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During the preview of Titanic at The Hunger Games, my kids informed me that . . .

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they had never seen that movie at the theaters. I have one dd who is just naturally comedic and her timing is always perfect. So we watched the previews and discussed going to see it this summer and then at the very end of the trailer Rose says, "I'll never let go. I'll never let go." and my dd says rather loudly, "Liar!" to which the entire theater breaks out laughing. Anyhow, I do think this is a great movie for the big screen especially is the kids are a little older and have already seen the movie so we are going to go and I am actually pretty excited about it.

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Love it!


I never saw Titanic when it was in theaters the first time. I've never seen it on DVD. And I am planning to definitely not see it in the theater this time. (I just really don't like Leonardo DiCaprio... and haven't since he was on Growing Pains).

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I saw the movie in the theater the first time around. I felt traumatized watching that ship sink. I can't imagine it in 3D.


Me, too.


I went to see Casablanca the other night with my adult dds (it was wonderful!). They've only seen Titanic on dvd (at a friend's house - I refuse to buy the movie) and were anxiously awaiting the trailer for Titanic. I was even interested to see it. We waited...and waited...and then were forced to sit through 15 minutes of previews for Broadway plays!! :mad: No regular previews at all.


Oh well, I don't want to see Titanic again anyway. I know what happens at the end. :tongue_smilie:

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Butter (Heather), I am with you. For some reason I also don't like L DiCaprio No idea why, I just don't so I have never seen any movies that he is in. I feel the same way about Brad Pitt, just don't care for him so don't see movies that he is in.




:confused: I'm sorry, but I just don't get this.


Both Leo & Brad are extremely good actors. I can understand not liking someone, but they are actors and you haven't judged them by what they do but something totally different. I'm sorry that you've missed out on a few excellent movies.


However, you can do and like whatever you want for whatever reasons you choose. I still think it is weird. ;)

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:confused: I'm sorry, but I just don't get this.


Both Leo & Brad are extremely good actors. I can understand not liking someone, but they are actors and you haven't judged them by what they do but something totally different. I'm sorry that you've missed out on a few excellent movies.


However, you can do and like whatever you want for whatever reasons you choose. I still think it is weird. ;)


:iagree: I thought Titanic was ridiculously melodramatic, but DiCaprio is a great actor who has made some excellent films, as has Pitt.




I won't see the movie again, but I can't wait for Julian Fellowes' (Downton Abbey) new TV Titanic series.

Edited by WordGirl
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:confused: I'm sorry, but I just don't get this.


Both Leo & Brad are extremely good actors. I can understand not liking someone, but they are actors and you haven't judged them by what they do but something totally different. I'm sorry that you've missed out on a few excellent movies.


Oh, I've watched plenty of movies with both of them (I'm not a Brad fan either). I loved Catch Me If You Can. I'm not sure what you mean by haven't judged them by what they do. I don't think DiCaprio is a very good actor. That's what he does. Act. Titanic just didn't interest me, and still doesn't, in the least and DiCaprio being in it was the icing on the cake.

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ACK! I hate that movie.


I did not cry at all through the whole thing while everyone around me bawled and all I could think was "You did know the ship sinks, right?"


And what woman in her right mind gets OUT of the life boat for a guy she met like 4 minutes ago? I would have said "You're pretty cute and we had some fun but I gotta go." :D


Yes, I am SUCH a romantic.:tongue_smilie:


But I do like DiCaprio so can we still be friends?

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Thats classic :lol:


There's a couple of actors/actresses I am not fond of too, it just means the movie has to be *that* much better in order for me to watch it, yes dicaprio is one of them, but I have watched both Titance & Catch me if you can, as well as several others that had good plot lines, but his one about the island seemed lacluster at best, adding him into the equation means I have never bothered to watch it. Then there are actors/actresses I love watching, Katherine Heigl is one, I have seen most of hers, Gerard Butler is another (although I still haven't gathered up enough courage to watch PS. I love you, as I think I would be bawling for most of the film - big hiccupy messy sobs :D )


Right, that was a ramble....*ahem* as you were.

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I saw it in theatres when I was 5 or 6 months pregnant with my oldest. We had to sit in the front row, and lets just saw a 3 hour movie on the ocean that up close when you are pregnant is not good for the bladder lol Seeing it on the big screen otherwise is good, and I hope I can take my kids, they have all seen the dvds but big screen is something else

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We waited...and waited...and then were forced to sit through 15 minutes of previews for Broadway plays!! :mad: No regular previews at all.


That sounds awesome!


I saw Titanic when it first came out on DVD. Interestingly, I thought the effects were cheesy and really didn't get why everyone raved about them.


I've also never really understood why it's supposed to be so romantic, when the true story is so heartwrenching.


I'd rather see a Broadway show (or even a preview of one) any day!

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ACK! I hate that movie.


I did not cry at all through the whole thing while everyone around me bawled and all I could think was "You did know the ship sinks, right?"


And what woman in her right mind gets OUT of the life boat for a guy she met like 4 minutes ago? I would have said "You're pretty cute and we had some fun but I gotta go." :D


Yes, I am SUCH a romantic.:tongue_smilie:


But I do like DiCaprio so can we still be friends?



I felt the same way about "Ghost" in the 80's. Didn't get why everyone raved about it....


But then again, I'm not a "Chick Flick" fan. My favorite Brad Pitt movies are Kalifornia, Inglorious Bastards, and Pulp Fiction....:D

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I've never seen the movie. Not once. I think I was forced to watch 20 minutes in a waiting room at my gyn's office one time.

It has a very predictable ending. I already knew it and wasn't interested in watching 3 hours for an ending I already knew. :)

I also can't stand Celine Dion, so, there ya go.

I do like DiCaprio though. His best role I think was in What's Eating Gilbert Grape with Johnny Depp. Great book, great movie!

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ACK! I hate that movie.


I did not cry at all through the whole thing while everyone around me bawled and all I could think was "You did know the ship sinks, right?"


And what woman in her right mind gets OUT of the life boat for a guy she met like 4 minutes ago? I would have said "You're pretty cute and we had some fun but I gotta go." :D


Yes, I am SUCH a romantic.:tongue_smilie:


But I do like DiCaprio so can we still be friends?


Exactly! I haven't seen it because I know the ending, lol. My husband tried to convince me it had a "happy ending". I about spit my drink out at him. Please, the boat SINKS! Her love dies. HOw on EARTH is that happy? He says that it is happy because their love would have been difficult and this way she can go on with her life without him dragging her down. Um..wow....


we don't agree on movies, lol. OH, and he thought Father of the Bride II was the scariest movie he's every seen!

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Oh, I've watched plenty of movies with both of them (I'm not a Brad fan either). I loved Catch Me If You Can. I'm not sure what you mean by haven't judged them by what they do. I don't think DiCaprio is a very good actor. That's what he does. Act. Titanic just didn't interest me, and still doesn't, in the least and DiCaprio being in it was the icing on the cake.


I wasn't referring to your post (I quoted another post), as you had a reason for your dislike. The other poster said they had no idea why they didn't like (and threw in Pitt as well) as they had never seen anything they were in.


If you have never seen an actor act, how can you have an opinion about them? Looking at pictures of them or seeing them interviewed? It just seemed odd and superficial to me, that's all.

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:confused: I'm sorry, but I just don't get this.


Both Leo & Brad are extremely good actors. I can understand not liking someone, but they are actors and you haven't judged them by what they do but something totally different. I'm sorry that you've missed out on a few excellent movies.


However, you can do and like whatever you want for whatever reasons you choose. I still think it is weird. ;)


I agree.


I am not a huge DiCaprio fan, but if you have never seen Blood Diamond, you are missing an outstanding story. Inception also comes to mind.

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