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I'm Slightly Freaking out here...

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DD1 has a dentist appt Monday. I'm really hoping and praying that this dentist can fill the cavities. Because if she cannot evidently the ped dentist doesn't allow parents to be in the room, and either physically restrains the kids or wraps them in a sheet so they cannot move. Or we can do an oral surgeon and have her sedated. None of these options are good ones.


If you pray we could use a few that dd is cooperative and also that the work is something not too intensive for this dentist. DD is very excited and not scared at all and I've tried to explain everything to prepare and she's been practicing keeping her mouth wide open. So, I'm trying to prepare her that she isn't too nervous as if the dentist feels she is too uncooperative she won't do the work either. I really *want* it to be with this dentist she has a good reputation of working with kids, is local, and also doesn't use amalgram either. I'm almost sick with worry and I hate that feeling. I am trying to rationalize with myself that it doesn't help.

Edited by soror
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Uhm, hmm. Really? Yeah, no...wouldn't allow that to happen to my DD. And, we have a lot of dentistry in our future, as she had to have three permanent tooth buds removed by a doctor as a baby as part of an in-patient surgical tumor removal (rare disease). She will eventually end up with implants. Imagine yourself wrapped up in a sheet. How would you feel? That just seems like abuse to me. My mind is boggled really.

Edited by pitterpatter
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Uhm, hmm. Really? Yeah, no...wouldn't allow that to happen to my DD. And, we have lot of dentistry in our future, as she had to have three permanent tooth buds removed by a doctor as a baby as part of an in-patient surgical tumor removal (rare disease). She will eventually end up with implants. Imagine yourself wrapped up in a sheet. How would you feel? That just seems like abuse to me. My mind is boggled really.


:iagree: No way. My kids have had several fillings over the years and never experienced anything close to that! My DS had some real sensory issues with dental visits when he was younger, but still never had to be physically restrained. That's just ridiculous!

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The problem is I live rurally and that ped dentist is 1.5 hrs away as it is. My daughter is a sensitive kid that would be horrid to her but I don't like putting her under either but it seems the best option- or perhaps driving 2 hrs away to the big city.

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Start looking for a different dentist. I had a cyst removed from my eye when I was younger. My parents were not allowed in surgery, but the surgeon top time to really get to know me so I would be comfortable, he had a female nurse, and he talked to me the whole time. They did secure my hands, but that is pretty common for reflex actions. Wrapping in a sheet is a little extreme.

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You have more choices than that--they can sedate via a pill or drink (solution), or use gas. It's way safe. They don't have to totally put her under, if you are talking about general anesthesia. You may have to drive some, but I'd rather drive than wrap a kid in a sheet or other restraining thing. Yuck!

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There should be other dentists in your area. We have one in our small town that will not allow parents back with the kids (which we do not use) but another who welcomes them.

They don't need to be restrained! Our dentist will give you a mild sedative to give your child before coming in (I have not had to use it so I don't know how long) and then will give the child "happy gas" to keep them calm if they require extensive dental work.

Fortunately ds9 has not had to have anything but a small filling, but now knows and trusts him.


BTW, I was restrained as a child and still have awful memories from it. DON'T ALLOW IT.



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The dentist we are visiting next week uses the gas there are only a couple in our area that do, The other uses amalgram and is not known to be as kid friendly. The problem is if she deems it too intensive for her. The only options I've found thus far are the ones listed, people use 1 of 2 dentist who use gas, go to the ped dentist or the oral surgeon.

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:grouphug: being rural, i understand the problem of limited choice.


for us, once i'm driving 1.5 hours, another 30 minutes for a totally better experience is worth it. i would not be comfortable having my kids see a medical professional who would not let me be with them, so i'd be driving the extra distance.....

and there would be real grocery stores.....




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I never posted before, but I had to reply to this. I cannot believe a dentist would think it would help to wrap a child up! Even wrapped up my kid would be on the the floor and out the door.

I travel 3.5 hrs for a good ped dentist. We only go 2 times a year and visit my friends in the area when we go. But even with the cost of gas he is cheaper than near me. And my DS(5) is terrified of any kind of doctor. He has bad enamel and has had 2 teeth filled (may end up having to be capped). What our dentist did was have me lay down on the chair and hold DS. DS was also allowed to hold his teddy bear. He did use a device to hold DS's mouth open, but explained everything he was doing to DS and all went well.


Praying for a good outcome for you and your DD.

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Thanks for the tip Jean and pp about the oral sedation. I will have to see if that is an option. I'm just really worried that the one cavity is going to be beyond her practice. It shouldn't be so hard to find a dentist that is humane. I just hate having to mess with this stuff and praying that everything goes smoothly. I think she'll be ok with the dentist we're seeing Mon. but if she won't/cannot do the procedure it doesn't matter. I have told her about gas and shots and told her it will hurt a bit. I just hate being in a situation which I have idea of what is going to happen. I just have to wait for Monday and see what she says.


It shocked me that the receptionist could even be discussing the wrapping and such as acceptable. She acted like it was the only option somehow other dentists seem to get things done without such practices. I'm thinking perhaps if they would let parents in sometimes the kids wouldn't be terrified. I had a bad dental experience as a kid so I'm sensitive to this. I won't let her back with someone unless I've at least had a chance to visit with them first with her and see how it is going. It is frustrating that it is hard to find good care.

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washing dishes, i remembered some of the things dds say helped when they were younger.


they each got to take a blanket with them. (DD 13 still does). its a fleece blanket that she uses around the house like a throw. dentists' offices are often cold, and it helps her to feel warm and comfortable with something that feels familiar. the youngest one still tucks her hands under her hips herself so that its harder for her to make any sudden movements. we also take something to read while they wait in the chair. but i am allowed back with them....


hope it works out well!


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One of my 6.5 year old sons had 3 baby teeth pulled this past Friday by a ped dentist. He was given Versed -- oral med that made him loopy -- to get through the procedure. Dh and I both went and that was good becasue he was out of it and dead weight to carry around. He did great though!!! He was awake the entire time and doesn't remember a thing. I can't imagine him being totally aware of what was going on during the procedure as the teeth weren't loose at all to begin with.


One of us was allowed in the room the entire time or I wouldn't have done it. DH went in because he is not squemish like me. Son came home and was acting fine an hour later (although his mouth was still numb). That went away about 2 hours after the procedure.

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Threads like this make me want to hug our pediatric dentist. We've been going there for 8 years, and two of my girls have had cavities filled. They've never been restrained, and there's never even been the threat of it. I've never been told I can't go back with them.


I swear I don't know who people think they are. How can they do that to a kid? Good grief. It really ruffles my feathers.

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DD1 has a dentist appt Monday. I'm really hoping and praying that this dentist can fill the cavities. Because if she cannot evidently the ped dentist doesn't allow parents to be in the room, and either physically restrains the kids or wraps them in a sheet so they cannot move. Or we can do an oral surgeon and have her sedated. None of these options are good ones.


If you pray we could use a few that dd is cooperative and also that the work is something not too intensive for this dentist. DD is very excited and not scared at all and I've tried to explain everything to prepare and she's been practicing keeping her mouth wide open. So, I'm trying to prepare her that she isn't too nervous as if the dentist feels she is too uncooperative she won't do the work either. I really *want* it to be with this dentist she has a good reputation of working with kids, is local, and also doesn't use amalgram either. I'm almost sick with worry and I hate that feeling. I am trying to rationalize with myself that it doesn't help.

That is not normal.


Find a dentist who doesn't bar you from the room. If you are needed, you go back. No restraints. Goodness.

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My soon-to-be 3yo will be having general anesthesia in order to get her teeth fixed. It's not what I want, but she's seen 3 dentists and they all claim it is the only option. She had Versed once and it didn't affect her at all. She still fought, kicking and screaming, and they ended up aborting the procedure. We tried gas, but she will not leave the nosepiece on long enough for it to work. Are there any other options?

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I didn't like the pediatric dentist here, so took dc to a regular dentist. It was fine! Go to your dentist!


Our reg dentist doesn't use nitrous and isn't the most kid friendly. The one we are seeing Mon is a reg dentist that does use it and is kid friendly but she only agrees to do so much, which is the big problem as I don't know how serious it is. I've certainly seen much worse but that likely means little.

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My soon-to-be 3yo will be having general anesthesia in order to get her teeth fixed. It's not what I want, but she's seen 3 dentists and they all claim it is the only option. She had Versed once and it didn't affect her at all. She still fought, kicking and screaming, and they ended up aborting the procedure. We tried gas, but she will not leave the nosepiece on long enough for it to work. Are there any other options?


Oh, that really stinks :(

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We had our visit today and it went as good as can be expected. The dentist and hygentist both said she did totally awesome and think she will be fine for the appts. We have our first appt in 2wks and they will be using the nitrous. I think they have us down for 4 visits total. Now I'm anxious to have the first visit and see how that goes. However, dd is still excited and not nervous at all and I hope that continues. The hygentist did ask what does she drink usually, I told her water, which is what we drink 99% of the time. I don't buy juice or any other drinks except for special occasions and our diet is good(better than anyone I know except 1 person). I feel much better and am so ready to have this done for her sake and mine!!!

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We had our visit today and it went as good as can be expected. The dentist and hygentist both said she did totally awesome and think she will be fine for the appts. We have our first appt in 2wks and they will be using the nitrous. I think they have us down for 4 visits total. Now I'm anxious to have the first visit and see how that goes. However, dd is still excited and not nervous at all and I hope that continues. The hygentist did ask what does she drink usually, I told her water, which is what we drink 99% of the time. I don't buy juice or any other drinks except for special occasions and our diet is good(better than anyone I know except 1 person). I feel much better and am so ready to have this done for her sake and mine!!!


:hurray: I'm glad that it went well.

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