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Everything posted by 4babybirds

  1. Going to look at that now. Thanks so much!
  2. Thanks for the recommendations. My reservations with SOTW are mainly that I used it before with my oldest and didn't feel like doing it again. :D But, also because it's not from a Christian perspective. IDK...maybe I'll look at it again, but VP appeals to me more right now. Either way, please keep any ideas coming! Thanks!
  3. I am just getting back into homeschooling after a couple year break, and am trying to figure out what history to do with my 3rd grader. I will be homeschooling her and also have a preschooler and a toddler at home. I am pretty sure I want to do ancient history, but not sure I want to do SOTW1. What other things are out there that wouldn't be too intensive, but would be enjoyable? I was looking at VP, but would love other suggestions. Preferably from a Christian perspective. We are going to be doing Winter Promise Animals and Their Worlds as our science and language arts. TIA!
  4. Woo hoo!!!!! This is post 5-0!!!! Thanks for your help clarkacademy! I just peeked at your blog...cute kids!
  5. Got any name suggestions? We still haven't figured out what to call the little guy.
  6. Baby is due 8/12. It's a boy. He was a surprise, since I was only having 4 kids! Hahaha. But, I'm truly excited and can't wait to meet him and add him to our family.
  7. Yeah...it's the best choice I am sure. I felt a big wave a relief the day I registered them at the ps.
  8. Well...I've been eating weird things, but I'm pregnant. :) Although, I often crave a bit of chocolate in the morning with my coffee, even when I'm not pregnant.
  9. I get salmon burgers from Costco and just put them on a roll with some mayo. They are delicious! I wonder if TJs are like these.
  10. I haven't been here much recently, but I'll pray for them.
  11. Gettin' there. Goin' back to the boards to find something else to say.
  12. Mostly blah blah blah, but I found myself saying yada yada yada just the other day.
  13. Oh...thanks for helping me get my 50 posts! I wish it was easier since I used to post a lot on the old boards!
  14. I'm feeling crazy here! Too much to do before baby #5 comes in 6 weeks. The weather is hot and humid...near 90.
  15. My 3 oldest children will attend public school for the first time in the fall. They will be in 5th, 3rd, and 1st grade. I worked at the school part-time a few years ago as an SLP and know that it is a pretty good school. I just will be curious as to what teachers they will get and how we'll like them. And how my schedule is going to change. It was going to change anyway with a new baby due in 6 weeks! LOL! But, I wonder if I'll want to afterschool them at all. Probably only if I feel that their teachers are lacking.
  16. Yeah...that's what I was thinking. My oldest will be 5th grade and I am sure she will get enough hw at ps. I just wondered how people did it. I hope she gets a good teacher and I don't even have to think twice about it!
  17. I am giving up homeschooling for the coming year. A new baby plus a toddler = no way can I homeschool too.
  18. Now I need 19. I didn't have much to say on the other boards.
  19. I have the Salton one. I haven't made it in awhile, but your thread got me realizing I need to pull it out! I make it basically like Tammyla, but mix the milk with 1/2 cup plain yogurt. I flavor it later by adding fresh fruit or preserves. My kiddos love it!
  20. My 3 oldest children will be attending ps in the fall. I have homeschooled them all up until now, but with a toddler and a baby due in 6 weeks, I knew I'd have to give it up. Depending on how their classes are, I might have to do some afterschooling...or might just decide to do it for Latin or another foreign language. Could you give me an idea how you manage to afterschool and handle homework, etc? What's a typical day like when you afterschool? And what subjects do you teach? Thanks so much.
  21. 22... but now I need to go check out the boards to see if I have anything to say...
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