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Is it too early to have a "What are you using next year for 9th grade" thread?

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As I dip my toe into the high school water (YIKES) I find myself planning and worrying and thinking and praying and worrying and planning some more...


So here is where I am at right now for 9th grade:



Math- will take Geometry at the high school where I work


Science- will take physical science at the high school where I work


History- (at home) American History using America: The Last Best Hope (3 volume series)


English- (at home) LLfLoTR, Vocab from Latin and Greek Roots- Book 2, Sentence Composing for High School


Bible- (at home) A Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman Geisler


Spanish- (at home) Rosetta Stone (continuing from this year)


Music- continue with piano lessons



What am I missing? Suggestions???

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Why no, it's not too soon. We had one last month already. :D I should edit as I've tweaked some due to budget issues. Heather, I think your schedule looks fine. The only thing I see is possible writing instruction. Does the sentence composing delve into essays and such? If he doesn't need the instruction and is writing well on his own he should be fine.




Here's my tweaked version.


I'm dividing the year into 3 12 week sessions, fall, winter, and spring.


Latin- Wheelock's

Japanese - Irasshai (both are continuation of this year)

Math - Geometry (text undecided)

English - Finish WWS I, start WWS II, literature analysis and annotation, Painless Grammar & workbook from McGraw Hill (not real excited by these, but they'll work)

Science - Physics- College Physics Knight, Jones, Field (fall) - my integrated plans shifted due to budget. We'll do 2 terms of physics this year and finish up next year in one semester.

History - Ancient Greek/Egyptian: History (fall) Spielvogel Western Civ, Herodotus, TTC courses on Greeks, Pharaohs, & Early Civilizations, Literature (winter) - Iliad & Odyssey (Lattimore) with Vandiver lectures, Greek Tragedies and a comedy (undecided), Philosophy (spring) - Aristotle (undecided) and Plato's Republic.

Intro to Philosophy - The Theory of Knowledge, The Story of Philosophy (fall & winter sessions)


I have one more twelve week class I'm letting him decide. It will be a .33 or .5 credit class. It's between these courses: Drawing, a course on Invented Languages, an in-depth study of the book The Writer's Journey, or an in-study of The Hobbit including lectures from Mygard Institute.


ETA: He chose Drawing. I'm really excited about this because he has potential, but thinks he's bad at drawing. I'm not sure what we'll use yet.

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I'll have two ninth graders next year, and I've been busily planning. All of my syllabi are about finished! We're using:


Math - Saxon Algebra with Geometry


English - TOG Literature, Windows to the World, TOG writing (my dd is taking TOG writing online)


History - TOG Year 1 Rhetoric. My son will be doing Dialectic.


Latin - My dd is taking her 2nd year through Lukeion; my son will be doing Latin Prep Year 2


French - My dd (only) is using French in Action, Breaking the Barrier 2, and skyping with a French tutor


AP Psych - my dd (only) is taking this through PA Homeschoolers


Physics - both kids are using Conceptual Physics by Hewitt


My son will be adding in a 6th credit, either by taking JrROTC at our local ps, or by taking one semester of culinary arts and one semester of weapons through the ages (haven't quite got that title worked out).


My dd will continue violin and also participate in tennis, speech & debate, and youth & government.


My ds will continue with piano and take tennis.


And that's IT. :D

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My youngest will be in 9th grade next year. Here are my plans:


English - Movies as Literature

History - either Oak Meadow US History or Hippocampus US History videos

Math - finish MUS Algebra I and start MUS Geometry

Science - Hewitt's Conceptual Physics as a class that I teach in my home

Foreign Language - Visual Link Spanish I

Guitar and Banjo - continuing private weekly lessons (started guitar 2 years ago, banjo 5 months ago)

Voice - continuing private weekly lessons (started 3 months ago)

Sewing - continuing group lessons (started 1.5 years ago)

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Dds14 will be 9th graders in the fall. We will be doing:


Jacobs Geometry


MCTLA Magic Lens level 2, all elements


Great Books, Greek year, using a modified version of Angelicum Academy's guides, plus Teaching Company Lectures by Vandiver, et al.


SWB's History of the Ancient World, combined with Teaching company Ancient Civilizations course


Miller/Levine Biology class (outsourced), to be supplemented with Teaching company Biology lectures


Wheelock Latin II


OSU German I


Orthodox Religious studies


US Government (outsourced)


Oral Interp/Drama (outsourced)


Art/Music Appreciation studies


Piano lessons


I am very pleased with how our year is shaping up. I need to finish planning out the GB reading schedule, and correlating it with the lectures and SWB's HOAW, but the lion's share of the planning is finished. :D

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We're still unsure of some things but here it is for now...



Math-Jacob's or Dolciani Algebra I along with Patty Paper Geometry


English-Practical English for grammar, dictation, narrations/essays, CW Chreia and moving into Herodotus as soon as we can finish it


Literature-unsure of some works, Poetry Study, works for study of Greeks...Iliad, Odyssey for certain....Oresteia and 3 Theban Plays...maybe more... (Using the Vandiver TC dvds for Iliad and Odyssey and Fran Rutherford guide for all of the above)


Science-finish Intro. to Physics and Chemistry and then....I can't decide if we should start Biology...start an integrated approach...????


French I- L'Art de Ecrire and Breaking the Barrier along with reading/narrating a dual language book on French Fables and The Little Prince (in French)..I'd love a tutor for this, but not right now...


Latin I-2nd form Latin as well as some work from Henle..maybe taking the National Latin Exam next time...


Art History-???? not sure of details....need to work on a syllabus...I do have some books on hand alread...I may add some lectures/documentaries to add to it


Philosophy-???? not sure of details...need to work on syllabus....I do have some books on hand and will probably add some lectures/documentaries


Ancient Greek Humanities-Book of the Ancient Greeks with additional lectures, documentaries and other resources...still working on this too


1/2 Logic-Traditional Logic I


Dd want to continue with piano (as well as so much more that I'll refrain from mentioning it for fear that others will say she wants too much -she does:lol:)


Maybe Tennis or Swimming for PE when we can work it out

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I'm almost afraid to post this here (because AS is so far from being classical), but it's what seems will work best for ds for the time being, sooooo...


English, science, math, and history with American School

Intro to Computers as an elective with American School

Bible - Precept Ministries How to Study the Bible in 28 Days and Covenant PUP study (1/2 credit)

Worldview - Lightbearers (1/2 credit)

Logic - Traditional Logic I (1/2 credit)

Spanish - Visual Link Spanish II


And I'm going to add some literature because I don't think AS's English has much literature study. I'm going to give ds a long list of suggested titles and let him choose from among them.

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I do need to start working on 9th grade planning. Just trying to get my senior finished, so I'm not on this as early as I usually am.


Latin-Henle 2


Math-Geometry from one of the 5 texts I own. I have, but haven't tried Jacob's 2nd Edition and I think we will start there.


Science-Biology, I've used Apologia in the past but we are going to try Science Shepherd


History - Year 3 History of the American People by Johnson, Not sure on the world history, methods we will use, or supplements


English - Not sure on writing, I have too many ideas. Might use Rhetorical Grammar by Kolln some.


Literature - Debating whether to put this with English and call it 1.5 credits or bump it up to a separate Lit credit. I'm leaning toward the 1.5 credits. Year 3 Literature(WTM and other lists) and Windows to the World(may spread this over 3 semesters or more).


Logic - trying to put together a course using Socratic Logic and other recommendations on a recent thread.


I'm debating whether to do 6 credits a year very deep and thorough, or add a 7th. I'm really feeling like less is more.


He diligently (I won't say obsessively) practices the acoustic guitar and wants to do some music theory.


He will be physically active and I may decide to count hours over a two year period for a PE credit.


I see I have lots of work to do in planning for next year!

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My first high school student!



  • Bible: Redeemed Reader's Bible Challenge, PAC's Route 66, Youth Bible Drill
  • English I: Warriner's 4th course, WWW II, Lively Art of Writing, homegrown literature
  • Algebra II: Forester's Algebra & Trig
  • Math elective: 1/2 credit using AoPS Counting & Probability
  • Biology: outsourced with local teacher
  • U.S. History: Exploring America by Notgrass
  • Foreign Language: either Lone Pine Latin 200 or BJU Spanish I online...the choice is my son's and he cannot decide ;).
  • P.E.:1/2 credit for baseball


He will also complete a 1/2 credit course in "computer literacy" this summer. Our umbrella school requires a full credit, so I plan to split it over 2 summers. This should be a good course to fit into our crazy summers.



I'm excited, nervous, and a bit sad. Frazzled might be a good description! :D

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Here's our 9th grade line-up

Math: LOF Advanced Algebra

English: LLoTR (co-op), Jensen's Format Writing, Word Within the Word Vol2

French: ? Materials

History: World History (glencoe text)

Science: Conceptual Physics (group class w/lab)

Bible: Precepts Studies (co-op)

Electives: Drama, Soccer

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Math: Dolciani Algebra I

English: Warriner's English (Third course), Lost Tools of Writing, World Literature, Vocabulary & Analogy Workbooks, MCT Poetry

French Breaking the Barrier I

"History" World Geography

Elective World Religions

Science The Way Life Works (textbook) + Labpaq


Other 1/2 credit electives are still in the thinking process: possibly world music for one, health for the other?

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American History - not sure yet


American Lit - will probably use Excellence in Literature plus extra books of my choosing


Classical Writing Diogenes, maybe switching off with Killgallon


Geometry - Life of Fred/Kahn Academy


Physics - TBD


Latin II - Lingua Latina


Greek I - Lukeion


He has also asked to learn a modern language - deciding which one


Computer science/programming - self-directed

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9th grade for next year:


Math: Saxon Algebra 1

Literature & Composition: TOG year 3 Literature & Writing

History: TOG year 3 dialectic

Fine Arts: TOG Fine Art History & Appreciation (1/2 credit)

Science: Apologia Biology w/ 10th grade brother

Henle Latin

German w/ Dad & brother

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My dd will be in 9th next year. We're using:


Sonlight Core 100 (I think that's what it's called, I have it from long ago :001_smile:) It covers American history.


To supplement English we are using IEW American History writing Vol 2 as well as Editor in Chief for a bit of grammar.


For math my dd will be finishing Algebra using Chalkdust, then moving on to Geometry using TT (I think).


Science will be done online using Veritas. They use Apologia. Not my first pick, but I prefer her to do science not with me.;)


She's also going to add Spanish using Rosetta Stone and maybe something else. I haven't decided on that. And she will be doing Home Ec using CLE. My oldest did that course and I like it.


She plays violin and participates in orchestra, so that will cover music. And she does competitive swimming.

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English - Intro to Literature and Composition

Mostly using materials left over from 7th/8th as I tend to overbuy

Algebra - Use up LoF Basic Algebra (started in Feb this year), Start (finish?) advanced algebra as time permits.

Chemistry - Spectrum Chemistry, plus supplements to prepare for SAT subject test

French - French in Action (already started this and it's working well)

Archeology - I've put together my own reading list

Flute - continuing lessons

Fine Arts Survey - 1/2 credit

This class combines three 30 hour courses in: Drama, Fused Glass Art, and Creative Crafts of the World taken at Co-op


Physical Education - Dance 1 credit


Independent Study in History - 1/2 credit

Preparing National History Day project

Total Credits: 8 credits! Is that too much??

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I knew not to open this thread. I knew I would be jealous.


For 9th next year we are doing all A Beka. Yep, that's right. I bought the boxed curriculum. Why, do you ask? Am I so naive to not know the latest and greatest of all that is available? Do I not study the great homeschool gurus and know all of their recommendations?


Truth is, my Dd picks her own curriculum. I just teach whatever she picks out. Every time I have tried to sway her to something else, it just makes her miserable. She does well on her Iowa test each year, so be it.


We add in Rosetta Stone for Chinese and Spanish. Burp.

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I knew not to open this thread. I knew I would be jealous.


For 9th next year we are doing all A Beka. Yep, that's right. I bought the boxed curriculum. Why, do you ask? Am I so naive to not know the latest and greatest of all that is available? Do I not study the great homeschool gurus and know all of their recommendations?


Truth is, my Dd picks her own curriculum. I just teach whatever she picks out. Every time I have tried to sway her to something else, it just makes her miserable. She does well on her Iowa test each year, so be it.


We add in Rosetta Stone for Chinese and Spanish. Burp.



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I have my first high schooler next year and I'm a little: :eek:


This is what I have set up so far. DD is dyslexic/LD and ADD so we'll see if this is reasonable as we go along.


History: TOG Y1, a mix of dialectic and rhetoric level...she's a good thinker but needs support with output and input!


English: Some TOG literature, Apples and Pears spelling (we are still struggling here, big time), writing instruction through TOG and my own mind ... this all needs fleshing out here


Math: TT Algebra


Science: Exploring the Way Life Works and other resources found on my pinterest board :D I was a biology major back in the dark ages so I'm hoping to do a sort of brain dump/living books approach in addition. This dd is NOT science/mathy, so I'm going to play this by ear.


Spanish: Visual Link Spanish 1


Religion: some through TOG, The History of the Church (Didache series), and confirmation meetings through our church


Phys Ed: dd does a performance roller skating class, and hoping to add one more thing here.


Fine Art - art appreciation/history through TOG and a drawing class

beginning piano and music theory (I'm going to drop this if it's all too much)


probably some kind of fractional credit of philosophy.


I feel like I'm forgetting something....

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9th Grade:

(Starting July 1)


English 1: The Writer's World Sentences; The Language of Literature 9; Spelling Power; Finish Easy Grammar 6. (I found this unfinished book recently and think it will be a good review to finish it up.)


Algebra 1: Key to Algebra; TT Algebra 1


Biology: Apologia; Body by Design; Frogguts.com; Khan Academy


Geography: BJU (I would like to add some living books, classics, biographies, documentaries, movies and only use the BJU text as a spine.)


French 1: Tell Me More; SOS Intermediate French


American Government: Great Source; (We'll also follow the elections. May or may not use "curriculum" for elections)...half credit


Health: Alpha Omega LifePacs.... half credit


6 Credits


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History - Modern US and World (Civil War to Present) using books and syllabus we've created.


Science - Physics (I think, but I waver a lot) I'd be a lot more comfortable with a real syllabus to follow here.


German 2 - German Online from OSU


Latin 1 - Lukeion


Literature - Windows to the World, coop class I'm teaching, many more books


Math - Algebra 2, Art of Problem Solving book

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Yesterday we received a ruling from the local CC that we've been waiting on for a month. 9th and 10th graders can no longer take dual enrolled classes at the CC. They must be in 11th grade to be on campus. Dd can take dual enrolled classes offered at a local high school, but I think that would be too much of a hassle. So here is our revised schedule:



Latin II (FLVS)


French I (FLVS) and Galore Park SYRWTL French I


H English II (FLVS)


Poetry (.5) 2nd part of The Creative Writer and Perrines's Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense (complete poetry and drama sections)


H Biology (FLVS)


H Earth-Space Science (FLVS) and TC The Nature of Earth

w/lab - CTT Geology


Ancient History - CTT Prehistory, CTT Early Civilizations, TC Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations and booklist


World Religions (.5) (FLVS) and CTT Religious Intolerence and TC Religions of the Axial Age


Algebra II - Saxon and LOF

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Your plan looks fine to me. Here's what we have for 9th grade DD


Summer course through veritas press online academy - The Novels of Jane Austin - 1 literature credit



MFW US history to 1877

History 1/2 credit

Government 1/2 credit

Literature 1 credit

Biblical Worldview 1 credit


Honors Biology - redwagontutorials live class 1 credit


French 1 - veritas press online academy - 1 credit


Saxon Alg 1 - 1 credit


Rod and Staff English 8 - 1/2 English credit


How's that look? I don't think I'm forgetting anything.


She already earned the following credits this year in 8th....


veritas press online academy ... Art Studies I - 1 credit

Logic 1 - 1 credit

Starting Points by David Quine..... 1 credit (but I don't know what to call it. They say it's worth 3 credits, I say it's worth 1) any suggestions on what to call it?

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Okay, what I have so far:


English I- American Literature (Beginnings through 1900)

US History I (Beginnings through Reconstruction)

Pre-AP Lang & Comp with Debra Bell online classes

Geometry- with Jann in TX

Biology I with Campbell C&C with LabPaq

Spanish I with OKState and tutor

PE- horse riding and local competition - 1/2 credit

Studio Art I - combo of Teaching Company videos and Artistic Pursuits -1/2 credit

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Here is my ds almost complete schedule. I am still trying to decide on world history.


English: LLfLoR, essay and speech class at our homeschool group, Wordly Wise, BJU grammar only.


Science: Apologia biology


Geometry: TT


World History: Ancients and Medieval history using? (looking at BJU right now)


Bible: Route 66 - Positive Action Bible


Computer Programming: Teen Coder C#


Logic: Traditional Logic I


Electives at our homeschool group - physical education and a semester of photography.

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Putting this here so I can find it at the end of the year and see how close we stayed to the original plans... :D


English 9 - 1

Rod & Staff English 9

Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings (lit) 1 semester

Lightning Literature British Literature (lit) 1 semester

Institute for Excellence in Writing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Windows to the World 1 semester

Institute for Excellence in Writing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Elegant Essay (or SICC-C) 1 semester

I am still wishy-washy on the IEW selections. We'll have finished up SWI-B by fall, which is our first IEW program. So, will decide that for sure closer to fall.

CaesarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s English I & II (I just ordered these, so I am hoping it will be something I can use with all of my kids this year)


Algebra 2 - 1

Saxon Algebra 2

with Art Reed DVD


Biology I + Lab - 1

Prentice-Hall Biology by Miller-Levine

Kolbe syllabus, following the honors track



French 2 - 1

online 2-semester course


World Geography, Cultural and Physical - .5

Using Harmony Art Mom's plans as a springboard to putting together our own course. If I flat run out of steam before fall, we'll use BJU Cultural Geography as a last-minute decision.

Trail Guide to World Geography by Cindy Wiggers

World Geography semester project

World History I - 1

History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer (from April '12-August '12)

History of the Medieval World by Susan Wise Bauer (August '12-June '13)

The Great Courses: The Iliad of Homer (Vandiver)

The Great Courses: The Odyssey of Homer (Vandiver)



Art History - .5

Meet the Masters (with a co-op)

Art History, Revised Second Edition: Volume 1 by Marilyn Stokstad

Art History semester-long Project: Art History notebook


Band - 1

is 1 credit what's usually given for band? She'll be in possibly 2 classes for band, with 1Ă‚Â½ hour practices per week for each class - plus practice at home for 1-1Ă‚Â½ hours per day? We'll be doing a 1-semester music theory course at home this year also, as she's brand-new to reading music, but moving along to advanced music pretty quickly. I'm including that with the band credit.

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Putting this here so I can find it at the end of the year and see how close we stayed to the original plans... :D.


:lol: My oldest is finishing off his 9th grade year. We ended up so far off my original plans that I think the only thing that remained is our constant... Saxon Math. It was a good school year though. :D

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This is my middle child/ds who only cares about video games and cars. He wants to race for NASCAR when he grows up. :glare:(God, thank you for these kids with big dreams. Please let them realize how much hard work (and luck) it will take them to achieve these monster goals.) Anyway, this little guy likes to have the highest grades in his online classes; however, he does not want to study. He wants to magically know all the answers. Ha! He is a very slow worker (this must run in my family) and has a low tolerance for fine motor and critical thinking tasks. (Lord, please help me make it through the next 4 years with this sweetie pie.) Here is what we will ATTEMPT for his 9th grade year.


1. Geometry with Derek Owens


2. English 2 @ TPS


3. Pre-AP Biology


4. Pre-AP Government


5. Foreign Language (we are thinking German w OSU)


6. Technology Ed - (required for our state)we'll come up with something for this


7. P.E. (required)

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I think I have finally nailed down my 9th graders classes for next year.


Math: Algebra-Math-U-See

English-Oak Meadow/Bi-monthly discussion group

History-Oak Meadow

Science-Oak Meadow

Foreign Language-Spanish through OSU

PE: Swim Team & Ballroom Dancing

Art History: The Great Courses- Museum Masterpieces

Health-The Great Courses-Nutrition Made Clear. Assorted resources-human sexuality, STD's, Drugs

Music Theory-Ongoing Music Class that meets 2x per month

Philosophy-ongoing class that meets 2x per month


I can almost guarantee that Art History will be the first thing that gets dropped when squeezed for time.

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Ick. I wish I knew. Dd was going to private school, but after we found out how little they were willing to meet her where she was at (even with test scores, etc.,) especially considering the cost, we dropped that idea. She loves outside classes, so she is going to take two classes or so at the local public school, because they were a million times more willing to work with us. :glare:


So far, I know:

Math - finishing AOPS Pre-Calculus then Calc, either at the CC or AOPS, math contests

Science - Honors Chemistry at the public school

English/History - Great Books I (WTM, Omnibus, etc.) OR English I and World History or an AP?

Langauge - Spanish 2 at public school, Latin I with Wheelock's (Lukeion?), ASL

Music (1/2 credit) - piano and clarinet lessons, youth symphony, second half of music history course

Art (1/2 credit) - weekly art lessons, animation and CAD work

Computer Science - AP or CC


FIRST robotics team, volunteeriing with special education students, mentoring an FLL team


She want sto be an aeronautical engineer, so I'm going to try to figure out something to go toward exploring that, too. Not sure what?

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Here's our plan:




SWB - History of the Ancient World


Great Battles of the Ancient World



Various books

Great books lectures on the Aeneid



Various assignments drawn from lit and history lectures

2nd Semester - Write at Home Creative Writing






Teaching Textbooks






Latina Christiana


Art History

Mona Lisa (I use this book for four years adding in Sister Wendy's videos and a few writing projects and call it half credit for the entire thing)


He also takes piano, karate, baseball, and rows crew. I think we've got it all covered. We add music history in 10th grade.

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I think I've mostly decided -- would love any comments ;)



Kitaab fi Ta-alam al-Arabiyya (college level text, we'll take it slower if needed)




Vocab from Classical Roots

Analytical Grammar review for high school


English Literature

Middle Ages, following WTM recs


Middle Eastern Studies

Middles Ages, history and literature, applying the WTM style



Singapore's Discovering Mathematics



Miller-Levine Biology w/Kolbe




Ds takes Karate twice a week, so that can count towards PE and I'd like to add a second sport/activity


He also is in a Qur'an memorization class four nights a week, his adviser at our umbrella school said this could count towards a partial credit in speech.

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Today's plan = BJU 9th grade dvd. Straight out of the box. :glare:


I am so frustrated with this student that it's that or the Big Yellow Bus. :boxing_smiley:



Well, at least there are 2 of us that admit to a boxed set. :lol:

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I knew not to open this thread. I knew I would be jealous.


For 9th next year we are doing all A Beka. Yep, that's right. I bought the boxed curriculum. Why, do you ask? Am I so naive to not know the latest and greatest of all that is available? Do I not study the great homeschool gurus and know all of their recommendations?


Truth is, my Dd picks her own curriculum. I just teach whatever she picks out. Every time I have tried to sway her to something else, it just makes her miserable. She does well on her Iowa test each year, so be it.


We add in Rosetta Stone for Chinese and Spanish. Burp.


Don't be jealous! I am not using complete A Beka, but I am certainly NOT teaching my dream curriculum....nor do I have dream students! Somehow, I ended up with real kids....:D


My dd's 9th grade line up is no where near as challenging as those I see here, yet it will be challenging and profitable to my dd.


Here goes:


Math : CLE 705-805


English 1 -Abeka World Literature with Composition.

CLE Language Arts

Vocabulary from Classical Roots A&B


Social Studies: Prentice Hall Patterns of Civ units covering 70AD-1850 AD


Science: Biology. Lyrical Life Science Vol. 1-3, Kingfisher Science Encyloclopedia Life Science sections, Khan Academy videos, Lab including dissection kit.


PE: dd and I will be going to the gym. She gets to pick a class, I get to pick an class and we have to agree on one. I am not sure what I just got myself into!!!!



Art: Drawing, inking, publishing. This dd is determined to become the next editor in chief of MAD magazine. We will be strongly focusing on Art, publishing, Photoshop, indesign and other design programs, plus WRITING and editing. Funny is difficult.

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Math: Holt Geometry with Jann @ myhomeschoolmathclass.com

English: American Lit and Composition @ tutorial

Science: Apologia biology @ tutorial

History: Last Best Hope books with additional online materials

Spanish 2: Visual Link


Bible: TOG resources

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This coming year will be our first year of hs'ing. So, tell me if something looks wrong!!


Math: TT Algebra 1

English: Elements of Lit (includes grammar, writing, and voc)

Supplementing with Easy Grammar and Diagraming Sentences

Science: Apologia biology 1 with labs

History: Abeka World Geography suppl w/ Mapping the World with Art, and Short Lessons in History

Health/PE: Abeka Health / PE includes mowing the yard, mending fences, mucking the barn, cleaning the henhouse, and working in the garden hahaha (We live on a homestead :D)

Art: The Worlds Greatest Artists (by confessionsofahomeschoolingmom.com) suppl w/ Short Lessons in Art, and visits to 3 local museums

Bible: Character Sketches plus daily devotions

Foreign Language: ASL... they want to learn sign language :D

Elective: "The Car Care Book" by CLE

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Wow. I never thought I'd be posting on a 9th grade thread on the HS board! But alas, here we are!! My plans at this point, though I am still researching & thinking:



Finish Alg 1 (til Oct. maybe) & then Geometry, MUS w/ LOF supplement



Apologia Biology



R & S English 9/10 Book One

Vocabulary from Classical Roots



Have been using SWB rec's and will continue via Great Books/History.

Rhetoric study (maybe?)

Lively Art of Writing (maybe?)


History & Literature

"Year 4" 1850-present. Great Books study with Spine to be determined.

Windows to the World (maybe)



Spanish I using VLACS, our free state virtual learning academy


Music--this child's LOVE


Cello/Orchestra (at the PS--excellent program)

Beautiful Feet--History of Classical Music (ongoing independent project study)


Extras (no plans to award credits)

Bible Study

Dance--tap & ballet

Piano Teaching--5 young students to plan for & teach weekly


It's good to type all of this out and see how it looks. I'm excited to finalize everything and get started, and I know dd is as well.

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