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I am really committed to homeschooling, but...


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some days I just wish those kids were at school! Today they are driving me crazy. It is our first day back after an unplanned week off, but it just seems like every.little.thing is going wrong! God called me to homeschool and I know that. I know this is a time of year for burnout. I guess I just needed to vent. Does everyone have days like this?

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some days I just wish those kids were at school! Today they are driving me crazy. It is our first day back after an unplanned week off, but it just seems like every.little.thing is going wrong! God called me to homeschool and I know that. I know this is a time of year for burnout. I guess I just needed to vent. Does everyone have days like this?


Yes. Everyone! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I can honestly say, I bet EVERY single homeschooler has had those days! They will come, then the good days will come back. Maybe another week or 2 off. Before Christmas I was burned out beyond belief. We took and additional 3 weeks off and school has been AMAZING ever since. Seriously. We home school. You can do that when needed! It can be a VERY good thing.


Hang in there :grouphug:

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We had a few days like that last week. Then I prayed and asked my husband to pray. The girls and I prayed. We talked about cooperating with each other, we talked about having peaceful days, we talked about what our routine could be to make things go smoother. This week has been better. :001_smile:


Pray. :grouphug:

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Yes - everyone does to some degree...


Sometimes I find that when my expectations (for attention span or behavior or interest) don't match with my kids' ability, frustration is more likely to happen. Since it looks like your older kids are 4 and 5 years old and it looks like you've got a full schedule worth of academic subjects, this might be going on for you too. I sometimes have to slow myself down and remind myself that my kids have a lifetime to learn.

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That has been my week. Between the full moon, a visit last weekend with their dad(and this weekend) which always results in less than stellar attitudes upon returning home, time of year frustration/burn out and trying to train a new 3 yr old daycare child to follow the rules here, this week has had me wishing stronger than ever that I never started homeschooling in the first place.


I have made this be a documentary, and lapbook week and have been prepping for next year in effort to regain my enthusiasm, and we will try again for normal routine/lessons next week

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yup, I've had a few of those myself. We'd just got going again in January when everyone got sick - one after another. So we lost schooling time there. Started back up and just got back into it and now I'm seriously sick and the kids are getting this stuff now too. Maybe by March we'll all be healthy and back to a regular schedule!


I've definitely found a few subjects at a time to start and then add them back in helps - especially with the little ones involved.

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YES! Oh my goodness. We do all have those days. It is refreshing to hear others feel the same. I agree that is seems cyclical. We go along for awhile great and than BAM...not so much. lol. I think flexibility is the key, and when I say that it doesn't mean I am good at it...letting go of our expectations, giving them a slower amp up from a week off, not listening to the voice in our head that will say, "But then we will be behind!" and panic, allowing more space, more breathing, more rest...for mom and kids!



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I think if we didn't have those days as homeschooling moms, that would be abnormal. Just last week we had a day where I thought my gosh, we are never going to be able to cover what we need to do. Then yesterday, my older dd did about 3 days of school in one day. I am seeing that there is a balance, as long as there is more good days than bad, we should be ahead.

But yes, I do sometimes wonder what if they were back at ps...then I realize that would be a nightmare!:lol: All that drama, bullying, child being bored, huge classes, etc, etc, etc.

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Yes, mine was yesterday. I'm very surprised I had the same number of children at the end of the day that I started with, lol.


I often tell Dh he's lucky he still has four kids. I just sent all four kids outside. We'll do a couple more hours of school when the baby naps, but we won't get to science, music, or art today. Dd calls them The Usual Suspects.:glare:

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Oh my! Today I thought to myself, "I wish they were just in school!" Ahhh!!! Now, I really don't wish that and I, too, feel that God has called me to homeschool but today was just a hard/bad day.


It know lots of hs'ing mama's and EVERY one of them has had a day or a week or a month (LOL!) like this.



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We took a pre-emptive "fake-cation" this week. I'll be blogging it when the week is out, but already it has been deemed a success. This week's schedule just would not have worked with our normal stuff, so we did other stuff and then relaxed around our disrupters. The kids relaxed and didn't stress through a tough week; I didn't stress a tough week; yet they still learned, even if it wasn't "our schedule."


We school year round, so phooey on "the schedule" now and then.


I am thinking fake-cation may be a good way to transition back again if we take a long break in the future, too.

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We had a rough day as well. I'm glad this forum is available to see that I'm not alone. Oftentimes, I look at hs blogs and think everything is gently-led learning and beautifully-lighted crafting. I ponder my ds bawling his eyes out about narration or my dd writhing on the floor over a phonics reader, and I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Thank goodness for the Hive!

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We had a rough day as well. I'm glad this forum is available to see that I'm not alone. Oftentimes, I look at hs blogs and think everything is gently-led learning and beautifully-lighted crafting. I ponder my ds bawling his eyes out about narration or my dd writhing on the floor over a phonics reader, and I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Thank goodness for the Hive!


Perhaps the blogs are carefully crafted? ;) Take them with a grain of salt.

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After a very grouchy, grumpy day all around I sent my boys to bed with a reminder that we have school tomorrow as per usual and I would really appreciate it if they didn't act so put upon when I hand out the English and math assignments. Just prepare yourself emotionally, NOW, TONIGHT, before your head hits the pillow. School per usual. Whining is unnecessary and definitely not appreciated. GRrrrrr......

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Perhaps the blogs are carefully crafted? ;) Take them with a grain of salt.

You know how a lot of the blogs have "Wordless Wednesdays?" I think they should have "Tell-All Thursdays," as well. :D


Today was picturesque and stirring at our house. It started with the natural splendor of carpenter ants flying out of the schoolroom wall, and ended with the poignant drama of an older sibling pouring water on a younger one who refused to be quiet and let them get some sleep.


This was a recurring fantasy for me: :auto:


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You know how a lot of the blogs have "Wordless Wednesdays?" I think they should have "Tell-All Thursdays," as well. :D


Today was picturesque and stirring at our house. It started with the natural splendor of carpenter ants flying out of the schoolroom wall, and ended with the poignant drama of an older sibling pouring water on a younger one who refused to be quiet and let them get some sleep.


This was a recurring fantasy for me: :auto:


Gosh that sounds like fun. Thanks for making me feel better :)

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The last few weeks, we have days like that every day :crying:

My oldest doesn't want to learn at the moment, she hates it, she hates me and she hates the whole world.

I can't get her to do anything without whining, complaining and crying.


My youngest is a pain in the ass. It's bad to say things like that about your own children, but at the moment, after weeks like this, I only can cry.


My 2nd is an easy one. She loves learning and doing things together and she listens, does what she's supposed to do and is a really good kid. I never had problems with her.


The last week, my oldest starts working again. We had a very good talk (the first one that really helped) and I think I got through to her. Finaly...

I hope this lasts. Still crying, but from hapiness now.


But my youngest. She's only 3yo, but I don't know what to do with her. I can't handle her anymore and that's the first time I ever said that.


So, I really hope that my oldest keeps working along like this. Otherwise, I might consider school again, cause I'm out of options and I'm just tired and sad.

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Some days I watch the big yellow bus come by, and I want to run screaming after it, to STOP, take my children too! I think of all the things I could do with my time, and money, and dream about the "road not traveled". Luckily I don't have a clue how to get them back into school, and know that dropping them off at the front door and running isn't an option. Luckily I am a born procrastinator, so the longing fades before I do anything about it. :auto:

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some days I just wish those kids were at school! Today they are driving me crazy. It is our first day back after an unplanned week off, but it just seems like every.little.thing is going wrong! God called me to homeschool and I know that. I know this is a time of year for burnout. I guess I just needed to vent. Does everyone have days like this?


Yes!...Yes!...Yes!...I can't speak for the whole globe, but I have DEFINITELY had days like this and know more of them are coming in the future...

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This might sound silly, but I have noticed that if I can find at least one thing in their curriculum that lights my fire, I stay more motivated, and have more fun teaching everything. I choose something to learn about for myself, and go into more detail and my enthusiasms carries over to them. Right now it is Greek mythology. I read fiction, and argue that where the story branches off from the original. I teach them but since I am passionate about it, we have fun. One Son is in TT7, and I hated math, so I have my own log in name, and we compete and help each other when we get stuck. I am relearning math. (I still hate fractions) Same with Spanish, I am learning so much. This seems to help me, and even though it seem like.more work, it actually keeps me going.

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It happens in public school too! I was a teacher for many years before I had children, and I just have to add my .02 -- those days where you feel like you get nothing done, distractions galore, nobody wants to listen or cooperate- those days happen in public school a LOT! And yet we still make it through to the end of the year somehow :)

So take a break and try again later... or next week, lol :grouphug:

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You know how a lot of the blogs have "Wordless Wednesdays?" I think they should have "Tell-All Thursdays," as well. :D


Today was picturesque and stirring at our house. It started with the natural splendor of carpenter ants flying out of the schoolroom wall, and ended with the poignant drama of an older sibling pouring water on a younger one who refused to be quiet and let them get some sleep.


This was a recurring fantasy for me: :auto:



:lol::lol::lol: Tell All Thursdays is a great idea!

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Some days I watch the big yellow bus come by, and I want to run screaming after it, to STOP, take my children too! I think of all the things I could do with my time, and money, and dream about the "road not traveled". Luckily I don't have a clue how to get them back into school, and know that dropping them off at the front door and running isn't an option. Luckily I am a born procrastinator, so the longing fades before I do anything about it. :auto:



I would do this if I was up early enough to see the bus! :tongue_smilie:

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I like the idea of a tell all Thursday! I try to do that sort of thing on my blog every few weeks. It's hard not to present your best self in your blog sometimes - after all, you want to share the highlights and the good ideas because you're a proud parent and you want to be helpful to others. But I know, especially when you're reading about all the amazing things so and so's kid did and can do or how amazing someone's organization system is, that it's hard not to compare.

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