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Poll: When do you defrost dinner

When do you defrost dinner?  

  1. 1. When do you defrost dinner?

    • The night before
    • In the morning
    • In the afternoon
    • At the last minute

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I answered Afternoon, but it really depends on a bunch of things--mainly, when I remember! Ideally, I would plan dinner ahead of time and place any meat in the fridge a full day (or more!) ahead of time. In reality, I usually think about it around noon, throw something on the counter and let it sit there until it's either defrosted, or I can beat the ice out of it enough to cook.


Really, who is that organized? No homeschool mom that I know!!

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I didn't vote, because I take everything out of the freezer at the beginning of the week. I make a menu for the week on Monday, then go pull my meat out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. I also never have to think about "what's for dinner," because it's already on my menu. It takes a few minutes on Monday, but really helps me the rest of the week.

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Usually I put things from the freezer to the fridge the night before. (Acctually the afternoon before because when I start supper at 4pm-ish I check the menu for the next night to see if I need to defrost or pre-prep anything.) I'd say I have a 80% success rate. :) The rest of the time I am frantically thawing it on the counter, in a water bath, or calling DH, "I just had a fabulous idea, let's have pancakes for supper!" :tongue_smilie:

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Am I the only one who goes to the grocery store pretty much every. single. day. and picks up whatever we've decided to have for dinner that day? If we have some sort of disaster and I'm stuck in the house, we won't be eating very well!!:lol:

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All of the above.


:D Me too. Except I won't do it at the last minute. If I take something out in the afternoon, I can waterbath it and have it done enough to cook. I hate the way the microwave defrosts. If I get to 6 pm and I didn't take anything out, I either cook something else, run to the market up the street for a roast chicken or cook something I can do from frozen (I've done taco meat and thin sliced meat for stir fry that way).

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:iagree: Same here, my freezer is stocked but with things like frozen veggies, fruit and a few precooked things or meals like lasagna etc.


I don't keep much in the freezer. I shop once a week for fresh food... I'll usually have *something* in the freezer for emergencies, but "defrosting" is not a regular occurrence here.
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I voted afternoon since that is usually when I remember, but really all of the above apply since with some things night before is a must (large roast), or the morning - I almost never do it last minute though, unless it's something fully cooked already and is really a thaw and re-heat, then I can pop it into the microwave and get 'er done by dinner.

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I didn't vote, because I take everything out of the freezer at the beginning of the week. I make a menu for the week on Monday, then go pull my meat out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. I also never have to think about "what's for dinner," because it's already on my menu. It takes a few minutes on Monday, but really helps me the rest of the week.




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I don't keep much in the freezer. I shop once a week for fresh food... I'll usually have *something* in the freezer for emergencies, but "defrosting" is not a regular occurrence here.


Same here. Now, if there were a "what time do you go to the grocery store for dinner food?" poll I could answer that one. I probably end up at the grocery store 4 or 5 times a week. I'd really like to cut that down...

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I don't keep much in the freezer. I shop once a week for fresh food... I'll usually have *something* in the freezer for emergencies, but "defrosting" is not a regular occurrence here.


Same here. I don't defrost dinner -- I cook it. Or slap it together, depending on the day. :lol:

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I needed a way to select them all. Some days I'm on the ball and do it the night before or the morning of and some days I don't know what I want to cook until it's time to do it.


This. I plan a week's meals at a time and make sure all the ingredients are in the fridge/freezer. Some things like a roast, I will take out the day before so that I can put it in the crockpot in the morning. Other things I'll take out in the morning, so they will be ready by evening. Then there are the days when it is 5:00 and I'm looking for my list of planned dinners and decide to forget it and thaw a pound of ground beef and just make spaghetti or tacos.:lol:

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