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So who would your kids be?

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Percy Jackson. He lights up around water, and he has an ongoing feud with Zeus. More than once he has made some snide comment about Zeus and lightning has struck. Once it struck a tree right outside our house right after one of those comments. We opened the door, stood on the porch, and smelled the burning pine. Yup, Percy.

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DS-Bear Grylls. That kid is up for anything, wants to do everything, the scarier and dirtier the better. The kid who was the pickiest eater ever has overcome that in the past year and wants to try everything DH eats, the spicier and grosser the better. He loves physical activity, running, biking, hiking, climbing, swimming, anything to push his body to the limit. Yup, definitely Man vs. Wild.


DD6-Pippi Longstocking. Always curious, always coming up with crazy games and ideas, getting into trouble, fun, adventurous, devious.


DD4-Eloise. Curious, getting into trouble, thinks she's the greatest, wants to wear dresses every day and dress up fancy, but super loving and sweet and always wants to give hugs and help others.

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I often tell people my kids are just like Max & Ruby, from the TV show. Dd, like Ruby, is always telling ds what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. He , like Max, loves her anyways. :001_smile:


We've made this observation about our neighbor kids, too.


If they were fictional characters?


No doubt about it, I've got a Hermione, a Luna and Fred and George. Right down to the identical obnoxious part.


Oldest son......without a doubt, the Godfather.


Funny that your kids are like HP characters. A few weeks ago ds2 wanted to know which HP character I thought he was most like. I took awhile and then told him I was still trying to decide. He asked, "Between Harry and Ron?" My reply: "No, between Fred and George!" :lol:


Ds1 used to be like Percy Weasley--quite a stickler for rules. I used to call the boys Law and Order because ds1 was so rules oriented and ds2 was very tidy. Was. They boys reminded me most of Michael and Norman in The Plant That Ate Dirty Socks.


Dd is definitely Ramona Quimby.

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DD - Hermione Granger, hands down.


Ds #1 - Ron Weasley - smart (doesn't feel like it though), loyal, a bit pouty


Ds #2 - Crocodile Dundee - yep, the budding herpetologist with no great love for modern society, the ultimate camper, the one that thinks he'll earn money for grad school by harvesting venom from poisonous snakes and spiders for medical research facilities! Oh yes, his sense of adventure, along with self-confidence, will likely me make very grey, very young!


DS #3 - Sherlock Holmes or Mr. Spock of Star Trek. Everything is logical, or illogical. No grey area for this child. People, in general, annoy him...they are just too illogical. The universe is one great big math equation, so just sit down, do your work, and solve the problem at hand people! :lol:



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Oldest is definitely a Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) -- if I imagine what Calvin might be like at 12. I've also got an Eloise and a Little Bear (Else Minarik). Don't know about the toddler yet. I figure she's just GOT to be a sweet, happy, easy little thing, though. I've got it coming!

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