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Where are Max and Ruby's Parents??

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And why is Max so annoying? And why is Ruby such a bossy little tart? :glare:


GAH! I hate this show! :thumbdown:




And no, I am not watching it, I am being held hostage by it and my four year old who likes it.



Oh, I LOVE Max and Ruby. Ruby is so kind to Max. Are there new ones that I have (blessedly) not seen?

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There's a show? Oh, man. The books drove me nuts after the first couple of readings. Dd was obsessed with them when she was three or so. :banghead:


My kids have all gone through a Max and Ruby stage. Ds5 still requests the Midas book once in a while. The other morning, he looked at his freshly served breakfast and said, "Bag egg!"


"WHAT did you say?!" It was before caffeine, and that 'some parents never learn' thread was fresh in my mind.


He shrunk. "I was pretending to be Max."


"Oh. Literary reference. Carry on."

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And she could have some friends, like maybe, Vita Luv, and G.Essence. And they play dress up all day. They have to have their bling!:001_smile:


And we could be Bunny Scouts with our good friend Louise whom we'll rename Rump Shaker.:D

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I must admit... I like watching Max and Ruby. We haven't ever read the books (and it's been a while since I've seen the show), but it's like this surreal world where Ruby vows never to show emotion, and Max must try to to destroy her with his magic word power.


I guess I see it kind of like the Village in Prisoner--it has all it's own rules, and the goals are unclear. Maybe we should watch it back to back... Prisoner and Max and Ruby.

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It's like Mickey Mouse.. he has Goofy, a dog, as a friend. Yet Pluto , a dog, is his pet? KWIM?:001_huh:


:lol::lol::lol: Now I just snorted!


This thread reminds me of the movie Clueless when Alicia Silverstone says, "This is Ren and Stimpy. They are way existential.":lol:

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I must admit... I like watching Max and Ruby. We haven't ever read the books (and it's been a while since I've seen the show), but it's like this surreal world where Ruby vows never to show emotion, and Max must try to to destroy her with his magic word power.


I guess I see it kind of like the Village in Prisoner--it has all it's own rules, and the goals are unclear. Maybe we should watch it back to back... Prisoner and Max and Ruby.


Funny! We enjoyed the Max books when my teen was young; I hadn't known they'd made it into a show. My daughter and husband really enjoy the Prisoner too. Great minds??




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Oh, sweet innocent Kelli. If only it were that easy to fix the injustices in this world. :o



I am idealistic sometimes. We could all wear gloves and stand on the hilltop and sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing" and pass Cokes around.


For the sake of clarity, that is Coca Cola, not the other coke.

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And why is Max so annoying? And why is Ruby such a bossy little tart? :glare:


GAH! I hate this show! :thumbdown:




And no, I am not watching it, I am being held hostage by it and my four year old who likes it.


I'm so glad you asked this! I've always wondered why poor little Ruby has so many responsibilities and has to take care of her thuglette little brother! I always tell my dc that I'm turning Max and Ruby's parents in to CPS just as soon as they show up!

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I am idealistic sometimes. We could all wear gloves and stand on the hilltop and sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing" and pass Cokes around.



Yeah, but then the bottles would sweat. And our gloves would get wet. And wet gloves breed discontent.

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Oh, I hated that show. What is up with that stupid "red rubbah elephant"? Why is it a "rubbah" elephant? And no one makes toys out of "rubbah" anymore; why not call it a plastic elephant? And, no one even says "rubbah" unless they're 70 years old and are referring to either erasers or rain shoes. In today's world, "rubbah" refers to one thing, and it's sure isn't something Max or Ruby need to know about or play with.

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Yeah, well, I like Max and Ruby books! So there! Actually I'm just a big fan of Rosemary Wells--Read to your Bunny, the nursery rhyme illustrations, all of it. Yay Rosemary Wells!


The show is OK--my kids like it--but not as good as the books. Max's dialogue is devastating in print. And I just like the way she writes. "This time Max wrote "Red Hot Marshmallow Squirters" in the most beautiful writing he knew."

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Yeah, well, I like Max and Ruby books! So there! Actually I'm just a big fan of Rosemary Wells--Read to your Bunny, the nursery rhyme illustrations, all of it. Yay Rosemary Wells!


I have read her Mother Goose books every day for a long, long time. When did they come out? My kids never did get into the old-fashioned illustrations in The Real Mother Goose.

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Oh, I hated that show. What is up with that stupid "red rubbah elephant"? Why is it a "rubbah" elephant? And no one makes toys out of "rubbah" anymore; why not call it a plastic elephant? And, no one even says "rubbah" unless they're 70 years old and are referring to either erasers or rain shoes. In today's world, "rubbah" refers to one thing, and it's sure isn't something Max or Ruby need to know about or play with.



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I haven't read all the replies but have a funny story about this. A friend of mine has some very imaginative children. One day the older kids were mad the youngest one was hogging the tv to watch Max and Ruby so decided to share where they felt the parents were. Apparently it involved an ax murderer, and max seeing everything making him the quiet annoying boy he is. Now everytime my 4 year old turns it on, all I can think of is ax murderers, good grief.

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