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Shampooing daily??

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Is anyone knowledgeable about this? Different sites and experts say different things. Some say that washing daily will cause an increase in sebum production because the shampoo basically destroys it. Others say that while the shampoo does indeed strip hair of natural oils, there is nothing wrong with daily shampooing.


I have mildly oily hair. I try to wash it every other day, but on the day that I didn't wash it the night before, I feel icky. It is flat, the baby hairs in the front of my hair stick up, and it feels stringy. It doesn't look too bad, but I just feel icky and cannot wait to jump in the shower to wash it.


Everytime I shampoo I also use conditioner (I cannot comb my hair out any other way). I comb it out in the shower with the conditioner still in it and then rinse it.


Will shampooing daily kill my hair? I hate feeling icky, but I also don't want to destroy my hair. I've tried baby powder, and it still feels stringy and icky to me.


I use Garnier Fructis Color Me Happy right now, but will be switching to one of their other shampoos and conditioners when I dye my hair back to its natural color.


Thanks :001_smile:

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I wash mine every other day - if I were to wash it every day, it would never be dry. conditioner will leave my hair feeling icky. since it is long, I try to keep it away from my scalp and am careful about rinsing as thoroughly as possible. I'm still looking for a conditioner I like.

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If I don't wash my hair daily then I have to pull it up the 2nd day or I look like one those greasy stoners from the teen movies of the 80s.


I even have a pretty good wave to my hair, but the "curly girl" approach to things don't work for me because my hair is not dry like it seems those that go no shampoo or conditioner only.


I've never had anyone that cuts my hair tell me it's damaged.

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My 14 year old son has oily hair. Part of it is teenage hormones, so I don't know if it will always be oily. Anyway, he was told by the hairdresser who cuts his hair not to use conditioner. She said it makes it worse, and he has noticed it's better since he stopped. If he doesn't shampoo daily (which he never used to have to do) his hair looks like that of Severus Snape. He uses a tea tree oil shampoo and it really helps.

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I've washed my hair daily since tenth grade, with few exceptions. I am now 52, and have thick, shiny, healthy hair. I, too, don't feel quite clean if I haven't washed my hair. I live in a subtropical and humid climate. I might not do the same thing in a cold, dry climate, but it works for here.

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Thanks everyone!


I do try to just condition the ends. I have to put it all over or I can't comb my hair, but I only rub it in on the ends.


The conditioner doesn't make my hair oily, though. The day after I shampoo my hair at night, my hair is bouncy, wavy with two Shirley Temple ringlets on the bottom, and looks shiny (not oily). I think I will begin washing it daily again. I hate feeling icky and having to put it up.

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I know how you feel! I posted a thread a little while ago about the same problem. The day after I shampoo, my hair is perfect, the following day, ick! And because I have longish hair the oil just makes it look gross, during the winter it isn't too much of a problem, but the summer time is terrible. Washing it everyday and then doing a deep condition once in a while will keep your hair very healthy.

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I know my mom's hairdresser (voted the best hairdresser in our city and now running for mayor!) says people should only wash hair - shampoo - once a month. But if you do it more often, you have to work up to that because your hair is working overtime to make up for all the stuff you strip away every day.


I haven't got that much discipline, but i no longer wash every day. I do though sometimes just wet it and scub my scalp on days I don't wash.

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I have oily hair. I wash once or twice a week, depending on the weather and my extracurriculars.


I brush my hair often, though, to re-distribute the oils and keep the ends soft and the top from being greasy. My hair has always been on the longer side (mid-back to waist) so there's always plenty of real estate to get the oils spread throughout.


If necessary, I do wear headbands, scarves, or hats on the day before I'm due for a wash. I actually wear them anyway most days, but if you didn't it's always an option for the day-before-a-wash :)

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I don't think anyone says shampoo damages hair, so all of these posts of 'shampooed daily for X years..hair is great!' aren't really telling us anything in this conversation.


If anything, it would be the need to blow dry your hair dry because you need to wash it every morning. That is damaging, but most people in our society get it cut before its truly a problem. So washing and blow drying daily are fine for hair shoulders and above..or which gets regular trims.


Washing every day creates the need for washing every day. Your scalp produces the level of sebum necessary to make up for the daily removal of sebum.


That's fine, but personally I'd rather put it off a day or two by wearing my hair differently (braiding and other styles are better/easier when your hair has not been washed for a day or two) or scalp washing problem areas while leaving the length alone.


There are quite a few people that don't shampoo at all, or do so only at extended periods with only positive effects (individuals with very long hair report fewer/no split ends, greater shine).


*Of course if there are hormones or other physical factors at work all bets are off. Sometimes teens just have to deal with this for a season, but I had very oily hair as a teen (every day) and can go 2-3 days now without problem (after getting my scalp used to the change). I've tried to stretch it out longer but my scalp considers 2 days to be my limit.


**Taken from personal experience, multiple hairdresser friends, and lots and lots of folks from the longhaircommunity forum.

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