reached in the evenings. Apparently the phone company chewed on the neighbors because they ended their multiple hr. phone calls.


I learned to drive on a manual speed pick-up truck. Everyone drove a manual. Then we'd take driver's training and all of the cars were automatic! We thought it was sooooo lame!


I had the Dorothy Hamill look when I was little, but the Farrah Faucet look by high school. Dh still thinks I should have Farrah Hair! :lol:


My brother's first "personal computer" was a commodore 64. He still has it and my eldest son, Mr. techie, treats his uncle's 64 as though it were a priceless, archaeological find! :D



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I remember all of them. :lol:


What about those scented lip gloss tubes? Rainbow socks with individual toesies stiched in? Donny & Marie? Dorothy Hamill haircut? *SIGH*

I had all the above. I even had the Donny and Marie stage, that was the best Christmas ever. I look back and really don't know how my mom and dad could afford it but Opening that stage and dolls made me so happy:D

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Dh's family had a party line when he was young. We didn't. But when I was a teen we got the Wonder Phone! Remember that? Before call waiting you could actually put a call on hold and talk to a second caller. Or call your friend then click the hang-up thingee and call your other friend; click again and all three of you could talk together. We only actually did this a few times because it was new and so very cool (even though it wasn't very useful). Now my ds talks to his buddies on Skype so they can play video games together. :rolleyes:

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I recorded my first ever computer program on a cassette tape.




I received a cassette player for my high school graduation, along with Carole King's Tapestry on cassette. It was new technology. Soooo much better than 8-track.


I'm older than both Donny and Marie.

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Yeah, we're pretty familiar with Donny and Marie around these parts. :lol:


And I had the Sunshine Family, too. I also did all the little granola-ish crafts that came with them. My Sunshine family had living room chairs made from the lid of an aerosol can of Windex (remember those), stuffed with cottonballs and covered with fabric held in place with a rubber band. :D


OMG I had them too! We still talk about them all the time here; it's become a kind of family joke. I'm always telling Molly things like, "HEY! You shouldn't throw out that shoe box! You can make a whole LIVING ROOM for the Sunshine Family out of that!!!" And then we all laugh.


I broke my leg when I was eight. I was an really outdoorsy kid, and it was kind of a struggle for my parents to keep me occupied indoors. Consequently, I became obsessed with making all the crunchy recycling crafty furniture. I think I outfitted an entire Sunshine Family Ikea store.


Oh, and of course I practically BATHED in Love's Baby Soft and Bonne Bell was never far from my reach. Sigh. Back in the day.



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I still have Donny! I have no idea what happened to Marie, lol. I also loved Shawn Cassidy! Does anyone remember HR puf n stuff? Sigmund the sea monster?? Theyre on netflix right now! So fun to watch with my kids! :)


.....HR Puf 'n Stuff, he's your friend when things get rough....


And just a week or so ago I was sitting at the salon getting a pedicure when Shaun Cassidy came on the piped-in music. "...I met her on a Monday and my heart stood still, da do ron ron ron da do ron ron....." I had flashbacks to dancing in my childhood living room with my next door neighbor.



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I forgot to mention that I knew most of those sounds. I never owned a Mac so hadn't heard the uh-oh sound. And the Windows 95 didn't sound familiar--maybe because we always had the volume off.


But I'm so old I remember when floppy disks were advanced technology. I recorded my first ever computer program on a cassette tape. Yeah, seriously. Then when I went to college the school was just transitioning from punch cards to The Mainframe. I didn't use a floppy disk until I started working--about 7 years after the cassette tape era.


Yeah, I'm old.


I went to a science and math summer camp for advanced students one year where we learned some basic programming on punch cards. My college roommate (my last year in college) actually had a PC because her dad worked for IBM. It was the size of a briefcase and had a screen the size of an index card. I think it was this one http://oldcomputers.net/ibm5155.html. Retailed for $5K, had a whopping 256K RAM and weighed 30 lbs. :) She was the only person I knew who had an individual computer. I still had a manual portable typewriter! Remember later when computer memory was about $100 for 1K?

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the nostalia item I miss most, was my great-aunt's telephone that probably was installed in the 20's/30's. As a child, I had to use two fingers or my thumb becasue it was so hard to dial, and it was so slow becasue it was so heavy. And the sound it made as you dialed, and as the dial rotated back into place. I found one at an antique store years ago - but I sure wasn't willing to pay that much for it. (my grandmother's phone dated to the 50's, and it wasn't nearly so heavy.)


oh, and my dad's old manual typewriter that dated to the 30's/40's. He would have bought it used in the early 50's. playing with the keys, and watching the ribbon go 'round. and the clackity-clack of the keys.


eta: I think it's because I spent so much time staying with her as a child. I can still hear the sounds of the cars at night going down the hill in front of her house. and the push button light switches.

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I went to a science and math summer camp for advanced students one year where we learned some basic programming on punch cards. My college roommate (my last year in college) actually had a PC because her dad worked for IBM. It was the size of a briefcase and had a screen the size of an index card. I think it was this one http://oldcomputers.net/ibm5155.html. Retailed for $5K, had a whopping 256K RAM and weighed 30 lbs. :) She was the only person I knew who had an individual computer. I still had a manual portable typewriter! Remember later when computer memory was about $100 for 1K?


No, I think that was the hard drive. I don't think they had RAM then, lol, but we have one from not too long ago - within the past decade - with 256K. I remember when my step-dad brought home his new Toshiba laptop with 4MB hard drive!! Wow. My phone has more storage than that, and my PC has 4GB of RAM. (I know. Slow. :lol:)

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Ok, I still remember people being all excited to upgrade to the Commodore 64.


And remember back then how you had to install the software yourself? I had a co-worker who was so excited when she bought her first computer. Then she got mad because the thing didn't work. Another co-worker asked if she'd already installed the software. She did this :001_huh:. Then she boxed it all up and took it back to the store. :lol:

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I still want to reach on the floor for my high beams. I miss that.


My son's high beams would not turn on. Turns out the switch in the steering wheel needed to be replaced. Instead of taking apart the steering wheel column, my husband just rewired it so he could control it with a floor switch, just like old times. The car passed inspection and I was envious that I did not have one in my car.



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I used to love bubble yum. I remember going to the Little General store and buying a pack for 25 cents. Remember Chunkys and Big League Chew?? :p hehe Or those wax candy rings and whistles that had that flavored syrup inside. Oh and Fun Dip. I used to love Fun Dip and Pixie sticks. :)


I used to ride my bike to our "Little Store" for all of the same candy-oh, and Charleston Chew-my favorite was the strawberry.


Shaun Cassidy was my first concert (I went with my parents!), and I remember all of the "older" girls wore the satin athletic shorts.

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I realized I was old when I saw my old brownie and girl guide uniforms in the museum in the next town. And a pendant I used to have on my wall in an antique shop. If items I used and wore are in museums and antique shops I must be very very old :001_huh:



Yep. DH and I were in an antique shop last week and ran across his metal snoopy lunch box. It was going for $55! We both just stood there, staring at it, stunned. Talk about feeling old! :glare:

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oh, and my dad's old manual typewriter that dated to the 30's/40's. He would have bought it used in the early 50's. playing with the keys, and watching the ribbon go 'round. and the clackity-clack of the keys.


I did not like how the typewriter keys would get tangled. Loved the ribbon! I fell in love with the IBM Selectric Typewriter... that lil' round ball and auto correct tape. That was fun to hear it hum when you powered it on. LOL :D

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