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Self control

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Prayer and a nice cup of hot tea.


Fill kettle.

Plug in kettle.

Pick out a mug.

Pick out loose leaf tea.

Pack tea.

Pour hot water into mug.

Put away loose leaf tea.

Sit down.

Drink slowly.


Deal with child.


By that point, I'm at least under control. :lol:

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What I do doesn't work. :glare: No, I have not throttled my child:D, but I have acted like a 3-year-old. I read this blog post last night that I thought presented a good idea...now to find a paper bag...:lol:




It reminded me of a year ago or so when I made a sign in the spirit of Wile E. Coyote--one side had a happy face, and one side had a mad face. Instead of speaking, I'd hold up the sign. It's hard to stay mad when you're holding a marker-drawn frowny-face on a stick:D. It also tended to make strong-willed folk laugh instead of digging in their heels;).

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DD is old enough that I just tell her I need a minute and she needs to find something else to do. She knows that it better be productive, otherwise things are going to get worse. Then I either get a cup of coffee, sit and knit or do something else to occupy my time until I can calm down. Cleaning typically helps, but I have to be in the right mood to be that motivated.

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I start counting quetly to myself. For some reason, I find it soothing and it brings my temper down quickly. The boys think I am counting at them, but nothing happens at the end of the counting; I'm just calmer.


Next time, I think I'll join Daisy in a cup of tea. That sounds lovely.

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I walk out into my husband's office, vent loudly, then return to the battlefield....er, house. He's so patient. He just sits there and doesn't really say anything until I'm done. If I ask him to, he'll get up and go deal with the offender and come back, but usually I just need to let off steam so that I can be calm and rational when dealing with the problem.


Or I go into the bathroom and close the door. The boys know that when get up without saying anything and go into the bathroom and close the door, they'd better shape up. They're usually working quite diligently when I come out. They're really good boys at heart.


I like Daisy's cup of tea idea. :)



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What I do doesn't work. :glare: No, I have not throttled my child:D, but I have acted like a 3-year-old. I read this blog post last night that I thought presented a good idea...now to find a paper bag...:lol:




It reminded me of a year ago or so when I made a sign in the spirit of Wile E. Coyote--one side had a happy face, and one side had a mad face. Instead of speaking, I'd hold up the sign. It's hard to stay mad when you're holding a marker-drawn frowny-face on a stick:D. It also tended to make strong-willed folk laugh instead of digging in their heels;).


I need a sign. Very fun. I have a tendency to lose it more often than I would like. I am learning instead of yelling to just stay calm and say very deadpan and calmly (but not frightening...I'm more mumbling to myself) "I'm very angry." "This situation is making me very frustrated." "I really want to scream my head off." Just saying that out loud helps to calm me down and refocus with a calm spirit. Exasperated but calm. I think I need a frowny face to go with my self-talk-down from the temper ledge.


ETA: I just printed off this frowny face. I'm going to glue it to some poster board and tape it to an extra ruler. I wonder if I should find a happy face for the flip side.


ETA 2: Yup. I found a happy face

Edited by silliness7
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I need a sign. Very fun. I have a tendency to lose it more often than I would like. I am learning instead of yelling to just stay calm and say very deadpan and calmly (but not frightening...I'm more mumbling to myself) "I'm very angry." "This situation is making me very frustrated." "I really want to scream my head off." Just saying that out loud helps to calm me down and refocus with a calm spirit. Exasperated but calm. I think I need a frowny face to go with my self-talk-down from the temper ledge.


ETA: I just printed off this frowny face. I'm going to glue it to some poster board and tape it to an extra ruler. I wonder if I should find a happy face for the flip side.


ETA 2: Yup. I found a happy face


:lol: Love the faces! I self-talk-down, too...although the end of the sentence tends to be louder than the first part:/. Leaving the room to self-talk is best:).

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I go and scrub a bathroom. If I'm feeling so bad, even bathroom cleaning can't make me feel worse, and by the time I've finished I've worked off some of my bad temper, and I have a clean bathroom :001_smile:.



:lol:This is actually a GREAT idea! At least you get some cleaning done.... I also do the cup of tea....but there is only so much tea you can drink in a day. :D

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Honestly, I tend to clean. I try extremely hard to think before I speak and cleaning allows me to think and scrub the heck out of something. Then I will usually take it up with the child. I also work really hard not to blow things out of proportion. Child screws up = consequences that are appropriate for the crime.;)

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Jumping Jacks. A few hundred leaves me too winded to yell and takes off enough of the edge that I can deal with her reasonably instead of out of anger.


If I did that many jumping jacks, I would weigh eleven pounds. :glare:


(Results not typical. Individual results may vary. ;))

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Honestly, I tend to clean. I try extremely hard to think before I speak and cleaning allows me to think and scrub the heck out of something. Then I will usually take it up with the child. I also work really hard not to blow things out of proportion. Child screws up = consequences that are appropriate for the crime.;)


Alright seriously now! You ladies who clean when you get mad need to come visit me. I'll make you a nice dinner and then annoy the heck out of you progressively during the meal and when you're nice and hot, I'll direct you upstairs to the mess! :p hehehehe


Hey! At least you'd get a meal out of it! :p :lol::lol:

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Sometimes it helps to just be RIDICULOUS.


If my kids are driving me crazy sniping at each other or other ridiculous behavior, some days I just start BARKING at them. If they start arguing with me, I just BARK at them. As in "WOOF!!" Inevitably, we all start laughing, and I can begin again.


Sometimes I just walk away. I let it go. I give up on school work for the moment, and leave it to them to sort themselves out while I go goof off myself. This is what I do when it is the end of the day, and I am just TIRED of hassling them. I begin anew the next day.


In GENERAL, the best thing for me has been running. I am just much harder to ruffle when I've run for 10 miles that morning, lol. I am mellow as can be. Cool as a cucumber. I don't really ever YELL anymore since I began running. I really don't think anyone wants me to stop running, lol.

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What I do doesn't work. :glare: No, I have not throttled my child:D, but I have acted like a 3-year-old. I read this blog post last night that I thought presented a good idea...now to find a paper bag...:lol:




I love this and especially this

I draw smiley faces on my bags because I know that a large portion of my kids’ mommy memories will include these bags, and I’d like them to be smiley memories.


I can imagine me wearing that bag all day long some days :glare:



I asked DH to buy me an MP3 player for Christmas -when I'm about to lose my stuff I put in the ear plugs and listen to a really loud "stuff you" type song (Pink writes especially good ones ;))

Edited by sewingmama
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Alright seriously now! You ladies who clean when you get mad need to come visit me. I'll make you a nice dinner and then annoy the heck out of you progressively during the meal and when you're nice and hot, I'll direct you upstairs to the mess! :p hehehehe


Hey! At least you'd get a meal out of it! :p :lol::lol:


No, it wouldn't work, you'd have to go out. I find it extremely difficult to get mad around silly people who consistently make me giggle.


Best wishes



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No, it wouldn't work, you'd have to go out. I find it extremely difficult to get mad around silly people who consistently make me giggle.


Best wishes




hehehehe Well, then you'll just have to come for dinner and conversation then. :) Do you like Cuban food?

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