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October Crafters Update

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I haven't done any craft this month. I have been too buisy studying :001_unsure:


Well studying is a good thing to do. Still, being in the time zone you are, you still have more than 24 hours before this month is finished. :D But maybe you should be studying. :tongue_smilie:



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Well studying is a good thing to do. Still, being in the time zone you are, you still have more than 24 hours before this month is finished. :D But maybe you should be studying. :tongue_smilie:



Yes! have 2 big assignments due by the 5th. I haven't even looked at one yet, just finishing the other. I am going to drop back to part time study for a while. It is too hard on the family.

I would rather sew any day.

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Here are my October crafts. The owl was a present for new baby girl born to a friend a few weeks ago, and the monster is for the little boy or a friend who is turning one next week. He's having a monster birthday party, so I couldn't resist.


November is the month for starting Christmas presents. I was planning on making a monster hat for my little guy for Christmas, but judging by how much he disliked modeling the one I already made, I'm afraid I may be wasting my time. :tongue_smilie:









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Here is a rainbow twirly dress I made for DD's 3rd birthday. It isn't until March but my niece-3, has a twirly dress and wears it all day, everyday and DD wanted one so I made hers early.



Here is the start of my Christmas sewing. This is for DD-2. Its 2 nightgowns, 3 diapers, a blankey and a diaper bag to put it all in.




I am going to copy someone else's idea of something you want, need, wear, read. This will be DD's want since she is too little to actually "want" something and she loves her dolly.

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I LOVE your tree! SO pretty!


I'm working on knitting a dress for dd American Girls doll. The project was put on hold for a while due to waiting to order yarn. It just got here, and now I need to get back to it. I did sew her a nightgown a couple of months ago, so I'll also post that when I finish the knitting...

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I've been doing the quilted placemats/napkins "Sew Along" with Sew, Mama, Sew. The napkins are done (there's 4) but I still need to quilt the placemat tops & bind the placemats (1 pictured in photo). Here's the photos: Click here and here.


For some reason, I couldn't copy/paste the photos directly into my reply, hence the links. :glare:




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I love the rainbow, twirly dress! So cute! And I am so jealous of the knitters! That always seems like such a fantastic crafting skill to have.


I've been working on my vintage holiday dress, but its not finished yet. I may have to bump up this thread in a week or so when it is done. I'm using the 1960s pattern linked although I'm modernizing it a bit by using a menswear pinstripe and shortening the hem length as well as adding a contrasting silk belt.



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I apparently didn't take any pics of my knitting this month. Not sure that I finished any knitting projects, but am working on several.


I did make this leather journal for the boy I babysat full-time from 6 weeks until he was 5. He turned 21 on Saturday. We drove back to my hometown and took him out for lunch. He was expecting a knit hat, I think...was surprised that I had made a book. He really liked it. He asked dd to do a drawing on the first page for him. :)







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Love the tree, Rosie! The fabrics on those napkins and placemats are wonderful. I may have to make some of those myself. :) The hats and twirly dress are adorable too!


The clementines aren't exactly a craft, but this is as crafty as I get with drawing. ;) The boys loved them! The hat was a project for a friend - she gave me the yarn. I finally found cargo pants that fit DSnearly5 really nicely except for being too long, so I added plaid flannel to the inside so we could cuff them. I did 2 pair but only took a pic of one. And here is the finished back and started front of another sweater for him. I have a new pair of addi turbos to use on the sleeves, and then on a hat for *gasp* myself! My SIL gave me a lovely skein of yarn, and it's going to be for me for a change. Can't wait to try out the turbos though.









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Wow! Great work everyone! Rosie, I love the tree. Terri (BugsMom), the skull beads on the leather journal are a fun touch.


My picture is deceptive since I am reporting with several months worth of knitting. The green socks were started in June and finally finished in August! The vivid striped socks were an August/September project, a gift for my friend who is a Spanish teacher. My October knitting included the orange Jayne Cobb hat (from Firefly), a Christmas gift for my son (shhh!). The blue/brown hat is for a friend who is undergoing chemo for leukemia. :sad: And the purple is my latest sock project. They are on size one needles so they make take forever!


In November, I hope to start some mittens for a niece and sew a wallet for my son.

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And the purple is my latest sock project. They are on size one needles so they make take forever!


I usually knit my socks on 1's--lots of stitches! :D When I use a thicker yarn and size 2's they seem to fly off the needles.


Hey Rosie, I love your tree project--so elegant in its simplicity.


Here's my stuff. I have finally :hurray: finished the comfort shawl promised to Mrs Mungo ages ago. Just need to wash it and send it off. It went more slowly than I'd expected. The hat is for dd and exercised my limited crochet skills.

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You all have been busy making some lovely things. Alas, I haven't done any crafting this month. I've been busy doing holiday decluttering.


I love the owl and monster hats. Would like to make a twirly dress for my niece's 3-1/2 yo dd, and the quilted placemats for me. Actually I wouldn't mind several sets of those placemats for different seasons.

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I usually knit my socks on 1's--lots of stitches! :D When I use a thicker yarn and size 2's they seem to fly off the needles.


Hey Rosie, I love your tree project--so elegant in its simplicity.


Here's my stuff. I have finally :hurray: finished the comfort shawl promised to Mrs Mungo ages ago. Just need to wash it and send it off. It went more slowly than I'd expected. The hat is for dd and exercised my limited crochet skills.


How good of you to make a comfort shawl!


The other socks that I have knitted used 2's. Trust me, they did not fly off the needles although I am picking up speed and am probably no longer The World's Slowest Knitter.

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You all are so inspiring. I've been on hiatus since I finished my ds's vintage airplane quilt in September. I did, however, mend some biking shirts for a friend yesterday. Does that count? ;)


I don't know if it counts as craft, but when I think of the pile of mending I have in the corner of my room, I groan and send you kudos!


And no, Jane. I'm still the slowest knitter in the world. :tongue_smilie:


Great stuff, Gals!




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I've finished one container for Christmas - hodge podged two types of matching Christmas paper on to a Oatmeal container. Tied matching ribbon where the paper meets. I'll put 'white trash' in it to give at Christmas - we call it white trash - white bark covering pretzels, nuts, chex etc.


I'm working on finishing a scarf for me.


Have plans for making my DD a scarf. If I get both of these finished in plenty of time, I might make my MIL a scarf.


I've also been working on painting wooden gift tags.


Pinterest has given me so many new ideas that I think I'll burst.

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Here is a rainbow twirly dress I made for DD's 3rd birthday.


Oooooooh, I love that!! I made a patchwork swirly skirt for my daughter a couple of years ago, with her putting all the patches in the order she wanted them. Then she never wore it, claiming she didn't like patchwork anymore!! But, she did pull it out a few weeks ago, and she did wear it. She also got compliments about it. But she hasn't worn it since. I just think patchwork is so cute, and it's in fashion again right now.


I've been working on my vintage holiday dress,


I like that, too! Is it the number 1 or 2 dress?


The vivid striped socks were an August/September project, a gift for my friend who is a Spanish teacher.


I remember seeing these! Good job!


Rosie, I'm sorry I have no pics again, but I have been crafting. I just finished up a set of knit placemats - I knit squares using instructions from a book called Modular Knitting (and Jane, I meant to bring that book to show you, and I forgot) and sewed them together. Then I crocheted a border, and blanket stitched over the seams. Red and green for Christmas.


I'm also crocheting hats with flowers on them, beading Christmas ornaments, and crocheting flowers to use as pinned corsages. I'll sell these as two craft fairs in a few weeks.


And I have a list of Christmas gift ideas to get started on. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pics soon!

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