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My college boy brought me to tears today....

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My college boy posted this on my fb wall. I LOVE that boy. I hsed him all through school. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.



I tutored this little guy today...he was in Kindergarten...and I had a whole list of things that I was supposed to help him "master". Things like all these vocabulary words, some addition, tons of reading and spelling. It broke my heart t...o see this little guy, all tuckered out from school, try over and over again to give some number problems his best. I thought to myself that all this little boy wanted to do was go outside and play in the rain.

Thank you for letting play outside. Thank you for letting me experience things hands on and not coop me up inside a class room for eons of time.


And yes I am still up at 3 in the morning writing a paper.


Love ya mom smile.gif

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Thanks all. He's pretty special to me.


Ya know, for myself, reading that is better than reading all of the myriad posts here and elsewhere encouraging everyone when they're having a down day. What a wonderful son you've raised - a testament, no doubt, to his mom's wise decisions. :)


So sweet! I'm so glad you shared that!

This is why I posted it. He also called me a month ago after tutoring another child and thanked me for making him really work out the math problems and not just use a calculator.


I hope this encourages others. OH and trust me Jerin has heard some tales where I just knew I was going to blow a gasket trying to hs that child, wondering what in the world I was doing and how would we survive, but we did. And he is a great kid, he is compassionate and caring. He's working hard to figure out himself and exactly where he is going in life. I'm proud to say I am his mom.

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My college boy posted this on my fb wall. I LOVE that boy. I hsed him all through school. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.



I tutored this little guy today...he was in Kindergarten...and I had a whole list of things that I was supposed to help him "master". Things like all these vocabulary words, some addition, tons of reading and spelling. It broke my heart t...o see this little guy, all tuckered out from school, try over and over again to give some number problems his best. I thought to myself that all this little boy wanted to do was go outside and play in the rain.

Thank you for letting play outside. Thank you for letting me experience things hands on and not coop me up inside a class room for eons of time.


And yes I am still up at 3 in the morning writing a paper.


Love ya mom smile.gif

Thank you for sharing!


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Aww.... I'll have to be less uptight and let my kids play in the rain. I worry about messes too much.

Please do, Even with his kind words, it is what I regret most about my hsing years. I didn't just let them be when they where younger. I wished I had let them play more and not stressed as much about the book work.


I wished we had gone to the park,museums and just had fun MORE.


So enjoy your babies, life happens way to fast.

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My college boy posted this on my fb wall. I LOVE that boy. I hsed him all through school. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.



I tutored this little guy today...he was in Kindergarten...and I had a whole list of things that I was supposed to help him "master". Things like all these vocabulary words, some addition, tons of reading and spelling. It broke my heart t...o see this little guy, all tuckered out from school, try over and over again to give some number problems his best. I thought to myself that all this little boy wanted to do was go outside and play in the rain.

Thank you for letting play outside. Thank you for letting me experience things hands on and not coop me up inside a class room for eons of time.


And yes I am still up at 3 in the morning writing a paper.


Love ya mom smile.gif


He's an awesome kid.


I teach after school too, and all I ever think is the same thing. He's an awfully young man to be that aware-he's something special.

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He's an awesome kid.


I teach after school too, and all I ever think is the same thing. He's an awfully young man to be that aware-he's something special.


he has always been "old". And has had quite a few difficult life situations that grew him up fast.

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