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Channeling Doran ....

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Okay... catch me up... what are we doing here? Combining thread titles to make funnies??


Yes. A poster named Doran (who is actually still alive.;)) used to do this. So every now and then we "channel Doran".

Usually it's when a thread title that immediately follows another makes a funny response to the first one (until someone responds to one and it moves away from the other). So you're looking down the list of thread titles, reading them in order and find a funny combination.

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And. . . .it also used to be more of a "snappy comebacks to thread titles".


Sadly, I can't think of any examples, since I'm just mentally exhausted from waiting for the Well Planned Day online planner. . . . :D


Exactly! Like


Does anyone else deal with this? Umm, nope, not at all, only you have


Chicken people aka scaredy cats


The boys room smells... so clean it already


I Have to Brag.... No you WANT to brag ;) (that seems to be what I say a hundred times a day here)

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Hey, that's right! {Blush}. I was channeling the wrong Doran. :tongue_smilie:


Well, I'm a dunce at thinking of snappy comebacks, so 2 titles together is better for me! :D I find it hilarious to read through others' posts! Maybe my weird sense of humour, though!:tongue_smilie:

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Hey, that's right! {Blush}. I was channeling the wrong Doran. :tongue_smilie:


No, I think Doran was originally the adjacent thread titles. I think the comebacks was a different game -- the one that keeps popping back up every now and then; the title is something about a forum game.


Ah -- here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205608&highlight=forum+game


So no need to blush! :D

Edited by Kirch
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