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Do you eat your corn on the cob in rows or around?

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Like Remudamama, I start around on the ends, then go in rows. FYI, I also eat all the crust off my sandwich, then the middle. :D

I used to eat my sandwiches the same way, to save the yummy soft middle for the last. But sad to say, now that I have kids who don't eat the crust.....I kinda stopped eating the crust too. :blushing:

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I cut mine off with a knife and eat it in a bowl. :) It started when I had braces, and I realized I really liked it that way...


Exactly! I cut mine off and eat it with a spoon. DH eats his in rows. But he always has to use a toothpick afterwards. That's why MY method is clearly superior. :D

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I cut mine off with a knife and eat it in a bowl. :) It started when I had braces, and I realized I really liked it that way...


Exactly! I cut mine off and eat it with a spoon. DH eats his in rows. But he always has to use a toothpick afterwards. That's why MY method is clearly superior. :D


I cut mine off.


Well here's the thing then, you guys aren't eating corn on the cob, you're just eating corn. :D

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We both eat in rows, but dc both eat randomly. :eek: They just take chunks out here & there and eventually it's an empty cob. :confused: I pointed this out once when my in-laws were over, and it turns out dh did the same as a child.


I have no idea what this means for your theory (or for my future sons-in-law), but there it is.

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Yeah, but do you eat around a Hershey's Peanut Butter Cup and then eat the middle? sigs-tv-002.gif


No, silly, you eat the peanut butter on the bottom, then the chocolate top.


On OP, dh is a random eater. He was stunned the first time he went to a family reunion for my family -- seeing 30 plus people carefully, methodically and meticulously eating corn row by row as though we were all totally concentrating on not leaving a single kernel. Oddly enough, he didn't grow up that way. Heathen.

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