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Where do all the pencils go?

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When you find them please return ours as well. I sharpen at least a new pencil a day. I rant and rave about it twice a week.. Where are all the new pencils I just sharpened?? Why are the only pencils I can find 2 inches long with no eraser?? Where are the Christmas pencils I just bought you??


And then I keep sharpening...

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Yes, definitely partying with loose socks, one shoe from my dd's church pair, most of our hair scrunchies, and several single earrings.


And wherever they are, they are currently holding my vitamin C tablets hostage. I so don't want to have to make a Walmart run.

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#1 - It is a fact that puppies eat pencils

#2 - It is also a fact that the cat likes to swat pencils off of the desk and watch them fall. He has even been known to hook pencils out of the pencil cup.


Combine #1 & #2 - we have a cat throwing the pencils on the floor for the puppies to eat. Oy!

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Of course now I'm singing in my head.... "Where have all.... the pencils gone? Where are all... the paperclips?" (to the tune of "Where have all the flowers gone, of course.... but in my head it's the VeggieTales version... because it's late and I'm tired and I really just need to start Christmas break tomorrow for the sake of my ever fleeting sanity.)

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Goodness, by the end of the day I look like Medusa - but with pencils and pens instead of snakes!


My kids laugh because I swear I only have ONE pencil/pen I use throughout the day, but the reality is that before long there are anywhere from 4-5 pens and pencils I've stuck in my hair (theoretically, for quick access the next time I need a pencil!) LOL. Maybe I really DO have just one pencil, and all of Y'ALLS' pencils are showing up for the party in my bun?



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I feel your pain! We just had an argument about this, this morning because my dd was accusing everyone of stealing her pencil. Our pencil sharpening fiasco is even more of a problem though. We finally pulled out the good, old-fashioned, mount on the desk kind that's rusted and works better than the electric one we just bought. The gears stripped out the first time we used it for a week. It kept working so I didn't even think to empty the waste thingy, and it stripped out the gears. Expensive mistake, especially when we live over seas. Live and learn.

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Well, I found where all the erasers went...someone likes picking/chewing them off. Now people keep making the sharpeners disappear! I had one isolated in my purse...it's gone! The mini knife we used in emergencies...gone! I only have two good knives and I have to use one for this :( until dh gets home so I can buy another pencil sharpener....ack!


And ironically, Where Have All The Flowers Gone started playing on my playlist while I was typing this :lol:

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And don't forget the bobby pins. One day, I'll find a giant stash of pencils, bobby pins, hair elastics, and Sharpies. And my favorite pens; you know, the ones that I threaten my kids and dh with bodily harm if they touch them. They still manage to disapparate.

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In our house, it's gold toe dress socks, pencils, hair elastics and post-its. I've taken to buying them in super bulk and keeping a stash hidden in the house (dress socks for emergencies, elastics in my drawer, and pencils and post-its hidden with my really good chocolate.


Yes, I'm the weird lady buying eight dozen pencils at a time in line in front of you at Target....

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Yes, I'm the weird lady buying eight dozen pencils at a time in line in front of you at Target....


:lol: That was me, this morning. I stocked up on some of the pen types mentioned in the other threads. I also found liquid graphite pencils. There were only 2 in the pack. I'm sure they'll be gone by tomorrow. ;)

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