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So - you take your social media company public and make untold sums of money....

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A house for my parents in CO with us. I miss them so much and am tired of waiting for their house to sell in PA.


My dh and I talk often about having big money and what we would do. We are so low key we always say we would not get crazy and lavish. Make life comfortable, travel and make others who are less fortunate dreams come true. My greatest pleasure would be to give money away to wherever I see the need.

Edited by danybug
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I would buy my little house that I've been sighing over for months but can't have because no one in that town wants to give dh a job! (Crazy people clearly don't understand the way their lives and businesses would improve if they were to hire such a dedicated test analyst. Global Financial Crisis, hooey phooey!)


Then we would visit Ibbygirl, (she's promised to cook me dinner,) on the way to my great aunt's place in Poland.



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I was just talking about this with dh the other day...


After we do the usual-our own home; dependable cars, traveling, etc...


I would purchase a large piece of property in our community, outfit it with four softball fields and a bumpin' snack bar (with paid staff so parents don't have to work it and miss their kids' games) and set up a fund for girls who have the desire, skill, and talent to play travel ball, but can't afford it. A yearly "scholarship" would include any fees and equipment and travel costs for the player and one family member.

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The property down the road to set up a camp for spina bifida kids and their families. (homeschoolers too.) It would give them a place to come for a week or two and leave behind the world. . It would be as off the grid as possible and use water reclaimation. ;) And the construction would probably be strawbale cabins or domes. It would be completely wheelchair friendly and encourage independence of all the campers. It would have a large library, music studio, art studio and theater, in addition to all the other normal camp stuff. Zip lines, ropes course, pool & hot tub, bowling, and tennis & basketball courts. It would also have several raised garden beds and grow lots of yummy food. I would have to hire a gardener and that is not my thing. And I would also need a ranch guy to handle the horses and livestock.

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I thought my social media company already made me a billionaire and going public will just make me richer. :confused: Okay, so assuming it didn't, I'd buy a new house. I like my house and the area, but I just want to go about 40 miles south to be closer to family and friends. Next I'd set up all family members with the houses they want, then do the same for close friends. I'd establish a college scholarship fund for homeschoolers, and would probably start a pet rescue organization (with ds).



And a cabana boy.


Well, the cabana boy goes without saying. :lol:

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I think (I hope) I'd be practical and save it, however, it is lots of fun to think of ways to squander it, too.


I think we'd need a full time cook, a 2nd car, and a house with a back yard.


And an Ipad. I think I could finally allow myself to splurge on that! :tongue_smilie:

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I've been on a silly kick lately. After the usual-house, cars, travel, helping family, I would love to do buy random, truly weird gifts for people. Dh and I were talking about it yesterday. We were looking through an ad for Sportsman's Warehouse and he mentioned that they have boat seats on sale. I always think it's kinda funny that they advertise things like that in a desert even though we're only 45 minutes from Lake Mead. Anyway, I was saying that we so needed to buy that for someone as a gift, just to look at the expression on his/her face when she opened. Of course, we don't have $50 laying around for a good joke, but if I had lots and lots of money, it would be such fun!

I'd also love to just hand out supplies to homeless here. Ya know, water bottles, coolers of food, clothes and toiletries. We have a large homeless population here.

Anyway, that's what I'd do.

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I would fill a swimming pool with the money and go swimming ala scrooge McDuck. Followed by getting my kids all the therapies etc they need. After that abandon this house, buy a motorhome and travel for a few years with the kids while our new off the grid home in some foreign warm location is built where I could spend the rest of my days as a recluse.

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  1. a small one story, 4 bedroom home
  2. a cute business home in Old Katy for a private practice
  3. the least mileage used honda minivan i could find
  4. the least mileage sporty two seater i could find
  5. a tournament poker training and vacation
  6. pay off all student loans, medical, legal debt
  7. both home and business home would need a custom book/reading nook


Oh, and I would talk with local domestic abuse centers to offer probono services. I would offer the same to local family law attorneys, and local treatment centers for aftercare.

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Well, the cabana boy goes without saying. :lol:
The year was 1984. Matt Dillon in The Flamingo Kid. I've been holding on to that fantasy since I was 17. :tongue_smilie:
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Pay off everything. Set up college funds for my kids, my nieces and nephews, and any other young person I know that I just think is a neat kid.


Fully furnish a hospital run by a friend deep in the African jungle.


Fund a building project in Haiti in which another friend is involved.


Buy that beach house, who cares now what the hurricane insurance premiums run?!!


Hire a personal trainer.


Eat quality food. Organic, drug-free, etc, etc.


Travel, travel, travel - for service, education and leisure.


And I would never set foot in WalMart again.

Edited by AuntieM
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I would pay off my debt.... and then make a serious offer to my grandfather to buy the house we're living in. If he had cash for his house, he could retire now instead of working himself to death.


I would also buy my parents' houses. (Like, pay off the one my dad & stepmom live in, pay off my MIL's mortgage, and buy a small place for my mom nearby.)


I would set up a trust with proceeds going to the food pantry that my church operates.


I would get my divorce finalized and thank God that Ohio isn't a community property state.


I would upgrade all of my photography equipment.


Then I would travel school with the kids for a few years. Or forever. I would use this district as our residential home base.... Or maybe buy a place in Texas so I can call THAT home and have no restrictions for our now-literal homeschooling journey.


Oh. You just wanted one...

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Pay off everything. Set up college funds for my kids, my nieces and nephews, and any other young person I know that I just think is a neat kid.


Fully furnish a hospital run by a friend deep in the Africa jungle.


Fund a building project in Haiti in which another friend is involved.


Buy that beach house, who cares now what the hurricane insurance premiums run?!!


Hire a personal trainer.


Eat quality food. Organic, drug-free, etc, etc.


Travel, travel, travel - for service, education and leisure.


And I would never set foot in WalMart again.



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