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Everything posted by 4babybirds

  1. I am an poster from the old boards that is just trying to get enough post to list on the swap board. La la la la...:D
  2. I bought more this past year and it was definitely easier. Sometimes the library books weren't available when we needed them, sometimes I forgot to renew on time, etc. so having them on hand made us use them more.
  3. My oldest did Saxon a couple of years ago and hated it too, although she also did well. I did end up changine and she has liked it better. Although, I did hear her say recently that math is her least favorite subject...so that might be part of it.
  4. We bought my ds a new one for Christmas. I think it was about $120 including a game.
  5. Thanks for the book recommendations. I'm going to check them out. You are so right about practice and positive communication skills. I think that is something I need to practice more lately!:tongue_smilie: We do stress that they need to honor each other and need to treat each other like they want to be treated, but then mommy yells at them about something and doesnt' honor them. I know I need to be careful about that. It's something I am always working on! Overall, they are very good children, with just these few issues that keep popping up. My oldest is very smart, but highly distractable, so it is frustrating when she could be done with school by lunch, but still has half of her stuff to do. And of course, a lot of it is me just being overwhelmed. It's a hard job being a mom, especially when you try to be teacher on top of that!
  6. Aah...chocolate! You mean for me, right? ;) I definitely use the baby gate. A sling is hard right now with my protruding belly! :lol: And I do give each of them a time to watch the 16 month old. I just recently have been revamping our schedule, since we did get offtrack and I knew that needed to be dealt with. It's just that this little one keeps changing nap schedules and messing me up!
  7. Yes...we are a Christian family. So we do go over what it says in the Bible about treating one another. Our consequence for not doing what's on their list is basically they don't get their allowance for that day. We have decided that they earn allowance by taking care of their room and school room. But, it still hasn't been enough to motivate them. I know they try and I know some of it is childishness. My children definitely are close with one another. But, I don't think that will change when they are in school. This coming year they will all be in one school and riding one bus, so I know for us, it's the perfect year they give school a try. I really think the madness has affected my relationship with each of them and it saddens me, so I know it needs to change. I do like having them all "contained," but I think a year break will help my relationship with them...and give me some time to adjust to having 2 little ones again. I'm not sure what the following year will bring. It's one year at a time here. :) Thanks again for all the input. Keep it coming ladies!
  8. Thanks too Emmy! I must have been posting when you were posting. Thankfully, my children will be bused when they go to school. I considered a private school at my church, but their is no bussing, so I knew there was no way I could be back and forth twice a day with a newborn and toddler who will need naps! I do like the idea of assigning each of them a room. Maybe that will solve some of the bickering that comes when they are working together in a room. I'll give that a try next week and see what happens. I really do work best if my house is neat and picked up. When it's not I am definitely more stressed, so I know I need to "let go" of that expectation a little. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks for your reply Mary. We have worked on first time obedience...and in all honesty, my children are good about that. They really are respectful children, but they still are children. So, there is sibling bickering and such. My older ones do help a lot with the toddler. I was on bedrest for a couple of days early in this pregnancy and my oldest (9 1/2 at the time), really helped. I think I need some better consequences for things like not doing what's on their list. They've had a school list since the fall and yet sometimes they still will forget to do something on the list. They also have lists to help them remember what to do in their rooms, bathroom, and classroom every day, but yet don't always looks at the list. And this leads me to get frustrated, etc. Keep the thoughts coming!
  10. I used to post over here for a couple of years, but have not been around for at least a year or more. For those who might remember me, I was formerly Lil3. I had a 4th child in 11/06 and now am expecting #5 in 8/08. This year has been very rough and when I found out I was expecting again, I knew my children had to go to school in the fall. So...we are enrolling them. But, I still need to finish out the rest of the year, so I'd like your input. Taking care of a toddler leaves little time to do school with my olders (K, 2nd, 4th) and feel organized and keep the house clean. My kids bickering, fooling around, etc. drives me crazy all day. I never feel like we have a good day lately. I find myself wishing for the peaceful days that will come when they are in school. I work with my Kindergartener, but really just grade my other 2 children's work and answer any questions when they have them, but I don't feel like they are getting my best. I feel exhausted and worn out and long for the days a few years ago when we'd read stories on my bed and things would get done! I guess I am kind of rambling, so any advice would be appreciated. How do you feel good about your day and make sure what needs to get done, gets done? Thanks for listening.
  11. Yeah...I can see where they are coming from, too. It's just I don't have time to chat! Well...maybe I can squeeze in a post here and there. I think I have 35 to go.
  12. Oh...and I have a new user name here. I changed it because I added a child to my family.
  13. I posted this in the how to section, but figured I'd get more responses here. I have sold a few things here on the new board recently, but have not been posting anywhere else due to extreme time constraints. I went to post something else for sale today and now saw there is a 50 post minimum. I have way more than 50 posts on the old board, but are these not taken into consideration. It is very frustrating to me to find that I can no longer sell anything, even though I posted a lot over the past few years. Does the 50 posts only mean ones on these new boards?
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