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Facebook Rollcall

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Taking a deep breath. Okay, here I am. Low drama, boring everyday stuff.



Editing to take out the part asking you to send me a message. It's easier to just accept friendships for the next day or two or however long this thread stays active.

Edited by floridamom
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Me! Me! Pick ME!!!


I have been told my posts are hilarious. I think they're mostly referring to the ones about my crazy children; things like:

Digby is pretending the geoboard is a cookie sheet and the rubber bands are cookies. He carried the "cookie sheet" over to the "oven" (aka the filing cabinet) and when it wouldn't open (because I keep it locked) he screamed "How DARE you?!" at it.






Digby is standing on a kitchen chair, licking the sour cream spoon, and saying in a deep, gravelly, mad scientist voice, "That's much better! That's much better!" and then laughing hysterically.

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It seems like you can't send a message with a friend request anymore. I didn't know that. You used to be able to add a short personal message. Oh well, I figured the sudden influx of friend requests came from here anyway. :D


It may be your security settings. I set my dc's so that personal messages couldn't be sent. Ds and Dh got a lot of "messages" from half naked women. :tongue_smilie:

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It seems like you can't send a message with a friend request anymore. I didn't know that. You used to be able to add a short personal message. Oh well, I figured the sudden influx of friend requests came from here anyway. :D


I think it is a personal setting that you can control. :)

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I think I must also warn that I am FB friends with some "salty" people (reprobates, actually) because of my hobbies. So know that you might get unsavory stuff in your newsfeed.


I don't post gross stuff (well, okay, some stuff:tongue_smilie:) but I might choose to respond to a friend's update or comment. That you will see.

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I'm game, as I have quite a few HS/WTM friends on there already. Everyone else I know personally.




OK, I took my link off. I am going out of town anyway... you can find me through everyone else if you want.




Edited by radiobrain
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It may be your security settings.


I think it is a personal setting that you can control. :)


Thanks. I did change some things when I increased my privacy a while back, but I thought I left it so people could contact me. Off to take ds to guitar lessons, then I'll take a look at later.

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Weird Florida Mom, I sent you a request but can't send a message to introduce myself?


I'm Julie Smith.



me too...I still can't figure out the Timeline. Seems like there are not as many options. Anyway, request from Paula Blandford Bush :)

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My name is Rebecca ...


Yay! I love liberal politics ... already sent requests to a couple of you.


Ok - this is me and I would love more homeschooling friends. I lean liberal/secular (UU). Fairly light and boring FB user, but would probably use it more with more homeschooling friends! I will also delete later ...


ETA - took my link out but still happy to PM it if you message me!

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My name is Rebecca Wald. You won't want to friend me if liberal politics annoy you, but I bet most of you have already figured that part out. ;)


:lol: Me too.


I'm Cindie Young... I'll try to open it up, if I can remember how to do it.


Same as Rivka, I'm a UU liberal... just so you know.

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Looking forward to figuring out who the heck my new friends are. :lol:


I also have a FB page for my homeschooling blog, "Tinderbox Homeschool," so homeschooling stuff doesn't usually make it to my main FB. But I figure y'all may already have enough homeschooling stuff to read.

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