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Good thoughts and/or Prayers, Please for DH.............

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He is back to the office after being home two days with shingles and he feels much improved.


He had a sonogram today of the painful, swollen axillary glands on the left side -- turns out there are three nodes that are swollen into one sore mass.


He will have a needle biopsy tomorrow.


He won't say so but I know he is nervous -- I am encouraged that everything is fine b/c his blood work that was done on saturday came back normal. I am also encouraged b/c the nodes are painful which I have read is a good thing.


If you would hold him in your thoughts, that would be great. Thanks:grouphug:

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Thank you all so much!!!!!!!


I am SO tired I cannot even write to everyone individually -- so a great huge THANK YOU from me and dh.


We are so appreciative of the kind words, thoughts and prayers -- and, yes, even being confident that this is his body trying to fight the infection, the waiting will be the hardest part.



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Saying a prayer for you and your family right now!


Praying for all of you!



I've had shingles too. It was excruciatingly painful.


I hope your husband feels better soon.




Thank you :)


Thank you :)


Thank you :)


I continue to be so surprised at the number of people who either have had shingles or who know folks who have had shingles. :grouphug:

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Fixed, firm, and non-tender... Those are the ones my doc always says to watch for. Hopefully your dh has, as mentioned above, swollen nodes as part of the shingles.


Done that biopsy thing - waiting for results is the hardest part. Praying. :grouphug:




I'm sure shingles would cause swollen lymph nodes. Please keep us posted.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Hope your DH is doing okay today.

I remember when David Letterman came back from having shingles. His Top 10 list that night was "The Top 10 Good Things about Shingles". The only thing on the list was "There isn't one %(*)$# good thing about shingles".

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DH had knee surgery the end of October and several weeks later found out the sores on his head were from shingles. Doctor gave him a painkiller and that was that. It is possible to lose your sight from shingles, so I was very thankful that he went to the doctor and had it checked though I wish the doctor had given him steroids too. One of my kids had a light case of chicken pox after DH broke out.


BTW, this is the second time DH has had shingles. The first time was also after knee surgery. I guess the stress is too much for him.


Hoping everything goes well for your DH.

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