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I don't understand. Who sends their kids to camp like this?

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While the camps themselves are vile, I'm sure that the camps are not the first ones to fill these kids with this sort of ideology. These kids are saturated with it at home.


I'm sure that's true. Let's face it, how many parents are going to sign their kids up for this kind of camp if they don't agree with the things that are being taught there?


Scary stuff.

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Disgusting, yes, but don't be fooled into thinking that these types of camps exist only in S. Africa. There are many white supremacist groups in N. America that hold indoctrinal camps just like this all the time.

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There are horrifying crimes going on in SA. Infants attacked in the belief it will cure the attcker's disease, farmers murdered, families tortured. car-jacking murders. The "official" crime numbers don' t begin to match what organizations who do tracking independently say it is. So much misery and fear. It just keeps escalating. This is one of those escslations. The whole situation is horrifying to me.

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I missed that! What was the title of the thread?
I'm not remembering that one either.


There was a thread a couple of years ago in which a woman, with a very explicit signature that linked to a white supremacist group, started posting that Egyptian royalty were really caucasian, had blond or red hair, etc., and that there was a huge conspiracy to portray them as people of color. She went into a very racist rant and was quickly banned.



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There was a thread a couple of years ago in which a woman, with a very explicit signature that linked to a white supremacist group, started posting that Egyptian royalty were really caucasian, had blond or red hair, etc., and that there was a huge conspiracy to portray them as people of color. She went into a very racist rant and was quickly banned.





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Disgusting, yes, but don't be fooled into thinking that these types of camps exist only in S. Africa. There are many white supremacist groups in N. America that hold indoctrinal camps just like this all the time.


:iagree: And not even just camps. This whole line of thinking is alive and well here in America :glare:

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How awful! :( Those poor kids!


While the camps themselves are vile, I'm sure that the camps are not the first ones to fill these kids with this sort of ideology. These kids are saturated with it at home.


Disgusting, yes, but don't be fooled into thinking that these types of camps exist only in S. Africa. There are many white supremacist groups in N. America that hold indoctrinal camps just like this all the time.



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While the camps themselves are vile, I'm sure that the camps are not the first ones to fill these kids with this sort of ideology. These kids are saturated with it at home.


It sounds to me like it's a boot camp type thing where the kids are sent because they aren't falling into line with their parents' racism. The captions repeatedly mention the boys coming to the camp with an open minded view and quickly changing their minds. I can only hope that some or most of them are only paying lip service to this because they know the camp will be rough for them if they don't. How heart breaking. :( One boy is quoted as saying that the camp promoted racism but not bad racism. :confused: :blink:

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