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The kids and I went to a Catholic Church today

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I haven't been to a Catholic Church in a very long time. The last few years we have been attending Baptist Churches and non-denominational churches.


I took the kids by myself because dh had to work, but he's not interested in the Catholic Church at all. I doubt he would have went.


I have to say it felt so good to be there. I didn't feel out of place or uncomfortable. It just felt good. I really enjoyed being there. And I guess so did my dd9; she's been asking me a million questions since we left. :)


Thank you for letting me share!

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I wasn't raised catholic, but would go to mass with my grandmother a few times a year. I loved it. I am very involved in a baptist church, but sometimes would really enjoy going to mass... Years ago we went to an episcopal church that was wonderful! I am glad that you went and had such a great experience!

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I haven't been to a Catholic Church in a very long time. The last few years we have been attending Baptist Churches and non-denominational churches.


I took the kids by myself because dh had to work, but he's not interested in the Catholic Church at all. I doubt he would have went.


I have to say it felt so good to be there. I didn't feel out of place or uncomfortable. It just felt good. I really enjoyed being there. And I guess so did my dd9; she's been asking me a million questions since we left. :)


Thank you for letting me share!


I'm glad it was such a positive experience.

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I wasn't raised catholic, but would go to mass with my grandmother a few times a year. I loved it. I am very involved in a baptist church, but sometimes would really enjoy going to mass... Years ago we went to an episcopal church that was wonderful! I am glad that you went and had such a great experience!




I'm glad it was such a positive experience.




Sounds like a wonderful experience. :001_smile: Were you raised Catholic?


I was born Catholic, but my family isn't and never were practicing Catholics.

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So glad you had a wonderful experience too. I was born Catholic but wasn't raised Catholic. Attended a couple Catholic schools in my childhood and that's about as much experience as I had with it. Anyways, we took the RCIA class last year and was welcomed into the church at the Easter Vigil in 2011 as a family.


Good luck on your journey :>)

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I wasn't raised catholic, but would go to mass with my grandmother a few times a year. I loved it. I am very involved in a baptist church, but sometimes would really enjoy going to mass... Years ago we went to an episcopal church that was wonderful! I am glad that you went and had such a great experience!


This was my experience as well. My great-grandmother used to take me to Mass sometimes and I loved it. Even though I am comfortable with our current church (EV Free) I love to attend the occasional Mass.


Many years ago we were in a really, really hard place emotionally/spiritually with our church. There were issues there that were upsetting, and led eventually to our leaving the church. In the midst of all that intensity I took a break at one point and attended Mass for a month. It was lovely, truly lovely.

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:

If you went to any of the Catholic churches I've been to, no one would be offended if you just wanted to see. One of my friends is non-denominational and happy about it but has a love for Catholic Mass. When I went as a kid, it was just to take a Catholic friend that was staying with us -- we were not Catholic and had no interest in joining.


Also, because there are so many Mass times and we don't always attend the same one, it's not like I know if an unfamiliar face is Catholic or not and I don't watch them to see if they participate. If I've never seen them, I would think either they usually go another time, or are here for a visit, or something.


The first time I went to one as an adult, I'd say half the people were non-Catholic and visiting because many were there for a baptism at the end. Knowing that, the priest seemed to be a bit more careful (in a helpful way) to cue people about what was happening. No one seemed to care that some didn't participate (didn't stand or kneel) and it was an ideal first experience. The priest made the children feel very welcome -- even the noisy ones. :)


I haven't been to a Catholic Church in a very long time. The last few years we have been attending Baptist Churches and non-denominational churches.


I took the kids by myself because dh had to work, but he's not interested in the Catholic Church at all. I doubt he would have went.


I have to say it felt so good to be there. I didn't feel out of place or uncomfortable. It just felt good. I really enjoyed being there. And I guess so did my dd9; she's been asking me a million questions since we left. :)


Thank you for letting me share!

And thank you for sharing! I went to a Catholic Church for the first time in many years just a few months ago. :)

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I'm so glad you enjoyed your experience at Mass!


I am not Catholic. My dh is a Protestant pastor, so I always go to 'our' church, but I spent the summer in another state with my sister (helping her with my dad), and my sister *is* Catholic.....so I had the pleasure of attending Mass all summer long.


All I can say is, WOW. It was the most amazing church experience I've ever had. I loved it! And, the longer I'm away from it, the more I miss Mass. I'm looking into both Catholicism and Orthodoxy right now. I really loved Mass, but I find myself in more agreement with the Orthodox theology......but there is no Orthodox church anywhere near us! Not that I could attend anyhow, but I'd really like to check it out sometime.


Hope you and your children can go back to Mass next week, and the next, etc. etc. :001_smile: It is truly the way to worship and meet God.

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Thank you all!! I did love it and my two older dc have expressed that they loved it too!


I don't know what the future will bring as my dh is so against it for reasons he doesn't he even tell me. No bashing, but I think he's just being spiritually immature and really has no clue when it comes to these things.


I do hope to go back next Sunday. I don't know if I should continue going though if dh doesn't want to go there. Any thoughts on this?

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:


You should definitely visit one. Everyone was very kind there. I was worried about my dc, especially my toddler. Just because they are usually going to children's church or whatever. But the people around me told me he did just fine. :) And to be honest, I love that we all sat together and did not all go to separate rooms!

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:

You would not offend anyone.

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Rainbow, toddlers run all over our church. Last service one almost made it to the altar and the priest was laughing, cause Momma was playing that game where she gives toddler that Don't You Dare look? And then she did, running and giggling the whole way-you know, the belly laugh while running. We all (the pews were filled, so about 250 of us) cracked up. It was actually very moving.

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Thank you all!! I did love it and my two older dc have expressed that they loved it too!


I don't know what the future will bring as my dh is so against it for reasons he doesn't he even tell me. No bashing, but I think he's just being spiritually immature and really has no clue when it comes to these things.


I do hope to go back next Sunday. I don't know if I should continue going though if dh doesn't want to go there. Any thoughts on this?

Is your dh against church in general or just the Catholic church? Has he made any kind of stand against you and the children joining the church? If he is more ambivalent about it than anything else I say go and be happy.

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I do hope to go back next Sunday. I don't know if I should continue going though if dh doesn't want to go there. Any thoughts on this?

Yes, you should, unless Mr. RainbowSprinkles really puts his foot down (as opposed to quietly not wanting you to go). It would probably be good for you to talk to a priest about it.

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.

They'd all be thrilled that you were there. :) Just stand, sit, or kneel when the others do (but don't go up for Communion), and remember when they pray The Lord's Prayer, it does not include "For thine is the kingdom...etc." :)

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Is your dh against church in general or just the Catholic church? Has he made any kind of stand against you and the children joining the church? If he is more ambivalent about it than anything else I say go and be happy.


Just the Catholic Church because he was born into a family of non-practicing Catholics and I guess didn't have great experiences.

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Glad you enjoyed it! I was protestant most of the 25+ years of my Christian life (as an adult), and had fond memories of attending a Catholic church with a classmate in junior high. We were also very glad to begin attending a historical church three years ago.

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They'd all be thrilled that you were there. :) Just stand, sit, or kneel when the others do (but don't go up for Communion), and remember when they pray The Lord's Prayer, it does not include "For thine is the kingdom...etc." :)


You can go up for a blessing during Communion. Just cross your arms in front of your chest. This is what I do on those (admittedly rare) occasions when I have the chance. :001_smile:

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A friend recently came into the Catholic Church. She was in a similar situation to yours. Her dh initially didn't want their children attending mass and he was opposed to her even considering converting. Eventually he started to let the kids go to mass but not Sunday school. Then he started coming on occasion too. One of their children has converted and the other kids (too young to convert) are now in Sunday school. Her dh comes once in a while to mass. I don't think he is at the point of starting RCIA or anything, but he is now not opposed to the rest of the family being part of the Catholic Church.

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I didn't realize we wouldn't be allowed to take Communion. That shows how ignorant I am about the Catholic faith.


Thank you all so much for the pm's and the encouraging words. Though I would love for all of us to go for the experience, we won't because of the Communion rule. I truly had no idea.

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Thank you all!! I did love it and my two older dc have expressed that they loved it too!


I don't know what the future will bring as my dh is so against it for reasons he doesn't he even tell me. No bashing, but I think he's just being spiritually immature and really has no clue when it comes to these things.


I do hope to go back next Sunday. I don't know if I should continue going though if dh doesn't want to go there. Any thoughts on this?


I haven't read any of the other responses, but I'm glad your experience was a good one.


I was born and raised Catholic, and educated in Catholic schools. After a 20+ year absence, I attended Mass for the first time with the kids in September 2010. They loved it -- I loved being there. I knew they would love it b/c kids typically love ceremony -- I loved it b/c it felt so good to be back -- yes, like being back home. The kids and I continued to attend Mass (during the week and on Saturdays or Sundays). DH would sometimes come to Mass with us and other times he attended the Presbyterian Church where we have been members. The kids and I were clear that we were going to continue attending Mass -- dh began attending with us -- he says he will never become RC -- I haven't asked so I don't know why he bothers to make the statement. It is not important to me that he become Catholic. The kids are entering the RCIC program as they want to become Catholic.


All that to say I am glad your experience was a positive one. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't feel it's okay to go back next week.....by all means go.

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I didn't realize we wouldn't be allowed to take Communion. That shows how ignorant I am about the Catholic faith.


Thank you all so much for the pm's and the encouraging words. Though I would love for all of us to go for the experience, we won't because of the Communion rule. I truly had no idea.


It's not an Us against Them, type rule, really.


It's because Catholic believe that communion is The Actual Body and Blood (The Real Presence), and taking it without spiritual preparation is not a good thing. So it's not that they want to keep people separate, it's that they want to make sure you are ready. It's actually a very loving thing, to not let people eat and drink judgment against themselves.


Here's a great link as to why from Catholic.com


Another reason that many non-Catholics may not ordinarily receive Communion is for their own protection, since many reject the doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Scripture warns that it is very dangerous for one not believing in the Real Presence to receive Communion: "For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died" (1 Cor. 11:29–30).
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It's not an Us against Them, type rule, really.


It's because Catholic believe that communion is The Actual Body and Blood (The Real Presence), and taking it without preparation is not a good thing. So it's not that they want to keep people separate, it's that they want to make sure you are ready. It's actually a very loving thing, to not let people eat and drink judgment against themselves.


Thanks, justamouse, for your explanation. That's one belief I was aware of (actual body and blood). I just didn't know it meant that a non-Catholic wouldn't be able to take communion in a Catholic service. It's really okay. I don't have any hard feelings, lol. I do respect the belief.

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:


Don't worry about offending anyone - it's open for those who are devout, those who are just there, and for those who are curious. :) If you'd feel more comfortable blending in with other visitors, you can go to a basilica or cathedral where there are many who are visiting just to see the architecture, paintings, or whatever. The churches are open to everyone. :)


Rainbow Sprinkes, I'm so glad you and your daughter enjoyed the Mass. :)

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Thanks, justamouse, for your explanation. That's one belief I was aware of (actual body and blood). I just didn't know it meant that a non-Catholic wouldn't be able to take communion in a Catholic service. It's really okay. I don't have any hard feelings, lol. I do respect the belief.


If you're worried about looking out of place by not taking Communion, don't be. There are lots of people at a Catholic Mass that don't receive Communion. My Dad isn't Catholic but he always goes to Mass with us. He just sits in the pew while we go up.

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If you're worried about looking out of place by not taking Communion, don't be. There are lots of people at a Catholic Mass that don't receive Communion. My Dad isn't Catholic but he always goes to Mass with us. He just sits in the pew while we go up.


No, it's not that. All three of my children have accepted Christ as their savior and take communion in our church. They would not understand being forbidden to do it. Perhaps we'll revisit it when all of them are older and better able to understand the reasoning.

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:


If you want to go. Just go. That's what we did :D You won't offend anyone.

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Thank you all!! I did love it and my two older dc have expressed that they loved it too!


I don't know what the future will bring as my dh is so against it for reasons he doesn't he even tell me. No bashing, but I think he's just being spiritually immature and really has no clue when it comes to these things.


I do hope to go back next Sunday. I don't know if I should continue going though if dh doesn't want to go there. Any thoughts on this?


Just go :) Maybe in time and by your example he will come along one day with you guys.

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No, it's not that. All three of my children have accepted Christ as their savior and take communion in our church. They would not understand being forbidden to do it. Perhaps we'll revisit it when all of them are older and better able to understand the reasoning.

All of my children had come from backgrounds where we took communion at will. In fact at one church we were on staff at they served it with dh and I. When we came to the Orthodox church they did not even bat an eye. I explained about the difference in views and we were there to learn, experience and watch. They did not take communion for 1 yr, and it was never an issue.


I was pretty surprised at how well they took it. If you guys are curious, treat it like a sacred field trip. Learning is good. ;)

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No, it's not that. All three of my children have accepted Christ as their savior and take communion in our church. They would not understand being forbidden to do it. Perhaps we'll revisit it when all of them are older and better able to understand the reasoning.

There are non-Catholic churches which also do not allow non-church members to participate in communion. My mil apparently believed that; she would never receive when she visited our church, even though communion was open to everyone.


All you'd need to do would be to explain that to your dc: some churches only allow their members to receive communion. No big deal. :-)

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All of my children had come from backgrounds where we took communion at will. In fact at one church we were on staff at they served it with dh and I. When we came to the Orthodox church they did not even bat an eye. I explained about the difference in views and we were there to learn, experience and watch. They did not take communion for 1 yr, and it was never an issue.


I was pretty surprised at how well they took it. If you guys are curious, treat it like a sacred field trip. Learning is good. ;)


That's great that it worked out well for you all. I agree that learning is good. We aren't looking for a new church or perhaps I would feel like it was more important to go. We won't be going right now. Unless, of course, God leads us otherwise.


There are non-Catholic churches which also do not allow non-church members to participate in communion. My mil apparently believed that; she would never receive when she visited our church, even though communion was open to everyone.


All you'd need to do would be to explain that to your dc: some churches only allow their members to receive communion. No big deal. :-)


I've never been to a church that required membership to participate in communion. I am just going to keep it respectful here and not get into another religion debate and say that, to us, it IS a big deal.


Sorry to hijack your thread, RainbowSprinkles! Blessings to your family. :grouphug:

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That's awesome. I would love to take my children to a Catholic service; I have never been to one. I have always been hesitant to go though because I wouldn't want to offend anyone by just going to see what it's like. Does that make sense? I just know it has to be beautiful, and I would love to experience it one time.


Anyway, glad you went and that it was wonderful. :001_smile:


That's great that it worked out well for you all. I agree that learning is good. We aren't looking for a new church or perhaps I would feel like it was more important to go. We won't be going right now. Unless, of course, God leads us otherwise.





Sorry to hijack your thread, RainbowSprinkles! Blessings to your family. :grouphug:


Sorry, Nakia. I must have gotten confused. I thought you did want to visit. My bad. ;)

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There are non-Catholic churches which also do not allow non-church members to participate in communion. My mil apparently believed that; she would never receive when she visited our church, even though communion was open to everyone.


All you'd need to do would be to explain that to your dc: some churches only allow their members to receive communion. No big deal. :-)


I agree. You would be amazed at what children understand. Don't underestimate them at all.


When we first attended our church we weren't Catholic at all ( though I was baptized Catholic as an infant). I told my girls that since we were not Catholic we weren't able to take Communion yet. But we could go up for a blessing. Actually my girls loved going up for a blessing , my two younger ones still look forward to it.

My 8 and 5yr old are not able to take Communion yet. But they go up for a blessing. They really are excited for the day when they can though.


My two oldest didn't understand at first but then I told them that we would have to go through classes and learn more about the Catholic faith first before receiving Communion. That its important that we understand why we take Communion first before we actually do it. That was good enough explanation for them.


If you have children that ask lots of questions at a young age that's all you need to really tell them. That we would have to learn more first before we can take Communion. Really there's nothing wrong with them either not going up , or receiving a blessing from the priest instead(by crossing their arms).


But please don't not go because of not being able to do this right now, or you think they are to young to understand. They are not to young. and most kids don't mind anyways. I think its the adults that do ;)

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Another reason that many non-Catholics may not ordinarily receive Communion is for their own protection, since many reject the doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Scripture warns that it is very dangerous for one not believing in the Real Presence to receive Communion: "For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died" (1 Cor. 11:29–30).


Oh, I haven't been looking at it that way! I so appreciate the inclusion of the scripture.

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Sorry, Nakia. I must have gotten confused. I thought you did want to visit. My bad. ;)


No, you weren't confused. Maybe you just missed a couple of posts. No biggie.


I do *want* to go. I've always wanted to attend a Catholic service. Someone posted that non-Catholics aren't allowed to receive communion, which I didn't know. So while I do want to go, and take the kids, to see what it is like, we won't be attending because of the communion rule (sorry, I don't know if "rule" is the right word, but it's all I can think of).

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No, you weren't confused. Maybe you just missed a couple of posts. No biggie.


I do *want* to go. I've always wanted to attend a Catholic service. Someone posted that non-Catholics aren't allowed to receive communion, which I didn't know. So while I do want to go, and take the kids, to see what it is like, we won't be attending because of the communion rule (sorry, I don't know if "rule" is the right word, but it's all I can think of).


Gotcha! I just thought it was because you were concerned the kids wouldn't understand. I see you have different concerns about the stance on communion. That's fine! :D

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Gotcha! I just thought it was because you were concerned the kids wouldn't understand. I see you have different concerns about the stance on communion. That's fine! :D



It is about the kids not understanding, and frankly, I don't understand either. It really is okay and not a big deal that we aren't going. Anyway, I hate that I've derailed the thread. I'm heading to bed. :001_smile:

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