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Levi is here!!!

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Levi Jethro James was born 4/13/12 by scheduled c/s. He weighed 8lbs 14oz.


God's hand was on this birth. My uterus was so thin you could see right through it. She just touched it and it tore right open. It was an answer to prayer in a way. We were praying on having more children or not. And I was praying for God to show me if it was a no more.I really didn't want to live with the guilt of not having more. But after the delievery I can't safely have anymore. I will be taking a huge risk. If I had gone into labor my uterus would've ruptured and I live 45 minutes from the hospital.I ALWAYS go early but not this time. The Dr. said by the time we got someone to watch the children and gotten to the hospital she would've probably lost both of us.God watched over us and we had a safe delievery.



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Levi Jethro James was born 4/13/12 by scheduled c/s. He weighed 8lbs 14oz.


God's hand was on this birth. My uterus was so thin you could see right through it. She just touched it and it tore right open. It was an answer to prayer in a way. We were praying on having more children or not. And I was praying for God to show me if it was a no more.I really didn't want to live with the guilt of not having more. But after the delievery I can't safely have anymore. I will be taking a huge risk. If I had gone into labor my uterus would've ruptured and I live 45 minutes from the hospital.I ALWAYS go early but not this time. The Dr. said by the time we got someone to watch the children and gotten to the hospital she would've probably lost both of us.God watched over us and we had a safe delievery.


Oh, he is such a precious baby. Your pics are great! Blessings on you, Levi!!

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