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Would you complain?

Would you complain to the manager?  

  1. 1. Would you complain to the manager?

    • Yes I would complain to the manager.
    • Nah, I would just shrug it off.

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My thoughts are if his employer didn't care than neither should you.


:confused: The thought above is just incomprehensible in my world. I don't decide whether or not to care based upon some manager who may or may not be well-thought-out!


But, to the OP, I'd vote with my feet. I wouldn't waste my time to say a word, because the chucklehead who let him wear them is free to manage his/her place the way he/she feels fit. However, I don't have to spend my money there.

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When we were in the States in April, we went out to dinner at O'Charley's (which I don't like, but others in our party did) and our sever had in creepy yellow contacts (believe me, these were contacts) and false eyelashes that were so long it looked like spiders were attacking her eyes. It totally creeped Indy out. We didn't complain about it though. At least she had a job and was working and I only had to spend an hour in her company, so whatever. Was it professional? No, but it's not that big of deal, IMO.

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Live and let live. There are so many bigger issues in this world than worrying about what someone looks like. This teenager had a job. Bravo to him!


Accidental or intentional creepy looks...my kids will learn to not bat an eye, either way because that is what I model for them.

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No, I wouldn't complain. Most likely we'd all laugh and think it was cool and then my dh would call him Damien or Chucky or something like that.



I'd be the one saying to him, "Um, excuse me. Mr. Chucky? You forgot the guacamole in my burrito." While trying to get another chance to stare at his eyes. Mwuahahahaaaa. :D Then I might get bold as I stare at him and ask what kind of contacts he was wearing. I'm an oddball and like to talk to people like that.


ETA: If my 16 yr old ds was with me, he would laugh out loud in front of the employee. Then agree that he also could not stand Phil & Lill from the Rugrats. They both would snicker at each other in agreement. Teenagers.

Edited by tex-mex
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I don't really get how the appearance of a line server has anything to do with the quality of my lunch. Were hands clean? Was there a pleasant "May I help you" or similar greeting? Did I get my food quickly (Chipotle is so quick, usually!) and was it delicious?

These are all that matter to me. I don't give advice to servers on their choice of attire or accessories.


Live and let live. There are so many bigger issues in this world than worrying about what someone looks like. This teenager had a job. Bravo to him!


Accidental or intentional creepy looks...my kids will learn to not bat an eye, either way because that is what I model for them.


:iagree: If ds reacted to it, we would just use it as an opportunity to discuss different values and such.

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Okay, that's just plain unnecessary. He's clearly trying to freak people out and I would definitely complain to the manager. It's not a stinkin' goth club, it's Chipotle. Families come in to eat meals. Why should we be subjected to gross-out get-ups? I would be equally offended if a waitress dressed like a Hooters girl and would most definitely complain.


Really? I was surprised when I saw the picture; it was much milder than I had imagined.

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I definitely would not complain about odd-appearing eyes or contacts that intentionally altered eye appearance.


If my child found it unnerving, I would consider that a teaching opportunity.


The type of restaurant would have no bearing whatsoever upon my decision to not complain.

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No I wouldn't complain but my SO has those same contacts (or something very similiar). He wore them when he worked for a moving company and then random times out and about. He doesn't wear them now because I *think* they dried out and we never went to get him a new pair. I think they are cool. One of my sons would probably freak out if he realized but I'd explain to him what they are. If I didn't have such a fear of touching my own eyeballs, I'd have my own pair. :lol:

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I wouldn't complain at all. I actually enjoy seeing people expressing a little individuality instead of being a sheeple.


Dd14 got a pair of contacts similar to those a while back. She liked wearing them around when we went out anywhere. She didn't do it to freak anyone out. It was simply to stand out a bit and be different. Self expression and all that.

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I would have been too focused on getting my food to even notice. I have an unreasonable love for Chipotle's burritos.




But in general, I'm a for feedback. I always tell a manager when I see excellent service or attitude - why not tell them about something that creeps you out. Feedback, when done constructively ("He was a wonderful sever, and very pleasant, but the eye really creeped me out."), isn't complaining. Complaining is complaining.

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I am not against personal expression in general- wildly colored hair, tattoos, piercings, etc. do not bother me. However, creepy contact lenses and gruesome tattoos do bother me a bit on an employee in a service industry- where I deal with them directly. I also have one child who was deeply disturbed by a very well done but horrifyingly realistic zombie attack tattoo she saw. The creepy eyes bother her too. We are doing our best to keep her life normal and goign out and about, and she understands she can't be shielded from every unpleasant sight, but being waited on by someone with gory tattoos or bloody zombie eyeballs is just wrong. A tattoo can be covered, and the employee can wear clear contacts or glasses to work.


I don't care what the cooks or stockroom people wear. But if I was waited on by someone who was intentionally creepy looking, I would bring it to the manager's attention. And if it was the manager, I wouldn;t go there. Really. I am all about personal freedom, but just because someone has the right to do something doesn;t mean it;s the right thing to do.



This. In the service industry, it is understood that they should dress/appear appropriate and as non offensive to their clients as possible. Purposely making themselves look disgusting or otherwise unappealing is acceptable reason for management to take action.


So if they were appearing in a manner that is scary to little children in a restaurant, yes someone should say something.



Okay, that's just plain unnecessary. He's clearly trying to freak people out and I would definitely complain to the manager. It's not a stinkin' goth club, it's Chipotle. Families come in to eat meals. Why should we be subjected to gross-out get-ups?


I would contact the manager and ask if these contacts are acceptable. If so, then I would explain that I wouldn't be returning to that restaurant. They have the choice to make their rules, I have the choice to eat there or somewhere else. :001_smile:

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I'm pretty certain that at some point their manager will see their eyes and say something IF it's an issue. No real need to complain. I agree that if it was some ritzy place, THEN it might be worth mentioning. Also, as a pp has mentioned, some people naturally have strange eyes. A friend went to school with a girl that wore blue contact lenses because she was an albino. I went to school with a kid that had multiple coloured irises (as in, his irises looked divided up like a pie with fractions that were one colour and fractions that were another).

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