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Official results are in! Update on my triathlon!

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I did it! I finished! It was very thrilling and exciting and *fun* (?!) and I'm glad I did it!


Okay, for those of you who have cheered me on and encouraged me over the past couple of weeks since my op on my tri, thank you! You guys are awesome! I think your encouragement/cheers/advice really helped my nerves.


Now, for those of you who don't know, I was actually doing a "mini" triathlon, not a really long one. It was a 400 meter swim (1/4 mile); 9 mile bike ride; and a 3 mile run.


I woke up and didn't feel too nervous, which is good for me. This was my first actual competition of any sort since 8th grade! I got everything on my checklist ready, put my bike on my car and headed out! We had beautiful weather. Everything pretty much went off without a hitch and after talking/mingling/waiting around for an hour, all participants were called to the pool deck. It was THEN I remembered I forgot to eat the breakfast I brought! I cannot eat when I first get up, but usually wait until I'm feeling a little hungry, so I brought my breakfast and forgot to eat it. So, right when it was time to get in the pool for the warm-up, I was downing my banana and protein bar. This was probably the only *bad* thing about the whole race. I should have been more careful to "fuel" up.:)


I got in the pool for a warm-up and felt really good, very relaxed. When the swimming started, I just decided to stay in line and talk with the gals around me (this was an all women's tri) instead of watching the REALLY fast swimmers! I think that helped my nerves. It was soon my turn, I jumped in the pool and was off! I was so relaxed! I couldn't believe it. I already told myself to just take it slow, don't wear myself out, so that is what I did. It was just such a BEAUTIFUL day! I took advantage of looking at the blue sky when I came up for breath. I focused, I didn't think about my breathing! I had a great postition in the pool as it was not clogged or crowded around me, so the water wasn't choppy. I ended up passing three ladies, but it wasn't so difficult (I hate passing while swimming!). Before I knew it, that swim was over and I actually ENJOYED it! Yeah! My biggest challenge was over!


And the rest, well, it's history. I did the best I could. Rode my fastest and ran my fastest. When I crossed the finish line my family asked how I felt I did, and I honestly could say: "I did the best I could!" That was my goal, to prepare well and put my all into it!


Now, onto the results! I was actually quite shocked at my placing and time as my goal I was telling everyone was 1:30:00. {My secret goal I wasn't telling anyone about was 1:20:00!} This is how I did: I placed 24th out of 224 participants! My overall total time was: {drum roll, please!} 1:12:34! I was thrilled with this! The breakdown is: swim, 12:08; bike, 33:26; and run, 24:00! I was 70th in swimming (I guess I'll be working on this for next year!); 33rd in biking; and 18th in running. Thanks all for cheering me on!


I am posting a few pictures here. Now, before you look at them, remember I was doing a triathlon, and it ain't necessarily pretty! How do you take flattering pictures when you're all hot and sweaty and running your heart out? The one in the pool, I'm in the baby blue swim cap, in the center of the pic.


I'm sorry if this post is a little too detailed! I wasn't sure how much detail to go into! :)







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Congratulations! There must be something magical about race day. I have come in much faster than anticipated from my training times in the past too. The running kills me though.


Its still early in the season. Are you going to do any more this summer?

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Wow!!! That is totally awesome!! So have you always been into fitness and exercising or is this something you recently started? I'm just wondering how long it took to prepare for. 24 minutes for a 5K is really, really good. I did a 5k a couple of weeks ago and came in at 32 minutes! So, I'm really impressed! Congratulations!!!

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Congratulations! There must be something magical about race day. I have come in much faster than anticipated from my training times in the past too. The running kills me though.


Its still early in the season. Are you going to do any more this summer?



I would like to, but we have too much going on around here to prepare for another one. There are a whole bunch in my state, with a big one in Indy. But, I don't think I'm ready for a big one yet! I'm going to try and keep up my training all year and see how I do next year! :)

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Wow!!! That is totally awesome!! So have you always been into fitness and exercising or is this something you recently started? I'm just wondering how long it took to prepare for. 24 minutes for a 5K is really, really good. I did a 5k a couple of weeks ago and came in at 32 minutes! So, I'm really impressed! Congratulations!!!


I've always been into exercise and fitness, but really wanted to push myself to work harder at it. So, I entered our local triathlon. I've been running on and off for 20 years now. But, I was running 6 miles at a time 3 days a week (for a year) before starting to train for the triathlon. Then, I trained specifically for the tri for 12 weeks. I couldn't swim 25 meters when I started training, so the swimming is what I'm most proud of! :)


Great job on your 5k too! :)

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I am so proud of you, and so impressed!!

That is truly an amazing feat!

Dh has done a few marathons, so I have some idea of what goes into preparing for that. But a Triathlon....well that's truly awesome!!!


From one Angela to another:


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I'm happy everything went so well ~ your finish was super impressive!:) Needless to say I feel like a complete idiot, given that I focus exclusively on running and my best 5K time ever (ran last month) was only slightly faster than the time it took you to run three miles at the end of a tri.:crying:

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I'm happy everything went so well ~ your finish was super impressive!:) Needless to say I feel like a complete idiot, given that I focus exclusively on running and my best 5K time ever (ran last month) was only slightly faster than the time it took you to run three miles at the end of a tri.:crying:


If it makes you feel any better, it was a VERY easy route. No hills or noth'in. Just flat road where you're free to go as fast as you can . . . :)

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I am familiar with what it feels like to get back in the saddle of competing after so many years. As far as I'm concerned, you're a winner for even getting out there and doing what you've done. But, to beat even your own best time wish -- that's just amazing! Calm nerves and such a big smile...your hard work definitely paid off.



If I was a guy I'd send you a virtual slap on the behind! ;)



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Yippee!!!!! (I'd give you smilies if I knew how to use anything fun!! LOL)


I am seriously impressed and cheering this morning!!! I just came in from my 5k run this morning (not a race) and I'm motivated to train harder! So, tell us, how did you train?


Woo-hoo!!!! Congrats!


I want to do a tri! But, I'm still working back up to running after having a baby. Maybe next year I can start training. Did you use a plan? I've had the Beginner Triathlete website on my favorites list for quite a while. Someday! Congrats to you!


Since this was a local race, the YMCA offered a training class for 12 weeks {meeting three days a week} to prepare for the tri. I ended up enrolling in that and I was provided a schedule. {I REALLY recommend taking a class if you can! It gave me accountability and helped me not to be lazy in my training. I'm pretty disciplined to train on my own, but I wouldn't have done near as much if I had done it all on my own.} Swimming was my worst {I've been told you need to really work on your worst area when attmepting a tri} and so I really focused on that. I was up to swimming 4 days a week at one point. Two days at the Y, two days on my own. Also, I really made sure that I did at least two things a day. Swimming and running or biking and running or swimming and biking, etc. It took me about a month to get used to getting off my bike and running! Your legs feel like jello at first. We also did core/circuit training to build our muscles and make us more "lean." And, I was working out 5-6 days a week, for at least an hour, sometimes two.


It does take a lot of effort. I decided from the get go I was going to train hard, really push myself {within reason, I wasn't going to risk injury or anything} so when we were running in class, I would run as fast as I could until my stomach felt a little queasy. Do you know what feeling I'm talking about? For me, that feeling is my limit of knowing I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Same with the bike, I pushed those pedals as hard as I could. At first, I could barely make it four miles on my bike but I slowly built up. For me, if I don't push hard while training, I might not push myself on actual race day. I wanted to get used to those "uncomfortable" feelings, so when the race came, it was just another "training" day. And, the original reason for doing this in the first place is b/c I wanted to take my fitness ability to the next level and this really pushed me.


That was the most fun for me, actually. Seeing how much I improved over the 12 weeks. Now that I have a basic idea of how to train, I'm going to try and train over the next year and do it again! That is, if I don't get side tracked training for a mini marathon or anything! :) And, this year I really want to focus on eating habits as part of my training. The Y class didn't cover that at all, but I think it is a really important part!


Good luck with your training! :)

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If it makes you feel any better, it was a VERY easy route. No hills or noth'in. Just flat road where you're free to go as fast as you can . . . :)


Unfortunatley, it doesn't make me feel any better because my personal best 5K last month wasn't just flat, it actually had a slight downhill slope throughout most of the course. Oh, well. I do my best and I shouldn't compare and yada yada yada.

You go, girl.:hurray:

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Unfortunatley, it doesn't make me feel any better because my personal best 5K last month wasn't just flat, it actually had a slight downhill slope throughout most of the course. Oh, well. I do my best and I shouldn't compare and yada yada yada.

You go, girl.:hurray:


:iagree:Yeah, I know whatchya mean! No good to compare, just no good. The ladies who placed in my age group all completed the tri in 1:09:00 or under.

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