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Baby boy name poll! Read my long note first!

Baby boy name... with a middle girl name choice too!  

  1. 1. Baby boy name... with a middle girl name choice too!

    • Cameron
    • Owen
    • Charlie
    • Alex
    • None of these are any good
    • Charlotte Mae
    • Charlotte Elizabeth
    • Other

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Due date is Wednesday... so anytime now! Middle name will be Randall (DH's middle name) or Edward (my dad's middle name). You are welcome to add which you think is best!


My quick thoughts on each...


Cameron - I like it. DH likes it. I don't know that it blows me away... but it seems to be growing on me the more I think about it.


Owen - It's probably my top pick. I read A Prayer for Owen Meany while pregnant and love the association with a character who sees a reason for everything. DH likes it too.


Charlie - I like this but feel like we should use Charles as the actual name. I'm not a huge fan of Charles, so that is a bit of a negative. Also, is it too similar to Callie?


Alex - We might use Alexander as the real name and Alex as a nickname. DH likes this one a lot. I'm a bit worried about how popular it is (social security top 10), but we already have a Matthew, so I guess we aren't totally opposed to popular names.


Siblings are Molly, Matthew, and Callie.


Also, any feedback on our top girl name: Charlotte Mae? DH doesn't think Mae sounds good with Charlotte. He wants to do Charlotte Elizabeth. I am pulling hard for Mae. Do you think Charlotte Mae sounds okay?

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Well, I am partial to Cameron (my 18yo) and Charlie (my grandson). I would go with Charles, and call him Charlie. I think either middle names goes with Charles or Cameron, but I really like Randall.


Owen is a great name, too. I'm not much help, am I? :001_smile:


ETA: I think Charlotte Mae is just beautiful!

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I LOVE the name Owen and I know of too many girls named Cameron to choose it for a boy these days. I like Owen Randall.


I adore Charlotte Mae. I would have had a Sarah Elizabeth if I had another daughter, so this is coming from someone who loves the name. I just think it is too long to be a perfect middle for Charlotte.

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It seems you like traditional Anglo names, and if you have an Anglo background, I get it. :) Charlie and Alex etc., are not names. They are nicknames. Give a real name, and then choose a pet name.


You need to think about the people in the family you love, or names you have had heard great stories.


Charlotte is lovely, and has been making *huge * comeback for many years. I think it's fine, as long as it's a family name. I don't like pulling names out of a hat. If you have access to a family bible tree, I'd check there. I 'd also ask elderly relatives about the people they loved-- and get stories about people-- and names.


I don't adores names picked totally random from a hat...sifting through family names is where it is at for me.

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I like all the boy names except Owen. It seems like every other boy under 3 in our neighborhood is named Owen. My 3 year old has 7 kids in her preschool class and one boy is Owen and the other is Rowan. There's a different younger Owen in her music class and another at church. I think its dangerously close to becoming too trendy.


Don't get me wrong, I really like the name (it was on my short list for baby 4 until I realized how saturated our neighborhood is with little Owens and Rowans.)


I voted for Alex; its high on the SSN list but its a classic name so that even if there's another kid in t-ball with the name its not such a big deal.

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My son was named Cameron in utero until two days before he was born. That was when Cameron Diaz was becoming famous and Camryn Manheim was on tv. One of my friends pointed out that it was the new "girl" name.


As I grew up hating my own name after going to kindergarten with a boy with the same name, I realized I could not saddle my son with a name that might make anyone assume he was a girl. So we changed it. Since we'd planned it for so long, the only problem was that it took me a month before I could remember his "new" name without consciously thinking about it. :D


I love the name Cameron but I'm glad everyone can see my boy's name and know he's a boy. Fwiw, my son does too. I chose Alex in the poll.


I prefer Charlotte Elizabeth over Charlotte Mae. I love Charlotte! :001_smile:

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Out of your boy names I liked Owen the best but think it is becoming really popular here. I like Charlotte Mae better than Charlotte Elizabeth, the later just seems like too much name. I think if you want a long middle name you need to stick to shorter first names and vice versa.

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I like Alexander the best from your choices. I like the meaning and it seems a very substantial name.


You could always use Charlie as the nick name for Charlotte! Charlotte Mae sounds fine but Mae is a bit of a nothing/filler name for me (it may have beautiful meaning to you! Especially if she's born in may?), Elizabeth is a stunning name - can't go wrong!

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I like Owen or Alexander. How about shortening Alexander to Xander (zander). One of my friends has a son who is known as Xander. I don't think I have ever heard him called by his whole name.


Charlie sounds a bit awkward with your other kids names, like it would be hard to say them as a list without falling over the names. Alexander or Owen are easier to say as part of your family.


I like Charlotte Mae. It is a pretty name.

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I picked Charles. The name Charles Edward just flowed too well for me to pick anything else! All the names are good with the middle name so you can't go wrong! I picked Elizabeth because it is my favorite! Dh doesn't care for it. So no Elizabeth here. Charlotte Mae is pretty too. They are all good.

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I voted Cameron, Alex and Charlotte Mae.


I'm not particularly fond of the name Owen, and though I love the names Charles and Charlie, I don't think Charlie flows well with the names of your other kids. I think Cameron is the best choice, just because of the flow with the other names, but I have an Alex, so I'm a bit partial. ;) For middle names, I'd go with Randall if the first name is Alex but Edward if the first name is Cameron. And for the girl name, I chose Charlotte Mae because, like other posters, I felt like Charlotte Elizabeth was a bit much.

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I like all the boy names except Owen. It seems like every other boy under 3 in our neighborhood is named Owen. My 3 year old has 7 kids in her preschool class and one boy is Owen and the other is Rowan. There's a different younger Owen in her music class and another at church. I think its dangerously close to becoming too trendy.




I voted for Alex; its high on the SSN list but its a classic name so that even if there's another kid in t-ball with the name its not such a big deal.


I very much agree with Christine! There are a lot of little Owens running around, and I fear it will sound dated in a decade. Alex(ander) is popular, but it's also a classic. Unfortunately, I think Cameron is currently sitting on then female side of unisex. I don't like that so many good, male names are being give to girls, but it seems people aren't asking me first. :lol: I voted for Charlie, but i really think it needs to be Charles if you're going to do it. Charlie is pretty firmly in the nickname camp.


I voted for Charlottle Elizabeth, but I think both middle names are lovely.



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I didn't vote. I like these combinations of names:


Cameron Edward

Owen Randall

Charles Edward


I like the name Alexander but it didn't seem to go with your middle names--too many syllables for me. And Alexander Randall felt too rhyme-y.


I like Charlotte but am not fond of Mae. Like a pp said, it feels like a filler name. I guess I know too many women named Mary Jo. Seriously. Charlotte Elizabeth feels like a bit much, though. So I'm undecided on your girl choices as well.

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I voted Owen because I think Owen sounds like a fat little pumpkin of a boy, and that's how I like 'em. ;)


As for the girl, we have a Charlotte Rae (the Rae comes from my late father and dh's late gpa, boht named Ray), and people are constantly telling us how lovely those two sound together, so to me Charlotte Mae sounds just fine!


Congratulations! :grouphug:

Edited by Alphabetika
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I like Owen Randall.

Charlotte Mae immediately makes me think of the old "Hee-Haw" tv show. Not sure why; maybe the "Mae" because I think of Charlotte as old British. But for some reason, the "Mae" just says hay-seed hillbilly to me. Sorry.


I'm really no help.... You've already used my favorite name, "Molly." :001_smile:

We didn't know the sex of our baby so we picked two names. If she had been a boy, she would have been Matthew Joel, so we must think alike, you and I! :001_smile:



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I like Charlotte Mae. Charlotte is very old fashioned/yet popular and classic. Mae throws in a little more fun. One thing - I would not use Mae if your last name is in any manner similar to a verb. So it doesn't sound like Charlotte may Skip.


I like Owen, but not necessarily with Randall or Edward. Owen is a very Welsh name I believe. I always think of Bennett as a middle name with Owen. I don't know if that is because someone famous has that name. I like George with Edward and I like Chris with Randall.

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I voted for Owen because it sounds like that one holds the most meaning for you. I would not use Charli with Callie. That's a recipe for disaster when I tried to call them.


For a girl, I love Charlotte. I also like Elizabeth, though dh hasn't let me use it. So I voted for that. :) but I do think Charlotte Mae is very cute.


*I don't know why my phone insists on quoting someone. Won't let me just reply.


I didn't vote. I like these combinations of names:


Cameron Edward

Owen Randall

Charles Edward


I like the name Alexander but it didn't seem to go with your middle names--too many syllables for me. And Alexander Randall felt too rhyme-y.


I like Charlotte but am not fond of Mae. Like a pp said, it feels like a filler name. I guess I know too many women named Mary Jo. Seriously. Charlotte Elizabeth feels like a bit much, though. So I'm undecided on your girl choices as well.

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I like Owen, but not necessarily with Randall or Edward. Owen is a very Welsh name I believe. I always think of Bennett as a middle name with Owen. I don't know if that is because someone famous has that name. I like George with Edward and I like Chris with Randall.

I have a great nephew named Owen Bennett.:001_smile:

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