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Prayers for Kendra

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From Kendra's husband


Fletch again:

Our local hospital continued to be worried with Baby Joe’s responses, so he was transported to a Children’s hospital about two hours south of our home. He’s in the Pediatric ICU and they continue to run a bunch of tests to determine what’s going on in his little body. The current theory is that he has a systemic bacterial infection or “nasty†virus. They are running tests tonight and should know more in the morning. He’s getting the best care we can give him and the doctors/nurses working on him had me so confident that I snuck Kendra away for a few hours sleep.

For those that will go to the Lord on our behalf:



Praise God:


The admitting staff at our local hospital knew us and took great care of us and all of our needs.


The doctors/nurses recognized that we needed to be transferred.


The transfer team was top notch and cared for him in route to the Children’s hospital.


The doctors/nurses treating him in the ICU are fantastic. He’s getting one on one attention with the pediatric specialist and nursing staff.


Kendra’s SIL is an RN at this specific Children’s hospital and her brother/family live about 10 minutes away.


Kendra’s folks came to stay with our kids and their house was equally close which gave us a place to catch up on some sleep (and still be close enough if they needed us!).


Pray with us:


For a complete and correct diagnosis.


That his fluids would regulate and all of his blood numbers would stabilize (he’s all over the map with his lab results).


That the test results would be conclusive.


For our kids at home.

We have great internet access and we will update as we can.

God is good…all of the time,


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Thank you so much for praying. We are buoyed by the prayers of our online friends and those here in real life, too.


Yesterday morning I thought Little Joe was sleeping just a bit too late for my comfort and when I went to wake him he was white, purple lips, eyes rolled back, clammy skin. I called 911 and he was transported to the local ER. Care there was very good, but his signs were puzzling (extremely low blood sugar, dangerously high potassium levels, among other things) so they transported him to a children's hospital 2 hours from our home. Thankfully, my sister-in-law is a nurse here and my family lives in this city so we have places to stay when we need a bit of sleep.


Joe has been a normal, healthy baby with no signs of anything abnormal. He ate well at 1 a.m. the night before I found him struggling.


They have prepared us for the long haul (both in and out of the hospital). Joe will be in the PICU for a good portion of next week at least. He has multiple systems affected. They have completed CT Scans, EEG, Spinal Taps, Viral cultures and they want an MRI.


We desire your prayers more than anything right now, so please remember our Little Joe.



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Thank you so much for praying. We are buoyed by the prayers of our online friends and those here in real life, too.


Yesterday morning I thought Little Joe was sleeping just a bit too late for my comfort and when I went to wake him he was white, purple lips, eyes rolled back, clammy skin. I called 911 and he was transported to the local ER. Care there was very good, but his signs were puzzling (extremely low blood sugar, dangerously high potassium levels, among other things) so they transported him to a children's hospital 2 hours from our home. Thankfully, my sister-in-law is a nurse here and my family lives in this city so we have places to stay when we need a bit of sleep.


Joe has been a normal, healthy baby with no signs of anything abnormal. He ate well at 1 a.m. the night before I found him struggling.


They have prepared us for the long haul (both in and out of the hospital). Joe will be in the PICU for a good portion of next week at least. He has multiple systems affected. They have completed CT Scans, EEG, Spinal Taps, Viral cultures and they want an MRI.


We desire your prayers more than anything right now, so please remember our Little Joe.




May the Lord heal Little Joe and strenghten you all.

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We desire your prayers more than anything right now, so please remember our Little Joe.





Kendra, know our family is praying. Lisa is keeping me posted. Remember our God is an awesome God! Our hearts and prayers are with you.


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From Kendra's blog:


Praise the Lord for His care of us through such a competent staff. We just met with his doctor and we were told that Joe has tested positive for Enterovirus. For adults, that means vomiting and diarrhea, but with little guys like Joe…it is worse. In his case, the virus has caused sepsis (entire body infection) including his brain. The bummer is that there is no way to treat a virus directly, so we just treat the symptoms.




Here is the full post



and another update




Let's continue to hold Kendra and her family in prayer. I cannot imagine what they are going through

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m&m - thank you for continuing to update. Kendra and Fletch - I have cried for you (my ds being only 10 days younger than yours) and sought the Lord on your behalf. "I lift my eyes unto the hill. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2


Praying fervently. Bless you all.

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From Kendra's blog:


Praise the Lord for His care of us through such a competent staff. We just met with his doctor and we were told that Joe has tested positive for Enterovirus. For adults, that means vomiting and diarrhea, but with little guys like Joe…it is worse. In his case, the virus has caused sepsis (entire body infection) including his brain. The bummer is that there is no way to treat a virus directly, so we just treat the symptoms.




Here is the full post



and another update




Let's continue to hold Kendra and her family in prayer. I cannot imagine what they are going through


I'm continuing to pray for you, Kendra. :grouphug:

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Hi everyone-


A little update early Sunday morning...


Joe was neither worse nor better when we left him last night. When we go in today, we'll hopefully have good news and nothing exciting. Exciting is not a good thing in his little life right now.


We have an incredible peace. The thing is, Joe is God's baby, not ours, and particularly because he was a huge surprise to us, we are so assured of his life in God's hands.


Please pray for me this morning as I am battling a b*east infection due to weaning. Not fun, and the last thing I need right now is mastitis, eh?


Thank you all for your prayers. We feel them!



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The latest from Kendra's blog:


Due to a blog friend we’ve now begun referring to him as “Mighty Joe.†...


We met with Joe’s doctor this morning, overall we are still maintaining his systems and putting out fires where they start. Remember, there is no medical treatment to stop the virus, only to deal with the symptoms that the virus causes. So, overall there is not much change today in what we are doing, just monitoring him for changes. The best guess is another week in the ICU and even longer in the hospital. With that said, there have been some improvements with our little guy.

Here is what has improved:

*Liver enzymes have dropped!

*Blood clotting has improved!

*Seizures have stopped and the EEG has been removed!

*He is still peeing tons!

*He has tolerated food well since yesterday without a return of diarrhea

*He has tested negative for the bacteria “c. diff.â€

Prayer Requests:

With all the good news, there is still a lot to pray for in this little guy’s life.

There is still the unknown:

*Kidneys to start working on their own.

*Heart damage

*Brain damage

*Liver damage

General Prayers:

*His immune system to start working against the virus.

*For Kendra to feel better

Parent’s Assessment

We were greeted with open eyes again this morning. He looks less swollen and much more responsive to touch. He is much more grumpy! Kendra got to hold him this morning!

For photos and commentary, you can read theMangoTimes!

Thanks for praying for Mighty Joe!

Kendra and Andy

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Thanks for your continued prayers, everyone. And thanks to Monique for posting updates. I can't get onto the blog tonight for some reason, but there is another update there... can't get the sound on the tv to work... sheesh. I am technology challenged and probably just need to go to bed!

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