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How long do you spend at someone else's home on holidays like Thanksgiving?

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For example, if someone else is hosting the dinner--close family, say, and within a reasonable driving distance--and you're the guests, how long do you typically stay and hang out, eat, etc.? Would 8 hours be normal? Excessive? The tip of the iceberg?


Just trying to figure out whether someone's expectations are reasonable or they are unnecessarily huffy :tongue_smilie:


ETA: To clarify, I'm thinking of YOUR comfort level, as the guest. At what point do you feel like you want to go back to your own home?

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6-8 hours, depending on how long the meal takes and whether we've got something fun to do together. Then I'm ready to be in my own space.


Today, my family started arriving around noon and everyone left around 8 or so. ETA: As the host, I'd have been happy for them to stay longer. But we've still got some younger kids to get home for bed. Staying past bedtime usually results in overtired kids.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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We had an early afternoon meal with family. Chatting was followed by a leisurely meal than a beach walk. We were with with our hosts for about four hours.


That said, I know my sister spent eight hours or so at her daughter's home. The meal there was preceded by a football game. There are some sports nuts in that group who make Thanksgiving dinner a full day event.

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This year we were at my cousin's house - she'd invited about 25 people total, with about 8 of those being children under 10. We came at 11am, ate around 1, and left about 8pm. About half the people there left when we did, but I think those remaining stayed a good bit longer, since someone had just turned on a football game, and I am sure the party continued until that was over.


That being said, DH and I both get worn out and wouldn't mind a shorter day. But we also don't see all these folks that much (people were in from different states) and so we want to make the most of it when we get together. It was really a fun day, even though we were exhausted by the end.


When we have a smaller group at our house, with just my parents and in-laws (who all live in our town), it is usually a 4-6 hour gathering. Having more people (and especially more children) there makes the day more fun for everyone, and therefore last longer (like it did at my cousin's).


So I'm curious - what are the expectations of the huffy person? We are visiting from out of town (2 hrs away) but we stayed in a hotel Wed and Thurs nights, so we are freer with our time. Although I think if we had driven back and forth on Thanksgiving day, we still would have felt like we should stay at least 8 hrs or so. Mainly because my cousin went to SO much work to bring everyone together, and when people start to leave a party, sometimes that causes the collapse of the party as others then start to leave also, you know?

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It really depends on the relationship for us. When my mom was alive, we'd spend all day. She'd rock the babies to sleep or go lie down with them in the back bedroom to get them settled, and then we'd have tea or walk around the garden. All day.


Yesterday we visited my dad and his new wife. 1.5 - 2 hours, I think. Their house isn't kid-friendly, and I want to get my dc out of the way before they get loud and rowdy.

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We went to a close friend's house. We were there about 5 hours. It felt about right, but she and I are both introverts so I think we were both needing a little quiet alone time by then.


With family who lives in the area it's often shorter, but we see them very often. We had "Thanksgiving" early in November with family and it was about 2 hours.

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As a guest, it would really depend on where I was, and who was there. Kids mean that we'd need to leave at the latest by 9. (And that's pushing it). I think an average of six hours, assuming all is going well is probably about usual for my family. If things aren't going well, an escape is sought within 90 minutes of finishing the meal.

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We arrived at FIL's house at noon and left around 1:30. When the kids are older and don't require a nap after lunch, we can stay longer. We used to stay until dinner time and play board games after all the extended family left. If we are at extended family homes, DH tries to get out as quick as possible.


We were also kidnapping my 16yo BIL to help with yardwork and getting Christmas lights on the house, and they wanted to get started on that while the weather was still nice (65 degrees here!).

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We had Thanksgiving had a friends' house. (Just our 2 families) We got there at 2:30 and left around 6:30. We ate dinner, the kids played outside, we all watched part of the new Cars movie, and then we had dessert. We helped clean up and headed for home. It was a great day!!


Any longer would have been too long... (so 4 hours is my vote!)

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Thank you all, I really appreciate the perspective!


So I'm curious - what are the expectations of the huffy person? We are visiting from out of town (2 hrs away) but we stayed in a hotel Wed and Thurs nights, so we are freer with our time. Although I think if we had driven back and forth on Thanksgiving day, we still would have felt like we should stay at least 8 hrs or so. Mainly because my cousin went to SO much work to bring everyone together, and when people start to leave a party, sometimes that causes the collapse of the party as others then start to leave also, you know?


Well, I am the huffy person, and I came from a family that's more like "4 hours and OUT!" if you know what I mean. After thinking about it more, though, I think I'm huffy because I asked several times if we could leave a little bit earlier than we might normally because DD6 had forgotten her wooby blanket (for the first time ever), and a long, late drive home without it might be very difficult for all of us AND because I offered to drive home so DH could drink and didn't want to be driving a route that makes me very nervous anyway when I was tired and not focusing very well, and I appear to have been brushed off repeatedly :glare: We left the house at 1:30-ish and got home at 11:30. It was an 8-hour visit, and I was not particularly comfortable with driving that late :(


I've been wondering about this for a long time though, because of the disparity in how long our families tend to visit in general. I'll give more grace (and maybe take separate cars!) in the future :001_smile:

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Thank you all, I really appreciate the perspective!




Well, I am the huffy person, and I came from a family that's more like "4 hours and OUT!" if you know what I mean. After thinking about it more, though, I think I'm huffy because I asked several times if we could leave a little bit earlier than we might normally because DD6 had forgotten her wooby blanket (for the first time ever), and a long, late drive home without it might be very difficult for all of us AND because I offered to drive home so DH could drink and didn't want to be driving a route that makes me very nervous anyway when I was tired and not focusing very well, and I appear to have been brushed off repeatedly :glare: We left the house at 1:30-ish and got home at 11:30. It was an 8-hour visit, and I was not particularly comfortable with driving that late :(


I've been wondering about this for a long time though, because of the disparity in how long our families tend to visit in general. I'll give more grace (and maybe take separate cars!) in the future :001_smile:


FWIW - 8 Hours is a long visit anywhere and I would have been 'huffy' too. ;)

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