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we may be without power for a week.....

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my battery on my laptop is at 20%..... so it will be dead soon.... and my phone isn't fully charged. I will charge it if I go to my brothers for a shower, but since I can't reach him, I'm guessing he's without power, too. He will get his power sooner as he's in a populated city in NH.


So.... I will "see" you all around here in a week, maybe less, and I will enjoy a peaceful week with little to do other than school.


Almost 2 feet of snow (21 inches, well above 2 ft from drifts!) and temps in the 50's this week.


I just wish I hadn't packed my freezers this week. It will be too warm to keep the food frozen.:glare:

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Estimates here are that the "majority" of our county will be out well into the week. We were among the very last back on from Irene so I expect it will be the same now. We are definitely buying a generator once we get back home. We're staying with my mother since she is in a more populated area and has power.


We also just did a big shopping trip. Lots of large cuts of meat, frozen foods. We hauled it all over to my mothers. Thankfully she has a full size spare freezer.

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I agree w/ Unsinkable. A generator might be worth it.

For the phone/computer, I'd say put them on the car charger when you are driving. SO worth it.

And if you get power b/f the temps hit about 40, if you do NOT open the freezer at all, you CAN keep much of it safely as it will not start to thaw very quickly. (done this one myself, and kept 90% of the contents as they were still 75%+ frozen, usually the middle section where there's not a bit of room for warm air molecules! and it was about 48-50hrs)

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Estimates here are that the "majority" of our county will be out well into the week. We were among the very last back on from Irene so I expect it will be the same now. We are definitely buying a generator once we get back home. We're staying with my mother since she is in a more populated area and has power.


We also just did a big shopping trip. Lots of large cuts of meat, frozen foods. We hauled it all over to my mothers. Thankfully she has a full size spare freezer.


That is fortuitous!

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batteries. The power outlets through out the store are likewise in use by fellow squatters. At least we have heat and latte. Thumbs up to B&N for accommodating us willingly.


Our neighborhood looks like a war zone, a very picturesque war zone. Many, many fallen branches, cracked tree trunks, icy roads, and downed power lines.

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my battery on my laptop is at 20%..... so it will be dead soon.... and my phone isn't fully charged. I will charge it if I go to my brothers for a shower, but since I can't reach him, I'm guessing he's without power, too. He will get his power sooner as he's in a populated city in NH.


So.... I will "see" you all around here in a week, maybe less, and I will enjoy a peaceful week with little to do other than school.


Almost 2 feet of snow (21 inches, well above 2 ft from drifts!) and temps in the 50's this week.


I just wish I hadn't packed my freezers this week. It will be too warm to keep the food frozen.:glare:


do you have a car-charger for your phone?


you can use snow to fill around items in your freezer to help them stay cold. (especially helpful if you have a drain at the bottom and can just keep replacing snow while draining excess water)


also, check your homeowner's policy about replacing lost food in your freezer due to power outages.


good luck this week. we've done seven + days without power. not fun.

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I'm amazed we have power, I was watching sparks dance on the wires last night as the branches bent them down.


Dh and a friend were out cutting a tree last night that had fallen from our property across a neighbors driveway.


It's gorgeous now, blue sky, white snow and trees down everywhere. most of our town has no power.

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Can you bury some frozen items in the snow? :001_smile:


That probably wouldn't work for too long. It was nice and warm here today (mid 40s), so I'm guessing it was warmer wherever Denise lives. Like she OP, it is supposed to be in the 50s this week. But so long as she keeps her freezer closed, it should stay nice and cold for a few days.


The southern part of the state always gets hit harder than we do up here. We didn't lose power and only ended up with 2-3 inches which mostly all melted today. However, we get the colder temps...

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I think it's time to consider a back-up generator. They are not that expensive and you could at least run a frig/freezer and space heater.


:iagree: Denise, you really need some backup generators, for the house and for the farmyard, too. The peace of mind, alone, is worth the investment to me.

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WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! POWER IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party: :party: :party:


I took a shower, vacuumed, and now I've got a TON of cooking and baking to do before my food goes bad! I have much food buried in the snow, and we also have a Rubbermaid container filled of meats and other items my dogs would like. It's got a lid on it, buried in the snow, with rocks and wood on top.:lol:


We'll roast our pumpkin seeds and spaghetti squash, I'm making curried apple and pumpkin soup, chunky applesauce, apple crisp. NONE of our meats or anything else in the freezer even STARTED to defrost when dh put them out in the snow last night. Just now I got ice cubes out of the freezer upstairs, not the large one, and everything is solidly frozen!


We do have a generator. The last time we used it it had started to sputter so dh had taken some things apart to prepare it for winter when we got SLAMMED. This was SO unexpected. Last time I checked we were supposed to get 5 - 10 inches. We got 22. We weren't even prepared with food or water, but I have a fully stocked freezer and pantry, and we can use our gas stove to cook on, plus the grill. We always keep about 20 gallons of water in the basement, so we had water to flush toilets but no drinking water. Thankfully, dh DID fill the water trough for the animals. We placed buckets around the barn and house to get all the run-off for the animals, and we can drive a couple of miles to a freshwater spicket, one many people use normally if they don't have a well, or if they have bad well water. We have had to water the barn animals in this manner before, and if we lose power during the deep freeze of winter, poor dh has to use a blow torch to defrost our water pump in the barn. It happens at least once per year that he has to defrost our well pump. Yes, we have a light box around it.


We've been in our house for 15 years now. This time when we lost power I decided that it is finally time to make the financial investment of a whole house generator. We won't do it this year, but we need to start to check into it and start to save for it. Once the power shuts off, the generator will automatically turn on. Life would continue on as normal. It would be GREAT if this could also run the well pump in the barn.


I love that we have a wood stove for heat and a gas stove for cooking. We always have a hefty supply of candles, batteries and flashlights. We actually like power outages..... but usually know when to plan for them!


I'm just SO HAPPY to be clean and have my area rugs vacuumed!!!




My good friend told me that her grandfather's nursing home is calling around to try to get everyone placed. They have back-up generators but there's not enough heat to keep everyone warm. Thankfully it's in the mid 50's today. I hope everyone's power will be restored within a few days, but we were told to expect a week with now power. Last time this happened, people were flocking to Walmart just to buy clean underwear!:lol:


Imp, I was going to call you today to make sure someone let me know if you had your baby. I'm so glad to be back on line!


One more post to answer, then I've got a TON of work to do!

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Power still down here. I'm picking up wifi while out running errands. No running water, flushing toilets:001_huh:, thank goodness for wood stove for heat and cooking. What a celebration last night when I realized there was enough battery left on the laptop to watch a Little House on th Prairie DVD.


I really need a shower.


Good times:001_smile:


Edited by Momto5girls
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Power still down here. I'm picking up wifi while out running errands. No running water, flushing toilets:001_huh:, thank goodness for wood stove for heat and cooking. What a celebration last night when I realized there was enough battery left on the laptop to watch a Little House on th Prairie DVD.


I really need a shower.


Good times:001_smile:



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Hopefully it will be back SOON, but we were told to prepare for a week. :glare:

Glad you're back!


thanks! I was wondering if you were posting updates!:D

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