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Movers Are Coming!

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Movers will be here this aft, and puter then goes bye bye. I don't know when or if I'll have the net again at the new place, so wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone whose been so supportive of us, this change, move, new job, and all the chaos that's come w/it.


If nothing else, I'll try to get to a library once a wk and update from there, but who knows what I'll find when I get there.


Hopefully, the phone co gets it's act together, and I'll have the net at home. I may shrivel up and die w/out the Hive!!!

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Denise, I have your ph# safe in my addy book.


We don't leave til tomorrow, but everything we're not taking and the beds is being loaded this aft, and then movers are coming back for the beds tomorrow.


We'll be 'camping' until Sat, when movers deliver.


Earliest I can possibly hope to be online is Sat eve, but I'm not counting on it. Phone co seems to be clueless b/c we're not in a major city, so it'll probably take them a while to figure out that yes, they DO supply internet to others in the town already, so they should be able to do the same for me. :glare:

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May your travels be safe, your camping comfy, your new life more adventurous than you ever imagine but more than anything, may the phone company find you before we find them and give them a piece of the Hive for not having your new place internets-ready.


Well said!


Have a good/sane move Imp! :)

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Bethany, I'm trying, honest! :D


Stoopid RSD doesn't care if it's an adventure, excitement or something bad, it just flipping reacts.


I'm about ready to chew my arm off and get on w/things. :glare:


I understand. As a child, my parents sent me to the 5 day sleep-away camp our church did every summer. I got so excited about it that I'd vomit the night before. :tongue_smilie: Happy nerves are still nerves. :grouphug:

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