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Embarassing, uh, 'theoretical' question for WOMEN ONLY!

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So, I have this friend. She has an appointment with her new gyn. next week. It took her six weeks to get this appointment, as well as much finagling to get her dh to be able to stay home and watch her two young boys.


She is expecting 'Aunt Flo' to begin her monthly visit the very same day that her appt. is. She's rather sure her prediction is correct, and that Aunt Flo will come to visit within 24 hours of the scheduled appt. (Clearly she's hoping Aunt Flo holds off till after the appt, but we all know how that goes.)


Should she *sigh* call and reschedule, or can the dr. still do a yearly check-up so long as Aunt Flo has not, uh, established her presence heavily yet.


And yes, I see the irony in the fact that my friend would rather I post here than just call the dr's office and ask.


And my friend would like some BTDT opinions on this, if anyone has them. Not just 'I would think' opinions. 'Cause if all she gets is conjecture, she'll still have to call and ask, LOL.

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I know that for certain things, it is actually better if the woman has started her period (ex: it's best to insert the Mirena IUD on the first day of your cycle....) so judging from that I am pretty sure that, yes, things can be examined during.


I realize this is just conjecture (ish) but it's the best I can offer. Maybe your friend will take that as sufficient, or hopefully someone else will pop in with more BTDT experience. For your friend. ;)

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my dr will do it with AF. She says the process of the culture will separate the blood from the cells taken during the pap smear.




OB/GYNs are not bothered by blood, it just seems a bit yucky to us!




This is what my doc told me as well. In only about 2% of cases they have to redo the pap. And mine was a regular doc, not a gyn.

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I don't have the answer. But, I'm :bigear: because I've always wondered about this. I would worry that a flo would be in process at the examine time, if you kwim. Could be a bit messy and embarrassing. If it were me....I'd reschedule. But.....maybe I'll find out here that that's not necessary.


I hope you get a definite answer.....or, er....that your friend gets a definite answer. :001_smile:

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My gyn's office has told me repeatedly that as long as I'm comfortable they can still do the entire exam even if I'm menstruating. Last time it wasn't too heavy, but I think this next appointment might be at the height of flow. :(


They do need to redo my pap, but if I understand correctly that's because they didn't get enough of one type of cell, not because of the menstruation.

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So, I have this friend. She has an appointment with her new gyn. next week. It took her six weeks to get this appointment, as well as much finagling to get her dh to be able to stay home and watch her two young boys.


She is expecting 'Aunt Flo' to begin her monthly visit the very same day that her appt. is. She's rather sure her prediction is correct, and that Aunt Flo will come to visit within 24 hours of the scheduled appt. (Clearly she's hoping Aunt Flo holds off till after the appt, but we all know how that goes.)


Should she *sigh* call and reschedule, or can the dr. still do a yearly check-up so long as Aunt Flo has not, uh, established her presence heavily yet.


And yes, I see the irony in the fact that my friend would rather I post here than just call the dr's office and ask.


And my friend would like some BTDT opinions on this, if anyone has them. Not just 'I would think' opinions. 'Cause if all she gets is conjecture, she'll still have to call and ask, LOL.


I really have BTDT. For several years in a row I seemed to have a knack for scheduling gyn appointments for exactly the time of the special visit from Aunt Flo. Twice I rescheduled and once I went through with it for just about the same reasons as your friend (had to wait too long for appointment and put too much effort into a babysitter). It wasn't pleasant, but I got through it. It had no effect on the exam, but it's not something I want to repeat if I can help it.


ETA: I did ask and was told by both the staff and my doctor that, while Aunt Flo is not always such a nice visitor, she has no power over the examination.

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Aunt Flo was visiting during one of mine a few years ago, and it seemed to mess things up a bit. The blood cells in the pap smear were confused with blood cells that can show up with other conditions I guess, and they ended up doing a biopsy to rule out everything. She told me next time to plan it between "visits."

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I've BTDT....and with my gyno, it didn't matter. The pap smear didn't need to be redone at all, and honestly...it kind of hurt less...if that makes any sense. I've always had pressure and sharp pain while having a pap done. But last time, since my cervix was already in a snit, it was much more comfortable.


Back to the topic at hand. With my doctor, it wasn't a problem. Hope this helps your friend. :001_smile:

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I have a *ahem* friend who faced this very situation this week, except that this *friend* is in the throes of perimenopause and can no longer predict when her friend might show up to visit. The GYN (well, she used to be a GYN, now doing family practice, but conveniently still offers GYN services to non-pregnant patients) informed my friend that it looked like she'd just started as she finished her exam.

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To answer, I have to give a little TMI of my own. My aunt Flo comes for a few days, then goes away for a day and comes back for a few more days. So I happened to have my first pap test on day 4, when there was no Flo, but right in the middle of that week. The pap was abnormal so I had to get it done again, and the second time it was normal. I then did some research and found that the period can mess up the test.


So personally, I would not go back for a pap during Aunt Flo's visit if I could avoid it.

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For pap smears,my GYN tells me to reschedule.


Obviously, if you are going to see your GYN for heavy bleeding that won't stop, well............you will be bleeding. More embarrassing to us then them.


Your friend is better off calling and asking them this hypothetical question. So in case she does need to reschedule, they might be able to do it right after Flo leaves the building.

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